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nzbget - Online in the Cloud

Run nzbget in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command nzbget that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nzbget - binary news file grabber


nzbget [switches]

-h, --help
Print this help-message

-v, --version
Print version and exit

-c, --configfile <file>
Filename of configuration-file

-n, --noconfigfile
Prevent loading of configuration-file (required options must be passed with

-p, --printconfig
Print configuration and exit

-o, --option <name=value> Set or override option in configuration-file

-s, --server
Start nzbget as a server in console-mode

-D, --daemon
Start nzbget as a server in daemon-mode

-V, --serverversion
Print server's version and exit

-Q, --quit
Shutdown server

-A, --append <nzb-file>
Send file to server's download queue

-C, --connect
Attach client to server

-L, --list
[F|G|O|S|H] Request list of downloads from server

F list individual files and server status (default)

G list groups (nzb-files) and server status

O list post-processor-queue

H list history

S print only server status

-P, --pause
[D|D2|O|S] Pause server:

D pause download queue (default)

D2 pause download queue via second pause-register

O pause post-processor queue

S pause scan of incoming nzb-directory

-U, --unpause [D|D2|O|S]
Unpause server:

D unpause download queue (default)

D2 unpause download queue via second pause-register

O unpause post-processor queue

S unpause scan of incoming nzb-directory

-R, --rate <speed>
Set download rate on server, in KB/s

-T, --top
Add file to the top (beginning) of queue (for using with switch --append)

-K, --category <name>
Assign category to nzb-file (for using with switch --append)

-G, --log <lines>
Request last <lines> lines from server's screen-log

-W, --write <D|I|W|E|G> "Text" Send text to server's log

-S, --scan
Scan incoming nzb-directory on server

-E, --edit [G|O|H] <action> <IDs> Edit items on server

G Affect all files in the group (same nzb-file)

O Edit post-processor-queue

H Edit history

<action> is one of:

Move file(s)/group(s)/post-job in queue relative to current position, offset is an
integer value

T Move file(s)/group(s)/post-job to top of queue

B Move file(s)/group(s)/post-job to bottom of queue

P Pause file(s)/group(s)/ Postprocess history-item(s) again

U Resume (unpause) file(s)/group(s)

A Pause all pars (for groups)

R Pause extra pars (for groups)/ Return history-item(s) back to download queue

D Delete file(s)/group(s)/post-job(s)/history-item(s)

K <name>
Set category (for groups)

N <name>
Rename (for groups)

M Merge (for groups)

O <name>=<value>
Set post-process parameter (for groups)

I <priority>
Set priority (signed integer) for file(s)/group(s)

<IDs> Comma-separated list of file-ids or ranges of file-ids, e. g.: 1-5,3,10-22

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