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buildMetarDB - Online in the Cloud

Run buildMetarDB in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command buildMetarDB that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



buildMetarDB - build databases for METAR stations


buildMetarDB -l|-a [options]


This script downloads, saves and processes the textfiles needed for building the databases
to enable searching for METAR stations.

You can download the locations, which is a database of about 12000 world-wide locations,
which can be used to determine the coordinates of your city or you can download a file
with 6500 airports providing the metar data. This database is used for the next-METAR-
station search. Please see the appropriate documentation in the Services_Weather_Metar


-l build locationsDB

-a build airportsDB

-f <file>
use <file> as input

-s save downloaded file to disk

-t <dbtype>
type of the DB to be used

-r <dbprotocol> protocol of the DB to be used

-d <dbname>
name of the DB to be used

-u <dbuser>
user of the DB to be used

-p <dbpass>
pass of the DB to be used

-h <dbhost>
host of the DB to be used

-o <dboptions>
options of the DB to be used in the notation option=value,...

-v display verbose debugging messages multiple -v increases verbosity

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