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afs_compile_et - Online in the Cloud

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afs_compile_et - Produce error text tables for compilation


afs_compile_et [-debug] [-language <lang>]
[-prefix <prefix>] [-v <version>]
[-h <include>] <[-emit <output>]


The afs_compile_et command builds the error text tables for compilation. This includes
both a header file that contains a set of mappings between error names and values and a .c
(or .msf) file that provides a text table of descriptions.

The <error_table> argument specifies which error table to generate. The error table
specification should exist in the current working directory or in the directory specified
with -prefix and should be named error_table.et.

By default, afs_compile_et generates two files in one invocation. This is problematic for
parallel build systems. The -emit option may be used to generate the output files
independently with two separate invocations of afs_compile_et for a given error table.
This allows parallel build systems to generate the source and header files, and the
targets which depend on the generated source and headers files, in parallel.


This command is used internally within the build process for OpenAFS. Most users will
access this information via translate_et(1) rather than via afs_compile_et.

This command does not use the standard AFS command-line parsing package.


Does nothing. It neither adds debugging information to the output nor provides
additional information on its operation.

-language <lang>
Specifies the type of output to generate. Currently, only ANSI C and K&R are
supported values (via the c and k&r-c values, respectively). The default is ANSI C.
There is some support for C++ started, but that is not yet supported.

The -lang <lang> option is a synonym for -language <lang>>.

-prefix <prefix>
Specifies the directory to search for the error_table.et file. Specifies the directory
to search for the prolog file when the -h option is given. The -p <prefix> option is
a synonym for -prefix <prefix>.

-h <include>
Specifies an input file, called a prolog file, and modifies the name of the header
file generated by afs_compile_et.

When the -h option is given, afs_compile_et will search for a prolog file named
<include>.p.h. afs_compile_et will search the current working directory for the
prolog file, unless the -p option is given. If the prolog file is found,
afs_compile_et will place a verbatim copy of the prolog file contents into the
generated header file.

When the -h option is given, the name of the header file generated by afs_compile_et
is <include>.h, instead of <error_table>.h.

The -h option does not affect the source file generated by afs_compile_et.

-v <version>
Specified the type of output file: valid values are 1 (the default, for C files) or 2,
for .msf file generation.

-emit <output>
Specifies which program file to generate; the header file or the source file. Specify
-emit header (or -emit h) to generate the .h header file. Specify -emit source (or
-emit c) to generate the .c (or .msf) source file.


The following command generates the files pterror.h and pterror.c, suitable for use with C

% afs_compile_et -p path/to/src/ptserver pterror

The following command generates K&R style files instead:

% afs_compile_et -p path/to/src/ptserver -lang 'k&r-c' pterror

The following command generates the pterror.h file, but not the pterror.c file.

% afs_compile_et -p path/to/src/ptserver -emit header pterror

The following command generates the pterror.c file, but not the pterror.h file.

% afs_compile_et -p path/to/src/ptserver -emit source pterror

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