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phpcs - PHP code sniffer CLI tool


phpcs [-nwlsaepvi] [-d key[=value]] [--colors] [--no-colors] [--report=report]
[--report-file=reportFile] [--report-report=reportFile] ... [--report-width=reportWidth]
[--generator=generator] [--tab-width=tabWidth] [--severity=severity]
[--error-severity=severity] [--warning-severity=severity] [--runtime-set key value]
[--config-set key value] [--config-delete key] [--config-show] [--standard=standard]
[--sniffs=sniffs] [--encoding=encoding] [--extensions=extensions [--ignore=patterns]
[--bootstrap=bootstrap] file ...


phpcs (or PHP_CodeSniffer) is a PHP5 script that tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files
to detect violations of a defined coding standard. It is an essential development tool
that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common
semantic errors made by developers.



One or more files and/or directories to check


A comma separated list of files to run before processing starts


The encoding of the files being checked (default is iso-8859-1)


A comma separated list of file extensions to check (extension filtering only valid
when checking a directory). The type of the file can be specified using: ext/type
e.g., module/php,es/js


Uses either the "HMTL", "Markdown" or "Text" generator (forces documentation
generation instead of checking)


A comma separated list of patterns to ignore files and directories


Print either the full, xml, checkstyle, csv, json, emacs, source, summary, diff,
svnblame, gitblame, hgblame, or notifysend report (the full report is printed by


Write the report to the specified file path


How many columns wide screen reports should be printed or set to "auto" to use
current screen width, where supported


A comma separated list of sniff codes to limit the check to (all sniffs must be
part of the specified standard)


The minimum severity required to display an error or warning


The name or path of the coding standard to use


The number of spaces each tab represents



Do not print warnings (shortcut for --warning-severity=0)


Print both warnings and errors (this is the default)


Local directory only, no recursion


Show sniff codes in all reports


Run interactively


Explain a standard by showing the sniffs it includes


Show progress of the run


Print verbose output


Show a list of installed coding standards


Set the key php.ini value to value or true if value is omitted


Print the help message


Print version information


Use colors in output


Do not use colors in output (this is the default)

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