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lindnae - Online in the Cloud

Run lindnae in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command lindnae that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



lindna - Draws linear maps of DNA constructs


lindna -infile infile [-maxgroups integer] [-maxlabels integer] -ruler boolean
-blocktype list [-intersymbol selection] [-intercolour integer]
[-interticks boolean] [-gapsize integer] [-ticklines boolean] [-textheight float]
[-textlength float] [-margin float] [-tickheight float] [-blockheight float]
[-rangeheight float] [-gapgroup float] [-postext float] -graphout graph

lindna -help


lindna is a command line program from EMBOSS (“the European Molecular Biology Open
Software Suite”). It is part of the "Display" command group(s).


Input section
-infile infile
Default value: inputfile

Additional section
-maxgroups integer
Default value: 20

-maxlabels integer
Default value: 10000

Output section
-ruler boolean
Default value: Y

-blocktype list
Default value: Filled

-intersymbol selection
Default value: Straight

-intercolour integer
Default value: 1

-interticks boolean
Default value: N

-gapsize integer
A zero value allows the application to choose a gap size

-ticklines boolean
Default value: N

-textheight float
Height of text. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-textlength float
Length of text. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-margin float
Width of left margin. This is the region left to the groups where the names of the
groups are displayed. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-tickheight float
Height of ticks. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-blockheight float
Height of blocks. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1

-rangeheight float
Height of range ends. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-gapgroup float
Space between groups. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to decrease or increase the size,
respectively Default value: 1.0

-postext float
Space between text and ticks, blocks, and ranges. Enter a number <1.0 or >1.0 to
decrease or increase the size, respectively Default value: 1.0

-graphout graph

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