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fullquottel - Online in the Cloud

Run fullquottel in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command fullquottel that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



fullquottel - tool for detecting full quotes in mails or postings


fullquottel [OPTION...] < infile > outfile


fullquottel - tool for detecting full quotes in mails or postings

-t, --scorethreshold=NUMBER
Threshold for final score that discriminates between Goodquottel and Fullquottel
(default: 1.5)

Chars used for quoting (default: >|#)

-d, --debug
Debug option (prints single test results; default: off)

Turn on/off ownSigTest (default: on)

Score for ownSigTest (default: 1.0)

-f, --ownsigtestfile=SIGFILE
Signature file to test against (default: ~/.signature)

Turn on/off msTest (Microsoft attribution lines; default: on)

Score for msTest (default: 1.0)

Threshold for msTest (at or below which line a Microsoft attribution line ist
found; default: 2)

Turn on/off quotedToAllTest (ratio quoted lines to all; default: on)

Score for quotedToAllTest (default: 1.0)

Result = score + ratio * FACTOR (default: 0)

Ratio threshold for activating quotedToAllTest (default: 0.5)

Turn on/off bottomQuotedToAllTest (ratio quoted lines at bottom to all; default:

Score for bottomQuotedToAllTest (default: 1.0)

Result = score + ratio * FACTOR (default: 0)

Ratio threshold for activating bottomQuotedToAllTest (default: 0.5)

Turn on/off bottomQuotedToQuotedTest (ratio quoted lines at bottom to all quoted
lines; default: on)

Score for bottomQuotedToQuotedTest (default: 1.0)

Result = score + ratio * FACTOR (default: 0)

Ratio threshold for activating bottomQuotedToQuotedTest (default: 0.5)

Turn on/off singleBottomQuoteTest (only one quote block, and at the bottom;
default: on)

Score for singleBottomQuoteTest (default: 1.0)

HINT: All long options (without leading --) can be used in ~/.fullquottelrc

-?, --help
Give this help list

Give a short usage message

-V, --version
Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any
corresponding short options.


Report bugs to <toast@toastfreeware.priv.at>.

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