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vos_move - Online in the Cloud

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vos_move - Moves a read/write volume to another site


vos move -id <volume name or ID>
-fromserver <machine name on source>
-frompartition <partition name on source>
-toserver <machine name on destination>
-topartition <partition name on destination>
[-live] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
[-verbose] [-encrypt] [-noresolve] [-help]

vos m -i <volume name or ID>
-froms <machine name on source>
-fromp <partition name on source>
-tos <machine name on destination>
-top <partition name on destination>
[-li] [-c <cell name>] [-noa]
[-lo] [-v] [-e] [-nor] [-h]


The vos move command moves the indicated read/write volume from its current site
(specified with the -fromserver and -frompartition arguments) to the destination site
(specified with the -toserver and -topartition arguments). This command automatically
removes the backup copy from the current site, if it exists. To create a new backup volume
at the destination site, use the vos backup command.

This command works on read/write volumes only. To move a read-only volume, use the vos
addsite and vos release commands to define a new read-only site and release the volume
contents to it, and then use the vos remove command to remove the previous read-only
volume's definition from the Volume Location Database (VLDB) and data from the partition.
To move a backup volume, use this command to move its read/write source and then issue the
vos backup command.

Before executing this command, the vos command interpreter initiates a check that the
destination partition contains enough space to house the volume being moved. If there is
not enough space, the move operation is not attempted and the following message appears:

vos: no space on target partition <dest_part> to move volume <volume>


Unless there is a compelling reason, do not interrupt a vos move command in progress.
Interrupting a move can result in one or more of the following inconsistent states:

· There are two versions of the volume, one at the source site and one at the
destination site. (If this happens, retain the version identified by the VLDB and use
the vos zap command to remove the other version.)

· The backup version of the volume is stranded at the old site. (If this happens, use
the vos zap command to remove it.)

· The volume is off-line. (If this happens, run the bos salvage command to bring it back
on line.)

If the Ctrl-C interrupt signal is pressed while a vos move operation is executing, the
following message warns of the consequences and requests confirmation of the kill signal:

SIGINT handler: vos move operation in progress
WARNING: may leave AFS storage and metadata in indeterminate state
enter second control-c to exit

To confirm termination of the operation, press Ctrl-C a second time; press any other key
to continue the operation.

Currently, the maximum quota for a volume is 2 terabytes (2^41 bytes). Note that this only
affects the volume's quota; a volume may grow much larger if the volume quota is disabled.
However, volumes over 2 terabytes in size may be impractical to move, and may have their
size incorrectly reported by some tools, such as fs_listquota(1).


-id <volume name or ID>
Specifies either the complete name or volume ID number of a read/write volume.

-fromserver <server name>
Identifies the file server machine where the volume currently resides. Provide the
machine's IP address or its host name (either fully qualified or using an unambiguous
abbreviation). For details, see vos(1).

-frompartition <partition name>
Names the partition where the volume currently resides. Provide the full partition
name (for, example, /vicepa) or one of the abbreviated forms described in vos(1).

-toserver <server name>
Identifies the file server machine to which to move the volume. Provide the machine's
IP address or its host name (either fully qualified or using an unambiguous
abbreviation). For details, see vos(1).

-topartition <partition name>
Names the partition to which to move the volume. Provide the full partition name (for,
example, /vicepa) or one of the abbreviated forms described in vos(1).

Avoids making a temporary copy of the volume during the move. This is useful if the
partition is full, but the administrator needs to move volumes to a another partition
or server to free up disk space. The caveat is that the volume is locked during the
entire operation instead of the short time that is needed to make the temporary clone.

-cell <cell name>
Names the cell in which to run the command. Do not combine this argument with the
-localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Assigns the unprivileged identity "anonymous" to the issuer. Do not combine this flag
with the -localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
file. The vos command interpreter presents it to the Volume Server and Volume Location
Server during mutual authentication. Do not combine this flag with the -cell argument
or -noauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Produces on the standard output stream a detailed trace of the command's execution. If
this argument is omitted, only warnings and error messages appear.

Encrypts the command so that the operation's results are not transmitted across the
network in clear text. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.11 or later
and 1.5.60 or later.

Shows all servers as IP addresses instead of the DNS name. This is very useful when
the server address is registered as or when dealing with multi-homed
servers. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.8 or later and 1.5.35 or

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The following example moves the volume "user.smith" from the /vicepb partition on the file
server machine "fs3.abc.com" to the /vicepg partition on the file server machine

% vos move -id user.smith -fromserver fs3.abc.com -frompartition b \
-toserver fs7.abc.com -topartition g


The issuer must be listed in the /etc/openafs/server/UserList file on the machines
specified with the -toserver and -fromserver arguments and on each database server
machine. If the -localauth flag is included, the issuer must instead be logged on to a
server machine as the local superuser "root".

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