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fs_getclientaddrs - Online in the Cloud

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fs_getclientaddrs - Displays the client interfaces to register


fs getclientaddrs [-help]

fs gc [-h]

fs getcl [-h]


The fs getclientaddrs command displays the IP addresses of the interfaces that the local
Cache Manager registers with a File Server when first establishing a connection to it.

The File Server uses the addresses when it initiates a remote procedure call (RPC) to the
Cache Manager (as opposed to responding to an RPC sent by the Cache Manager). There are
two common circumstances in which the File Server initiates RPCs: when it breaks callbacks
and when it pings the client machine to verify that the Cache Manager is still accessible.

If an RPC to that interface fails, the File Server simultaneously sends RPCs to all of the
other interfaces in the list, to learn which of them are still available. Whichever
interface replies first is the one to which the File Server then sends pings and RPCs to
break callbacks.

fs_setclientaddrs(1) explains how the Cache Manager constructs the list automatically in
kernel memory as it initializes, and how to use that command to alter the kernel list
after initialization.


The File Server uses the list of interfaces displayed by this command only when selecting
an alternative interface after a failed attempt to break a callback or ping the Cache
Manager. When responding to the Cache Manager's request for file system data, the File
Server replies to the interface which the Cache Manager used when sending the request. If
the File Server's reply to a data request fails, the file server machine's network routing
configuration determines which alternate network routes to the client machine are
available for resending the reply.

The displayed list applies to all File Servers to which the Cache Manager connects in the
future. It is not practical to register different sets of addresses with different File
Servers, because it requires using the fs setclientaddrs command to change the list and
then rebooting each relevant File Server immediately.

The displayed list is not necessarily governing the behavior of a given File Server, if an
administrator has issued the fs setclientaddrs command since the Cache Manager first
contacted that File Server. It determines only which addresses the Cache Manager registers
when connecting to File Servers in the future.

The list of interfaces does not influence the Cache Manager's choice of interface when
establishing a connection to a File Server.


Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The output displays the IP address of each interface that the Cache Manager is currently
registering with File Server processes that it contacts, with one address per line. The
File Server initially uses the first address for breaking callbacks and pinging the Cache
Manager, but the ordering of the other interfaces is not meaningful.


The following example displays the two interfaces that the Cache Manager is registering
with File Servers.

% fs getclientaddrs



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