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FvwmSave - the FVWM desktop-layout saving module


FvwmSave is spawned by fvwm, so no command line invocation will work.


When called, this module will attempt to save your current desktop layout into a file
called new.xinitrc. Ideally, this file will look just like .xinitrc, but in reality, you
will have to edit it to get a usable configuration, so be sure to keep a backup of your
old .xinitrc.

Your applications must supply certain hints to the X window system. Emacs, for example,
does not, so FvwmSave can't get any information from it.

Also, FvwmSave assumes that certain command line options are globally accepted by
applications, which may not be the case.


The NoClutter program, and the concept for interfacing this module to the Window Manager,
are all original work by Robert Nation

Copyright 1994, Robert Nation. No guarantees or warranties or anything are provided or
implied in any way whatsoever. Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use this
program for any purpose is given, as long as the copyright is kept intact.


During initialization, NoClutter will eventually search a configuration file which
describes the time-outs and actions to take. The configuration file is the same file that
fvwm used during initialization.

If the NoClutter executable is linked to another name, ie ln -s NoClutter OtherClutter,
then another module called OtherClutter can be started, with a completely different
configuration than NoClutter, simply by changing the keyword NoClutter to OtherClutter.
This way multiple clutter-reduction programs can be used.


NoClutter can be invoked by inserting the line 'Module NoClutter' in the .fvwmrc file.
This can be placed on a line by itself, if NoClutter is to be spawned during fvwm's
initialization, or can be bound to a menu or mouse button or keystroke to invoke it later.
Fvwm will search directory specified in the ModulePath configuration option to attempt to
locate NoClutter.


NoClutter reads the same .fvwmrc file as fvwm reads when it starts up, and looks for lines
similar to "*NoClutter 3600 Iconify". The format of these lines is "*NoClutter [time]
[command]", where command is any fvwm built-in command, and time is the time in seconds
between when a window looses focus and when the command is executed. At most 3 actions can
be specified.

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