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comterp - distributed command interpreter demonstrator


comterp remote
comterp server "portnum"
comterp logger "portnum"
comterp client "host" "portnum" ["file"]
comterp telcat "host" "portnum" ["file"]
comterp run "file"
comterp "expr"


comterp demonstrates the command interpreter incorporated into ivtools. A user (or client
program) can interact with comterp via stdin and stdout or telnet (when ACE is built in).
The command syntax is a semi-colon separated list of commands with arbitrary number of
parameters enclosed in parenthesis, with support for optional parameters and keyword
arguments, i.e:

command2(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2);
command1(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2)

C-like binary expressions can be embedded anywhere in the command language, using the
operators in the table below. Variables can be created on the fly with an assignment
operator (i.e "ball=1" creates a integer "ball" variable set to 1). Unterminated
expressions cause an automatic command line extension (until the parser determines the
expression is complete). "(), "{}", and "[]" can all be used interchangeably.



Invoke a single command interpreter to interact with via stdin and stdout.

comterp remote

Invoke a single command interpreter, like the default, and include a remote command for
accessing other comterp's in server mode.

comterp server "portnum"

Listens for and accept connections on portnum, then setup a command interpreter to wait
for and process commands from that connection.

comterp logger "portnum"

Listens for and accept connections on portnum, then simply forward the incoming messages
to stdout, while ack'ing back with newlines. For debugging purposes, not really a use of
the interpreter.

comterp client "host" "portnum" ["file"]

Connect to a portnum on a host and send/receive new-line terminated text buffers. For
debugging purposes, not really a use of the interpreter.

comterp telcat "host" "portnum" ["file"]

Connect to a portnum on a host, cat the file, then close the connection. Not really a use
of the interpreter either.

comterp run "file"

Run contents of file then exit.

comterp "expr"

Evaluate single expression then exit.


Operators Command Name Priority Order Type
--------- ------------ -------- ----- ----
. dot 130 R-to-L binary
` bquote 125 R-to-L unary-prefix
! negate 110 R-to-L unary-prefix
~ bit_not 110 R-to-L unary-prefix
++ incr 110 R-to-L unary-prefix
++ incr_after 110 R-to-L unary-postfix
- minus 110 R-to-L unary-prefix
-- decr 110 R-to-L unary-prefix
-- decr_after 110 R-to-L unary-postfix
** repeat 90 L-to-R binary
.. iterate 80 L-to-R binary
% mod 70 L-to-R binary
* mpy 70 L-to-R binary
/ div 70 L-to-R binary
+ add 60 L-to-R binary
- sub 60 L-to-R binary
<< lshift 55 L-to-R binary
>> rshift 55 L-to-R binary
< lt 50 L-to-R binary
<= lt_or_eq 50 L-to-R binary
> gt 50 L-to-R binary
>= gt_or_eq 50 L-to-R binary
!= not_eq 45 L-to-R binary
== eq 45 L-to-R binary
& bit_and 44 L-to-R binary
^ bit_xor 43 L-to-R binary
| bit_or 42 L-to-R binary
&& and 41 L-to-R binary
|| or 40 L-to-R binary
, tuple 35 L-to-R binary
,, stream concat 33 L-to-R binary
$ stream 32 R-to-L unary-prefix
$$ list 32 R-to-L unary-prefix
%= mod_assign 30 R-to-L binary
*= mpy_assign 30 R-to-L binary
+= add_assign 30 R-to-L binary
-= sub_assign 30 R-to-L binary
/= div_assign 30 R-to-L binary
= assign 30 R-to-L binary
; seq 10 L-to-R binary


n=min(a b) -- return minimum of a and b

n=max(a b) -- return maximum of a and b

n=abs(a) -- return absolute value of a

dbl=exp(x) -- returns the value e raised to the power of x

dbl=log(x) -- returns the natural logarithm of x

dbl=log10(x) -- returns the base-10 logarithm of x

dbl=log2(x) -- returns the base-2 logarithm of x

dbl=pow(x y) -- returns the value of x raised to the power of y

dbl=acos(x) -- returns the arc cosine of x in radians

dbl=asin(x) -- returns the arc sine of x in radians

dbl=atan(x) -- returns the arc tangent of x in radians

dbl=atan2(y x) -- returns the arc tangent of y over x

dbl=cos(x) -- returns the cosine of x radians

dbl=sin(x) -- returns the sine of x radians

dbl=tan(x) -- returns the tangent of x radians

dbl=sqrt(x) -- returns square root of x

dbl=pi() -- returns the value of pi

dbl=radtodeg(dbl) -- convert radians to degrees

dbl=degtorad(dbl) -- convert degrees to radians

num=floor(num) -- return closest integer value less than or equal to argument

num=ceil(num) -- return closest integer value greater than or equal to argument

num=round(num) -- return closest integer value


point=xform(x,y a00,a01,a10,a11,a20,a21) -- affine transform of x,y coordinates

affine=invert(a00,a01,a10,a11,a20,a21) -- invert affine transform

matrix=xpose(matrix) -- transpose an arbitrary matrix

matrix=matrix*matrix -- matrix multiplication


sum(val1[,val2[,...,valn]]) -- return sum of values

mean(val1[,val2[,...,valn]]) -- return mean of values

var(val1[,val2[,...,valn]]) -- return variance of values

stddev(val1[,val2[,...,valn]]) -- return standard deviation of values

rand([minval,maxval]) -- return random number between 0 and 1 or minval,maxval

srand(seedval) -- seed random number generator


lst=list([olst|strm|val] :strmlst :attr :size n) -- create list, copy list, or convert

val=at(list|attrlist|str n :set val :ins val) -- return (or set or insert after) nth item
in a list or string

num=size(list|attrlist|str) -- return size of a list (or string)

val=index(list|str val|char|str :last :all :substr) -- return index of value (or char or
string) in list (or string), nil if not found.


