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gc-analyze-4.9 - Online in the Cloud

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gc-analyze - Analyze Garbage Collector (GC) memory dumps


gc-analyze [OPTION] ... [file]


gc-analyze prints an analysis of a GC memory dump to standard out.

The memory dumps may be created by calling "gnu.gcj.util.GCInfo.enumerate(String
namePrefix)" from java code. A memory dump will be created on an out of memory condition
if "gnu.gcj.util.GCInfo.setOOMDump(String namePrefix)" is called before the out of memory

Running this program will create two files: TestDump001 and TestDump001.bytes.

import gnu.gcj.util.*;
import java.util.*;

public class GCDumpTest
static public void main(String args[])
ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(1000);

for (int i = 1; i < 1500; i++) {
l.add("This is string #" + i);

The memory dump may then be displayed by running:

gc-analyze -v TestDump001


-v Verbose output.

-p tool-prefix
Prefix added to the names of the nm and readelf commands.

-d directory
Directory that contains the executable and shared libraries used when the dump was

Print a help message, then exit.

Print version information, then exit.

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