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xymongrep - pick out lines in hosts.cfg


xymongrep --help
xymongrep --version
xymongrep [--noextras] [--test-untagged] [--web] [--net] [--loadhostsfromxymond] TAG


xymongrep(1) is for use by extension scripts that need to pick out the entries in a
hosts.cfg file that are relevant to the script.

The utility accepts test names as parameters, and will then parse the hosts.cfg file and
print out the host entries that have at least one of the wanted tests specified. Tags may
be given with a trailing asterisk '*', e.g. "xymongrep http*" is needed to find all http
and https tags.

The xymongrep utility supports the use of "include" directives inside the hosts.cfg file,
and will find matching tags in all included files.

If the DOWNTIME or SLA tags are used in the hosts.cfg(5) file, these are interpreted
relative to the current time. xymongrep then outputs a "INSIDESLA" or "OUTSIDESLA" tag
for easier use by scripts that want to check if the current time is inside or outside the
expected uptime window.


Remove the "testip", "dialup", "INSIDESLA" and "OUTSIDESLA" tags from the output.

When using the XYMONNETWORK environment variable to test only hosts on a particular
network segment, xymonnet will ignore hosts that do not have any "NET:x" tag. So
only hosts that have a NET:$XYMONNETWORK tag will be tested.
With this option, hosts with no NET: tag are included in the test, so that all
hosts that either have a matching NET: tag, or no NET: tag at all are tested.

xymongrep will query the Xymon server for the current status of the "conn" test,
and if TESTNAME is specified also for the current state of the specified test. If
the status of the "conn" test for a host is non-green, or the status of the
TESTNAME test is disabled, then this host is ignored and will not be included in
the output. This can be used to ignore hosts that are down, or hosts where the
custom test is disabled.

--web Search the hosts.cfg file following include statements as a Xymon web-server would.

--net Search the hosts.cfg file following include statements as when running xymonnet.

xymongrep will normally attempt to load the HOSTSCFG file by itself when searching
for lines to transmit. If the file is unreadable, it will exit out. With this
option, it will query the xymond server (set via the XYMONSERVER environment) for
the hosts file. This can be used if you're running this on a client or remote
system and can't or don't want to have the hosts.cfg file synchronized across your


If your hosts.cfg file looks like this www.test.com # ftp telnet !oracle db1.test.com # oracle mail.test.com # smtp

and you have a custom Xymon extension script that performs the "oracle" test, then running
"xymongrep oracle" would yield www.test.com # !oracle db1.test.com # oracle

so the script can quickly find the hosts that are of interest.

Note that the reverse-test modifier - "!oracle" - is included in the output; this also
applies to the other test modifiers defined by Xymon (the dial-up and always-true

If your extension scripts use more than one tag, just list all of the interesting tags on
the command line.

xymongrep also supports the "NET:location" tag used by xymonnet, so if your script
performs network checks then it will see only the hosts that are relevant for the test
location that the script currently executes on.


To integrate xymongrep into an existing script, look for the line in the script that
grep's in the $HOSTSCFG file. Typically it will look somewhat like this:

$GREP -i "^[0-9].*#.*TESTNAME" $HOSTSCFG | ... code to handle test

Instead of the grep, we will use xymongrep. It then becomes

$XYMONHOME/bin/xymongrep TESTNAME | ... code to handle test

which is simpler, less error-prone and more efficient.


If set, xymongrep outputs only lines from hosts.cfg that have a matching

Filename for the Xymon hosts.cfg(5) file.

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