val=next(stream) -- return next value from stream

strm=stream(ostrm|list|attrlist|val) -- copy stream or convert list

cnt=each(strm) -- traverse stream returning its length

comp=filter(comps classid) -- filter stream of comps for matching classid

CONTROL COMMANDS (using post evaluation):

val=cond(testexpr trueexpr falseexpr) -- evaluate testexpr, and if true, evaluate and
return trueexpr, otherwise evaluate and return falseexpr

val=if(testexpr :then expr :else expr) -- evaluate testexpr and execute the :then
expression if true, the :else expression if false.

val=for(initexpr whileexpr [nextexpr [bodyexpr]] :body expr) -- for loop

val=while([testexpr [bodyexpr]] :nilchk :until :body expr ) -- while loop

val=switch(val key-body-pairs) -- switch statement (:casen for pos., :case_n for neg.,
otherwise :symbol)

continue -- skip to next iteration of for or while loop

break([retval]) -- break out of for or while loop


help(cmdname [cmdname ...] :all :posteval) -- help for commands

val=trace([flag] :get) -- toggle or set trace mode

pause([msgstr]) -- pause script execution until C/R

step() -- toggle stepwise script execution

fileobj|pipeobj=open([filename [modestr]] :pipe :in :out :err) -- open file command

close(fileobj|pipeobj) -- close file command

[str]=print([fmtstr] [val [val1 [... valn]]] :string|:str :out :err :file fileobj|pipeobj
:prefix str) -- print value with optional format string

str=gets(fileobj|pipeobj) -- gets a new-line terminated string from a file

val=global(symbol)|global(symbol)=val|global(symbol :clear)|global(:cnt) -- make symbol

int|lst=symid(symbol [symbol ...] | :max) -- return integer id(s) associated with

sym|lst=symbol(symid [symid ...]) -- return symbol(s) associated with integer id(s)

val|lst=symval(symbol [symbol ...]) -- return value(s) associated with symbol

sym|lst=symadd(sym|str [sym|str ...]) -- create symbol(s) and return without lookup.

sym=symvar(sym) -- return symbol as-is

str=symstr(sym) -- return string version of symbol

n=strref(str|symid) -- return string reference count

lst=split(symbol|string :tokstr [delim] :tokval [delim] :keep :reverse) -- split symbol
or string into list of characters (or tokens).

str=join(clist :sym) -- join list of characters into string

str=substr(str n|str :after :nonil) -- extract characters from a string (:nonil returns
string if no match)

bool=eq(str1 str2 :n len) -- partial string comparison

bool=eq(sym1 sym2 :sym) -- symbol comparison

postfix(arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ... [argn]]]) -- echo unevaluated postfix arguments (with
[narg|nkey] after defined commands, {narg|nkey} after undefined commands, (narg) after
keys, and a * following post-evaluation commands)

parse(fileobj) -- parse a single expression from a file

arr=posteval(arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ... [argn]]]) -- post-evaluate every fixed argument (until
nil) and return array
sym=attrname(attribute) -- return name field of dotted pair
val=attrval(attribute) -- return value field of dotted pair
dotlst=dot(name) -- construct empty dotted pair list

quit() -- quit the interpreter

exit() -- exit entire application

empty() -- empty statement

val=run(filename :str :popen) -- run commands from file (or string)

val=remote(hoststr portnum cmdstr :nowait) -- remotely evaluate command string then
locally evaluate result string

val=eval(cmdstr|funcobj [cmdstr|funcobj ...] :symret ) -- evaluate string (or funcobj) as
commands, optionally return symbol instead of nil

funcobj=func(body :echo) -- encapsulate a body of commands into an executable object

val=shell(cmdstr) -- evaluate command in shell

usleep(msec) -- sleep microseconds

mute([flag]) -- set or toggle mute flag

nil([...]) -- accept any arguments and return nil

c=char(num :u) -- convert any numeric to a char

s=short(num :u) -- convert any numeric to a short

i=int(num :u) -- convert any numeric to an int

l=long(num :u) -- convert any numeric to a long

f=float(num) -- convert any numeric to a float

d=double(num) -- convert any numeric to a double

sym|lst=type(val [val ...]) -- return type symbol(s) for value(s)

sym|lst=class(val [val ...]) -- return class symbol(s) for value(s) of object type

int=ctoi(char) -- convert character to integer

flag=isspace(char) -- return true if character is whitespace

flag=isdigit(char) -- return true if character is a numeric digit

flag=isspace(char) -- return true if character is alphabetical

str=arg(n) -- return command line argument

n=narg(n) -- return number of command line arguments

num=nand(a b) -- bitwise NAND(negated AND)

num=nor(a b) -- bitwise NOR (negated OR)

num=xnor(a b) -- bitwise XNOR (negated XOR)


str=timeexpr(comstr :sec n) -- command string to execute at intervals

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