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bup-margin - Online in the Cloud

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bup-margin - figure out your deduplication safety margin


bup margin [options...]


bup margin iterates through all objects in your bup repository, calculating the largest
number of prefix bits shared between any two entries. This number, n, identifies the
longest subset of SHA-1 you could use and still encounter a collision between your object

For example, one system that was tested had a collection of 11 million objects (70 GB),
and bup margin returned 45. That means a 46-bit hash would be sufficient to avoid all
collisions among that set of objects; each object in that repository could be uniquely
identified by its first 46 bits.

The number of bits needed seems to increase by about 1 or 2 for every doubling of the
number of objects. Since SHA-1 hashes have 160 bits, that leaves 115 bits of margin. Of
course, because SHA-1 hashes are essentially random, it's theoretically possible to use
many more bits with far fewer objects.

If you're paranoid about the possibility of SHA-1 collisions, you can monitor your
repository by running bup margin occasionally to see if you're getting dangerously close
to 160 bits.


Guess the offset into each index file where a particular object will appear, and
report the maximum deviation of the correct answer from the guess. This is
potentially useful for tuning an interpolation search algorithm.

don't use .midx files, use only .idx files. This is only really useful when used
with --predict.


$ bup margin
Reading indexes: 100.00% (1612581/1612581), done.
40 matching prefix bits
1.94 bits per doubling
120 bits (61.86 doublings) remaining
4.19338e+18 times larger is possible

Everyone on earth could have 625878182 data sets
like yours, all in one repository, and we would
expect 1 object collision.

$ bup margin --predict
PackIdxList: using 1 index.
Reading indexes: 100.00% (1612581/1612581), done.
915 of 1612581 (0.057%)

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