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htmake - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command htmake that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



htmake - create GLOBAL hypertext source searchable by gsearch.cgi


htmake [htags options] [--url=base-url] [destdir]


htmake is a wrapper script that creates searchable hypertext from program source code and
records information into a path database needed for a centralised search mechanism.

Prior to using this command you must have installed gsearch.cgi using the htconfig -I
option and configured the location of the path database in htmake.conf

Before you can create the hypertext source you need to execute gtags(1) from the root
directory of the source tree. htmake is then called from the same place.

htmake uses htags(1) to create the hypertext with a unique id and htconfig(1) to make the
required entries in the path database.


The following options will be passed to htags(1) if used.

-a Make an alphabetical function index.

-c Compress html. Use gzip(1) with .ghtml suffix.

-C Compress html. Use gzip(1) with .html.gz suffix.

-d tagdir, --tags=gtagsdbpath
Specifies the directory in which GTAGS and GRTAGS exist. The default is the current

-F Use frames for definition index, file index and main view.

-l Make a name tag for each line of hypertext created.

-n Print out the line numbers.

-t title
The title of this hypertext. Defaults to the last component of the current path.

Specify the location search queries are submitted to. Defaults to the value set in
htmake.conf or to

The remaining options are more general or are passed to htconfig(1).

the base url for your new hypertext source. For best results always use absolute
url's here.
eg. http://host/~user/mysource
It defaults to file:/destdir

The directory in which hypertext is generated. The default is ./HTML

-v, --verbose
Activate the inbuilt screen saver. Give your phosphors a workout.


$ cd /usr/src/myprog
$ gtags
$ htmake

$ cd /usr/src/myprog
$ gtags -c
$ htmake -c --url=http://host/~user/prog/HTML \

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