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dbcat - Online in the Cloud

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dbcat - Send audio data to DB Fourier Synthesis daemon


dbcat [options]


The dbcat tool provides a simple means to feed dbfsd with audio data. Both programs are
part of the DBMix project, a digital audio mixing system. dbcat takes input data from its
standard input only, and is therefore usually used in a pipe with some other sound
generating program.


-8 Input data comprises of PCM-coded 8bit unsigned samples. (Default: 16bit signed

-c n Connect to channel n of dbfsd. (Default: first channel available.)

-d Print out debug messages to console. (Default: debugging disabled.)

-h Print summary of available options.

-m Input data is a mono stream. (Default: interleaved stereo stream.)

-r rate
Input data is sampled at rate Hertz. (Default: 44100Hz.)

-v Print version information. (Default: no version information.)

-S Produce an endless stream of blank audio data (silence). Any input data is
dropped. This mode provides a dummy source useful for testing and debugging.
(Default: pass on input data.)


mpg321 -s test.mp3 | dbcat
Sends a 16bit/44.1kHz stereo audio stream decoded from test.mp3 off to dbfsd.

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