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boxer - boxer command line utils


$ boxer compose parl-greens
Done: composed preseed.cfg and script.sh for a DebianParl system

# TODO: below command are not yet implemented

$ boxer install
Done: Installed "Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy)" to /media/boxer

$ boxer install --arch armhf --classes swedish kde webdesign
Done: Installed "Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy)" to /media/boxer

$ boxer detect
Analyzing current system...
Report and custom class saved below directory /tmp/boxer.wcJxHnql6f

$ boxer refresh --script ~/refresh.sh
Shell script (to be executed by root) saved as ~/refresh.sh


boxer is a single front-end to various "boxing" tasks - i.e. structured system-wide tasks
commonly applied in batch to larger deployments.

Unlike tools like Puppet, CFEngine and Chef which operates on top of an installed system,
boxer preferrably interacts with the packaging system of the system. Boxer is inspired by
Fully Automated Installer (FAI) and the classes are modelled after that tool, but goal of
boxer is to become obsolete: boxer can include custom tweaks but encourages avoiding them
and instead pass upstream to distro designers the needed customizations.

The core distribution includes commands to analyze, initialize and refresh a
Debian(-based) operating system.

However, boxer is pluggable and it is anticipated that plugins on CPAN will cover other
related tasks.


This section describes the commands included with the core Boxer::CLI distribution. Others
are available as plugins. Run "boxer commands" to see a list of locally installed

Meta Commands
"boxer about"

Shows the version numbers of all installed boxer commands, plus the CPAN ID of each
command's author.

"boxer aliases"

Many commands have aliases or shortcuts. For example, the following two are equivalent:

$ boxer install --arch armhf --classes swedish
$ boxer deploy --arch armhf --classes swedish

"boxer aliases" shows a list of available aliases.

"boxer commands"

Shows a list of installed boxer commands, along with a brief extract.

"boxer help"

Running the "boxer help" command on its own shows a list of commands with their abstracts.
Detailed help for a particular command can be shown by providing that as an argument. For
example, for help on the "boxer detect" command, run:

$ boxer help detect

System creation/manipulation
"boxer install"

"boxer update"

Class handling
"boxer enable"

"boxer disable"

"boxer analyze"

Class exchange
"boxer pull"

"boxer push"

"boxer publish"

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Linux commands

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