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bpdriver - Online in the Cloud

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bpdriver - Bundle Protocol transmission test program


bpdriver nbrOfCycles ownEndpointId destinationEndpointId [length] [tTTL]


bpdriver uses Bundle Protocol to send nbrOfCycles application data units of length
indicated by length, to a counterpart application task that has opened the BP endpoint
identified by destinationEndpointId.

If omitted, length defaults to 60000.

TTL indicates the number of seconds the bundles may remain in the network, undelivered,
before they are automatically destroyed. If omitted, TTL defaults to 300 seconds.

bpdriver normally runs in "echo" mode: after sending each bundle it waits for an
acknowledgment bundle before sending the next one. For this purpose, the counterpart
application task should be bpecho.

Alternatively bpdriver can run in "streaming" mode, i.e., without expecting or receiving
acknowledgments. Streaming mode is enabled when length is specified as a negative number,
in which case the additive inverse of length is used as the effective value of length.
For this purpose, the counterpart application task should be bpcounter.

If the effective value of length is 1, the sizes of the transmitted service data units
will be randomly selected multiples of 1024 in the range 1024 to 62464.

bpdriver normally runs with custody transfer disabled. To request custody transfer for
all bundles sent by bpdriver, specify nbrOfCycles as a negative number; the additive
inverse of nbrOfCycles will be used as its effective value in this case.

When all copies of the file have been sent, bpdriver prints a performance report.


"0" bpdriver has terminated. Any problems encountered during operation will be noted in
the ion.log log file.

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