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botch - bootstrap/build order tool chain


botch is a collection of tools to create and analyze dependency graphs. This task is
facilitated by a range of individual tools which use the deb822 and graphml formats to
exchange information with each other.

Also consider browsing the HTML based doc-base Manual at

The tools that botch ships allow one to:

analyze graphs
botch-calcportsmetric: calculate source package importance
botch-calculate-fas: calculate a feedback arc set
botch-find-fvs: calculate a feedback vertex set
botch-graph-difference: graph diff
botch-graph-info: show info about a buildgraph or sourcegraph
botch-partial-order: calculate the partial vertex order
botch-print-stats: find cycles, selfcycles, amount of cycles through edges, feedback
arc and vertex set, strong articulation points and bridges
botch-multiarch-interpreter-problem: find all arch:all packages that allow switching
transform Packages and Sources control files
botch-latest-version: only keep the latest version
botch-bin2src: convert binary packages to their source packages
botch-src2bin: turn source packages into their binary packages
botch-clean-repository: clean errors in a repository by removing transitively
uninstallable or compilable packages
botch-add-arch: add architecture to source packages
botch-convert-arch: convert the architecture of a Packages file
botch-remove-virtual-disjunctions: remove virtual dependency disjunctions
botch-optuniv: self contained repository with minimal number of source packages
botch-fix-cross-problems: fix Packages files with the output of botch-cross-problems
botch-filter-src-builds-for: filter a Sources file for the packages building for a
certain architecture
create graphs of different types
botch-create-graph: create graph based on installation sets, strong dependency sets or
dependency closures
botch-annotate-strong: add strong dependency information to a dependency graph
analysis of Packages and Sources control files
botch-packages-diff: create a diff between two Packages or Sources files
botch-ma-diff: diff two packages files for differences in their multiarch values
botch-apply-ma-diff: applies a multiarch diff as created by botch-ma-diff
botch-check-ma-same-versions: check if Multi-Arch:same versions are in sync
handling of botch-internal formats
botch-stat-html: turn the JSON output of botch-print-stats into human readable HTML
botch-droppable-diff: difference between two *.droppable files
botch-droppable-union: union of two *.droppable files
botch-checkfas: check which edges in the fas are not droppable
botch-fasofstats: extract feedback arc set from output of botch-print-stats
botch-download-pkgsrc: download Packages and Sources
dose3 wrappers
botch-dose2html: turn the yaml output by dose-builddebcheck into html
botch-buildcheck-more-problems: a tool like dose-builddebcheck but return more than
the first reason
botch-distcheck-more-problems: a tool like dose-distcheck but return more than the
first reason
set operations on Packages or Sources files
botch-packages-difference: calculate the asymmetric set difference
botch-packages-intersection: calculate the set intersection
botch-packages-union: calculate the set union
create build orders
botch-build-fixpoint: find build order until dependency cycles occur
botch-build-order-from-zero: find a build order for a non-existing architecture
botch-wanna-build-sortblockers: importance of source packages for ports
conversion of graphs
botch-buildgraph2srcgraph: converts a buildgraph into a srcgraph
botch-graphml2dot: converts graphml to dot
botch-collapse-srcgraph: make a srcgraph acyclic by collapsing its strongly connected
botch-profile-build-fvs: remove droppable dependencies from graph
botch-buildgraph2packages: convert buildgraph to packages
botch-graph-tred: find the transitive reduction of a graph in GraphML or dot format
botch-graph2text: for each vertex in a graph print a formatted line on standard output
shell scripts connecting the tools for meaningful operations
botch-cross: execute botch tools in the cross phase
botch-native: execute botch tools in the native phase
botch-transition: calculate a transition order
botch-y-u-no-bootstrap: Find out why Debian cannot be bootstrapped.
botch-y-u-b-d-transitive-essential: Find out why source packages are B-D transitive
extract regions from graphs
botch-graph-neighborhood: extract the neighborhood around a vertex
botch-extract-scc: extract all strongly connected components
botch-graph-ancestors: find all ancestors of a vertex in a graph in GraphML or dot
botch-graph-descendants: find all descendants of a vertex in a graph in GraphML or dot
botch-graph-shortest-path: find the shortest path(s) between two vertices of a graph
in GraphML or dot format
botch-graph-sinks: find all sinks (vertices without successors) in a graph in GraphML
or dot format
botch-graph-sources: find all sources (vertices without predecessors) in a graph in
GraphML or dot format

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