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fsck-larch - Online in the Cloud

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fsck-larch - verify that a larch B-tree is internally consistent


fsck-larch [--config=FILE] [--dump-config] [--dump-memory-profile=METHOD]
[--dump-setting-names] [--fix] [--generate-manpage=TEMPLATE] [-h] [--help] [--help-all]
[--list-config-files] [--log=FILE] [--log-keep=N] [--log-level=LEVEL] [--log-max=SIZE]
[--log-mode=MODE] [--memory-dump-interval=SECONDS] [--no-default-configs] [--no-fix]
[--output=FILE] [--trace=PATTERN] [--version] [FILE]...


fsck-larch reads an on-disk, committed B-tree created by the larch Python library, and
verifies that it is internally consistent. It reports any problems it finds, but does not
currently fix them.


--fix fix problems found?


-h, --help
show this help message and exit


write output to FILE, instead of standard output

add PATTERN to trace patterns

show program's version number and exit

Configuration files and settings
add FILE to config files

write out the entire current configuration


show all options


clear list of configuration files to read

write log entries to FILE (default is to not write log files at all); use "syslog"
to log to system log, or "none" to disable logging

keep last N logs (10)

log at LEVEL, one of debug, info, warning, error, critical, fatal (default: debug)

rotate logs larger than SIZE, zero for never (default: 0)

set permissions of new log files to MODE (octal; default 0600)

make memory profiling dumps using METHOD, which is one of: none, simple, or meliae
(default: simple)

make memory profiling dumps at least SECONDS apart

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