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audiotools-config - manage Python Audio Tools configuration


audiotools-config [OPTIONS]


audiotools-config is the Python Audio Tools configuration manager. When called without
arguments, it displays the system's current configuration. By specifying various
configuration arguments, it modifies the user's $(HOME)/.audiotools.cfg file with new


-h, --help
show a list of options and exit

-I, --interactive
edit options interactively

-V, --verbose=VERBOSITY
The level of output to display. Choose between 'normal', 'quiet' and 'debug'.


-t, --type
When used without the -q option, this sets the default audio type to use when
creating new audio files. Otherwise, this is used in conjunction with -q to set the
default audio quality for the given type. For a list of available audio formats,
try: -t help

-q, --quality
The default quality level for a given audio type. For a list of available quality
levels, try: -q help

The format string to use for new filenames. Template fields are replaced with
metadata values when new tracks are created. All other text is left as-is.

-j, --joint
the default maximum number of processes to execute at one time

whether to add ReplayGain metadata by default


Which version to use for newly created ID3v2 tags. Choose from "id3v2.2",
"id3v2.3", "id3v2.4", or "none". All three ID3v2 tag versions are roughly
equivalent in terms of supported features, but "id3v2.2" and "id3v2.3" have the
widest level of support. If "none" is given, new MP3 files will not be given ID3v2

--id3v2-pad=TRUE / FALSE
Whether to pad ID3v2 numerical fields to 2 digits. For example, if "true", track
number 1 will be stored as "01" in ID3v2 tags. If false, it will be stored as "1".

Which version to use for newly created ID3v1 tags. Choose from "id3v1.1" or "none".
If "none" is given, new MP3 files will not be given ID3v1 tags.


whether to use the MusicBrainz service for CD lookups by default

the default MusicBrainz server to use

the default MusicBrainz port number to use

whether to use the FreeDB service for CD lookups by default

the default FreeDB server to use

the default FreeDB port number to use


-c, --cdrom
the default CD-ROM drive to use

the CD-ROM read offset, in PCM samples

the CD-ROM write offset, in PCM samples

the encoding of filenames on the system, such as "UTF-8"

the encoding of text sent to the screen, such as "UTF-8"












│ │ Template Fields │
│ Key │ Value │
│ %(track_number)2.2d │ the track's number on the CD │
│ %(track_total)d │ the total number of tracks on the CD │
│ %(album_number)d │ the CD's album number │
│ %(album_total)d │ the total number of CDs in the set │
│%(album_track_number)s │ combination of album and track number │
│ %(track_name)s │ the track's name │
│ %(album_name)s │ the album's name │
│ %(artist_name)s │ the track's artist name │
│ %(performer_name)s │ the track's performer name │
│ %(composer_name)s │ the track's composer name │
│ %(conductor_name)s │ the track's conductor name │

│ %(media)s │ the track's source media │
│ %(ISRC)s │ the track's ISRC │
│ %(catalog)s │ the track's catalog number │
│ %(copyright)s │ the track's copyright information │
│ %(publisher)s │ the track's publisher │
│ %(year)s │ the track's publication year │
│ %(date)s │ the track's original recording date │
│ %(suffix)s │ the track's suffix │
│ %(basename)s │ the track's original name, without suffix │

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