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vos_convertROtoRW - Online in the Cloud

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vos_convertROtoRW - Converts a Read-Only volume into a Read/Write volume


vos convertROtoRW [-server] <machine name>
[-partition] <partition name>
[-id] <volume name or ID> [-force]
[-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
[-verbose] [-encrypt] [-noresolve] [-help]

vos con [-s] <machine name>
[-p] <partition name>
[-i] <volume name or ID> [-f]
[-c <cell name>] [-noa] [-l]
[-v] [-e] [-nor] [-h]


vos convertROtoRW converts a Read-Only volume into a Read/Write volume when the original
Read/Write volume is no longer available. It's normal use is to recover the Read/Write
volume from a replica after a failed disk, failed server, or accidental deletion.


The command name is case-sensitive. It must be issued with the capital "RO" and "RW".

After running vos convertROtoRW, the old file server will still contain the old Read/Write
copy of the volume, even if the VLDB no longer references it. You can view the old volume
with vos listvol, and you should remove the old copy (for example, with vos zap) so that
the original file server will match the VLDB.


-server <server name>
Identifies the file server machine that houses the Read-Only volume which will be
converted. Provide the machine's IP address or its host name (either fully qualified
or using an unambiguous abbreviation). For details, see vos(1).

-partition <partition name>
Identifies the partition on the file server machine that houses the Read-Only volume
which will be converted. Provide the full partition name (for, example, /vicepa) or
one of the abbreviated forms described in vos(1).

-id <volume ID>
Specifies either the complete name or volume ID number of a Read/Write volume.

Don't ask for confirmation.

-cell <cell name>
Names the cell in which to run the command. Do not combine this argument with the
-localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Assigns the unprivileged identity "anonymous" to the issuer. Do not combine this flag
with the -localauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
file. The vos command interpreter presents it to the Volume Server and Volume Location
Server during mutual authentication. Do not combine this flag with the -cell argument
or -noauth flag. For more details, see vos(1).

Produces on the standard output stream a detailed trace of the command's execution. If
this argument is omitted, only warnings and error messages appear.

Encrypts the command so that the operation's results are not transmitted across the
network in clear text. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.11 or later
and 1.5.60 or later.

Shows all servers as IP addresses instead of the DNS name. This is very useful when
the server address is registered as or when dealing with multi-homed
servers. This option is available in OpenAFS versions 1.4.8 or later and 1.5.35 or

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The following example converts the read-only volume test3.readonly in partition vicepb on
server1 to a read-write volume:

% vos convertROtoRW server1 b test3.readonly


The issuer must be listed in the /etc/openafs/server/UserList file on the machine
specified with the -server argument and on each database server machine. If the
-localauth flag is included, the issuer must instead be logged on to a server machine as
the local superuser "root".

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