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targen - Online in the Cloud

Run targen in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command targen that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Generate - Generate Target deviceb test chart color values.


Generate Target deviceb test chart color values, Version 1.6.3


targen [options] outfile

-v [level]
Verbose mode [optional level 1..N]

-d col_comb
choose colorant combination from the following: 0: Print grey 1: Video grey 2:
Print RGB 3: Video RGB 4: CMYK 5: CMY 6: CMYK + Light CM 7: CMYK + Light CMK 8:
CMYK + Red + Blue 9: CMYK + Orange + Green 10: CMYK + Light CMK + Light Light K 11:
CMYK + Orange + Green + Light CM 12: CMYK + Light CM + Medium CM

-D colorant
Add or delete colorant from combination: (Use -?? to list known colorants)

-G Generate good optimized points rather than Fast

-e patches
White test patches (default 4)

-B patches
Black test patches (default 4 Grey/RGB, else 0)

-s steps
Single channel steps (default grey 50, color 0)

-g steps
Grey axis RGB or CMY steps (default 0)

-m steps
Multidimensional device space cube steps (default 0)

-b steps
Multidimensional body centered cubic steps (default 0)

-f patches
Add iterative & adaptive full spread patches to total (default grey 0, color 836)
Default is Optimised Farthest Point Sampling (OFPS)

-t Use incremental far point for full spread

-r Use device space random for full spread

-R Use perceptual space random for full spread

-q Use device space-filling quasi-random for full spread

-Q Use perceptual space-filling quasi-random for full spread

-i Use device space body centered cubic grid for full spread

-I Use perceptual space body centered cubic grid for full spread

-a angle
Simplex grid angle 0.0 - 0.5 for B.C.C. grid, default 0.333300

-A adaptation
Degree of adaptation of OFPS 0.0 - 1.0 (default 0.1, -c profile used 1.0)

-l ilimit
Total ink limit in % (default = none)

-p power
Optional power-like value applied to all device values.

-c profile
Optional device ICC or MPP pre-conditioning profile filename (Use "none" to turn
off any conditioning)

-N nemphasis
Degree of neutral axis patch concentration 0.0-1.0 (default 0.50)

-V demphasis
Degree of dark region patch concentration 1.0-4.0 (default 1.00 = none)

-F L,a,b,rad
Filter out samples outside Lab sphere.

-w Dump diagnostic outfilel.wrl file (Lab locations)

-W Dump diagnostic outfiled.wrl file (Device locations)

Base name for output(.ti1)

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