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yodl2html - Online in the Cloud

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yodl2... - miscellaneous Yodl converters


yodl2... [OPTION]... FILE


This manual page describes the various shell scripts that convert documents in the Yodl
language to other formats. The basic converters are:

o yodl2html(1): converts to HTML, writes a file with the extension .html.

o yodl2man(1): converts to nroff `man’ format, writes .man. Can be further processed
with e.g. nroff -Tascii -man file.man.

o yodl2latex(1): converts to LaTeX output, writes .latex. Can be further processed
with, e.g., latex file.latex.

o yodl2txt(1): converts to plain ASCII, writes .txt. This is a very rudimentary
converter, a last-resort.

NOTE: Starting with Yodl version 3.00.0 Yodl’s default file inclusion behavior has
changed. The current working directory no longer remains fixed at the directory in which
Yodl is called, but is volatile, changing to the directory in which a yodl-file is
located. This has the advantage that Yodl’s file inclusion behavior now matches the way
C’s #include directive operates; it has the disadvantage that it may break some current
documents. Conversion, however is simple but can be avoided altogether if the -L
(--legacy-include) option is used (see below).


The options are identical to those of the yodl(1) program.

Additionally, the following options are available:

o --no-warnings:
By default the converters call yodl(1) using the -w flag. The option --no-warnings
suppresses this flag.

o --intermediate=<filename>:
By default, files used for the communication between yodl and yodlpost are removed
following the conversion. The --intermediate=<filename> option may be provided to
retain these files, called <filename> and <filename>.idx.

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