Crawl and download images using
Selenium Using python3 and PyQt5.
Supported Search Engine: Google, Bing,
Baidu. Keywords input from the keyboard
or input from ...
The Eclipse Tomcat Plugin provides
simple integration of a tomcat servlet
container for the development of java
web applications. You can join us for
WebTorrent Desktop is for streaming
torrents on Mac, Windows or Linux. It
connects to both BitTorrent and
WebTorrent peers. Now there's no
need to wait for...
GenX is a scientific program to refine
x-ray refelcetivity, neutron
reflectivity and surface x-ray
diffraction data using the differential
evolution algorithm....
PSPP is a program for statistical
analysis of sampled data. It is a free
replacement for the proprietary program
SPSS. PSPP has both text-based and
graphical us...
Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool
for managing Git repositories. It also
integrates with Windows Explorer and
Microsoft Visual Studio
(2015/2017/2019). Th...
98.css is a CSS library for building
interfaces that look like Windows 98.
This library relies on the usage of
semantic HTML. To make a button,
you'll need...
WoX or Windows omni-eXecutor is a free
and effective full-featured launcher
that allows you to be more productive.
With WoX you can access programs and web
Verwaltungsprogramm4 Schmiedehammer
(OpenFaktura) ist ein freies Projekt f�r
�sterreichische Metallbearbeiter Das
Projekt ist frei, ben�tigt aber
mindestens ei...
Capture2Text enables users to quickly
OCR a portion of the screen using a
keyboard shortcut. The resulting text
will be saved to the clipboard by
default. Supp...
A space to store classic OOo
dependencies that cannot be easily
redistributed in Apache OpenOffice's
Source tree. Initially this was meant
for copyleft tar...
Chart.js is a Javascript library that
allows designers and developers to draw
all kinds of charts using the HTML5
canvas element. Chart js offers a great
array ...
Cortina - a desktop wallpaper
management application for the GNOME
desktop DESCRIPTION: This manual page
documents briefly the cortina command.
Cortina complet...