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id3ren - Reads and writes ID3 tags from mp3 files.


id3ren [-help] [-song=SONG_NAME] [-artist=ARTIST_NAME] [-album=ALBUM_NAME] [-year=YEAR]
[-genre={# | GENRE}] [-comment=COMMENT] [-track=TRACK] [-showgen] [-searchgen={# | GENRE}]
[-default=DEFAULT] [-copytagfrom=FILE [-copysong] [-copyartist] [-copyalbum] [-copyyear]
[-copygenre] [-copycomment] [-copytrack] [-copyall] ] [-quick] [-noalbum] [-nocomment]
[-noyear] [-nogenre] [-notrack] [-tag] [-edit] [-notagprompt | -showtag | -striptag |
-tagonly] [-nocfg] [-log] [-quiet] [-verbose] [-defcase | -lower | -upper]
[-remchar=CHARS] [-repchar=CHARS] [-space=STRING] [-tagfromfilename | -tagffn]
[-tagtemplate=TAGTEMPLATE] [-template=TEMPLATE] [FILE1 FILE2.. | WILDCARDS]


id3 Renamer
(C) Copyright 1998 by Robert Alto (badcrc@tscnet.com)
(C) Copyright 2001 Christophe Bothamy (cbothamy@free.fr)


id3ren is used to rename batches of mp3 files by reading the ID3 tag at the end of the
file which contains the song name, artist, album, year, and a comment. The secondary
function of id3ren is a tagger, which can create, modify, or remove ID3 tags.

Sets the album name to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
album name without prompting.

Sets the album name to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
album name without prompting.

Sets the artist name to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
artist name without prompting.

Sets the comment to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
comment without prompting.

Copies the album field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies all the fields from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies the artist field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies the comment field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies the genre field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies the song field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Sets the filename to copy tag field from.

Copies the track field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Copies the year field from the source file tag set by -copytagfrom

Use the default case of characters from the ID3 tag when renaming files. This is

Sets the default field to be used only when renaming if a field is blank. Useful
when renaming and creating "unknown" subdirectories.
Defaults to "unknown".

-edit If a file already has a tag and you want to change just one specific field of the
tag, use this option in conjunction with -tag and the option for the field you want
to change. For example to change just the album name of a file: id3ren -tag -edit
-album="New Album Name" sample.mp3
* This option is a toggle.

-genre=# | GENRE_NAME
Sets the genre to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this genre
without prompting. To see a list of allowable genres use the -showgen argument.
-genre accepts either the number of the genre as displayed with -showgen, or the
name of the genre.

-help Displays the help screen.

-log Log most output to id3ren.log.
* This option is a toggle.

-lower Convert file names to lowercase characters.

Don't prompt for the album when adding a tag.
* This option is a toggle.

-nocfg Don't try reading any config files, even if they exist.
* This option is a toggle.

Don't prompt for a comment when adding a tag.
* This option is a toggle.

Don't prompt for a genre when adding a tag.
* This option is a toggle.

Never prompt for tag information. Files without tags are skipped.
* This option is a toggle.

Don't prompt for the track number when adding a tag.
* This option is a toggle.

Don't prompt for the year when adding a tag.
* This option is a toggle.

-quick Automatically sets -noalbum, -nocomment, and -noyear.

-quiet Run quietly, displaying only errors or prompts.
* This option is a toggle.

CHARS indicates a string of characters that will be removed from the filename if

CHARS indicates a string of characters, EACH followed by the character to replace
it with. For example, to replace all plus '+' signs with a hyphen all '&' with
'_', you would use '-repchar +-&_'.

-searchgen=# | GENRE
Searches the list of genres and displays either the genre name corresponding to #,
or shows all substring matches of GENRE.

Displays all the music genres currently in the program.

Display the tags for the specified files. No renaming is performed.

Sets the song name to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
song name without prompting.

Change all spaces in the renamed file to STRING. To remove all spaces, use

Remove the tags for the specified files.
* This option is a toggle.

-tag Always ask for a tag, even if the file already has one.
* This option is a toggle.

-tagfromfilename, -tagffn
Use informations from the filename when tagging. See tagtemplate.
* This option is a toggle.

Don't rename any files, just ask for tag information. Note that -tagonly only asks
for tag information on files that don't have a tag already. To have it ask for a
tag on all files, use with -tag.
* This option is a toggle.

Use TEMPLATE as the basis for tagging files. The default template used is
'[%a]-[%s].mp3'. Identifiers that can be used in the template are:
%a - Artist name
%c - Comment
%s - Song name
%t - Album title
%n - Track Number
%y - Year
%g - Genre
%d - Dummy
It is a VERY good idea to have fixed separators between fields.

Use TEMPLATE as the basis for renaming files. The default template used is
'[%a]-[%s].mp3'. Identifiers that can be used in the template are:
%a - Artist name
%c - Comment
%s - Song name
%t - Album title
%n - Track Number
%y - Year
%g - Genre

Sets the track number to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this
track number without prompting. TRACK must be an integer between 1 and 99.

-upper Convert file names to uppercase characters.

Display more messages than usual.
* This option is a toggle.

Sets the year to use when tagging files. All files will be tagged with this year
without prompting.

And of course the program accepts wildcards for filenames.

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