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llgal - On-line gallery generator


llgal [-option1 -option2 ...]


llgal is a quick and easy program for placing your images and movies online with just one
command-line. It generates a pretty good-looking set of static HTML slides even with its
default settings. To try it out just run llgal in a directory with jpg, png, mpg, etc
files and check the output in a web browser. You can adjust the appearance of the image
gallery with the many options listed below or (if you know a bit of HTML) by modifying the
llgal.css files in the .llgal/ subdirectory that appeared in your image directory, or by
defining indextemplate.html or slidetemplate.html files.

llgal also checks for the existence of a $HOME/.llgal/ directory where users can store
their own templates, overriding the site-wide /usr/share/llgal. (See FILES for details).

The HTML webpages are generated from the templates by replacing several fields (See
TEMPLATES). The layout might be configured through the list of options that are given in

llgal uses all images and videos it finds in the current directory. See SELECTING FILES
to include directories or other files and excludes some filenames.

The index includes thumbnails that llgal generates from original images. It is possible
to provide custom thumbnails by placing them in the .llgal/ directory with the mythumb_
prefix. Custom thumbnails for movies have to be suffixed with an image-type extension.
For instance, to enforce the thumbnail for image image.jpg and movie movie.avi, thumbnails
may be named mythumb_image.jpg and mythumb_movie.avi.jpg.

The slide pages may include a scaled image in the --sx or --sy option is passed.
Similarly, it is also possible to define custom scaled images with the myscaled_ prefix to
appear in the slides.

Note that all command line options (except those from BEHAVIOR OPTIONS), and even more,
might be stored in a configuration file to help generation of multiple galleries with the
same layout. See CONFIGURATION for details.


By default, llgal generates a gallery. If one of the following option is passed, it will
process it and exit immediately.

Remove all files that llgal may have created earlier and that user did not modify

Remove all files that llgal may have created earlier. This includes thumbnails,
scaled down slides, all HTML files, captions file, film effect picture,
indextemplate and slidetemplate and the style-sheet file.

--gc Generate slide captions in .llgal/captions file that you may edit. The format of
this file is very simple. See CAPTIONS for details. These captions may then be
modified by the user. The file will be automatically used next time llgal is
invoked. --gc might also be used to update the captions file when new files were
added to the working directory.

--gt [<dir>]
Copy template files to the directory. The special value local might be used for
the local .llgal/ directory, while user might be used for the user template
directory $HOME/.llgal/. Any other directory is acceptable. llgal will create the
target directory if it does not exist. The argument is optional. Its default
value is local. See FILES for details about template files.

-h, --help
Display brief help.

-V, --version
Display llgal version.


llgal behavior may be modified with the following options, either when generating a
gallery or not.

--config <file>
Read the file file as a configuration. See CONFIGURATION for details. Note that
--config may be used several times on the same command line. The corresponding
configuration file option is additional_configuration_file.

-d <dir>
Operate in directory <dir> when generating the HTML files, thumbnails and scaled
images. The default is the current directory.

-f Force thumbnail regeneration. Also forces medium-slide regeneration if --sx or
--sy is given. Otherwise llgal will not regenerate these files if they already
exist, and you may end up with stale copies. Definitely use -f between two runs
where you've changed the value of --tx, --ty, --sx or --sy. The corresponding
configuration file option is force_image_regeneration.

--gencfg <file>
Output configuration in file for future reutilization through --config. If local
is passed as file, then the local .llgal/llgalrc file is created in each gallery
that is processed (in case of recursion). See CONFIGURATION for details.

--option 'variable = value'
Configure using a configuration file option. See CONFIGURATION for details. Note
that --option may be used several times on the same command line.

-R Enable recursive mode. llgal will be run inside subdirectories. This option might
be used either to generate galleries in all subdirectories, or their captions
files, or to clean recursively, etc. The corresponding configuration file option
is recursive.

When generating a gallery, this option implies -S that means llgal will use all
existing subdirectories in no captions file is defined. If a captions file is
defined, only the DIR: entries will be entered recursively. See CAPTIONS for
details abour

Note that recursive behavior does only use the contents of the captions file to
choose which subgalleries to enter when generating the gallery or the captions
file. All other behaviors, including recursive cleaning ( -R used together with
--clean or --cleanall), will not check whether a subdirectory is in the captions
file. All not-dot-beginning subdirectories will be cleaned.

-v, --verbose
Display notice messages. The corresponding configuration file option is verbose.


-A All files in the current directory will get a slides, except .html or dot-beginning
files. Files are matched as images or movies first, and then reverted as simple
files instead. The corresponding configuration file option is add_all_files. See
-S for details about adding slides for subdirectories.

--exclude <s>
Exclude files whose name matches <s>. The corresponding configuration file option
is exclude.

--include <s>
Include files whose name matches <s> and where previously excluded. The
corresponding configuration file option is include.

-P <subdir>
Use photos in the subdirectory instead of the working directory. May be used
multiple times to group multiple subdirectories in the same gallery. The path of
the subdirectory must be given as a relative path (relative to . or to the path
given to -d). The corresponding configuration file option is section_dir.

--Pall Use photos in all subdirectories all the working directory as if -P was used for
all of them. The corresponding configuration file option is recursive_sections.

--Ps Add a horizontal line and the subdirectory name as a title at the beginning of each
section. The corresponding configuration file options are entitle_sections and

-S Each subdirectory will get a dedicated slide. If a captions file exists, only the
subdirectories that it defines will be processed. If no captions file exists,
llgal will process all subdirectories but those whose name begins with a dot. The
corresponding configuration file option is add_subdirs.

Contrary to -R this option will not make llgal run recursively in subdirectories.
-S does only define the list of subdirectories that appear in the current gallery.


-a Write image dimensions and sizes under each thumbnail on the index page, and under
each slide if --sx or --sy was passed. The corresponding configuration file
options are show_dimensions and show_size. This only works if the ImageMagick
command identify is present.

--ad Like -a but write only the image dimensions. The corresponding configuration file
option is show_dimensions.

--as Like -a but write only the image sizes. The corresponding configuration file
option is show_size.

--asu <s>
Allow to define the unit used to show file sizes. Default is "kB". The
corresponding configuration file option is show_size_unit.

--cc [<s>]
Generates captions from image comment tag. If no argument is given, llgal first
tries the standard comment (for instance JFIF or GIF), then tries Exif comments if
the previous one is empty, and then tries Exif image description. The
corresponding configuration file option is make_caption_from_image_comment.

An argument such as std or exif or exifdesc might be added to force the use of only
standard comment, only Exif comment, or only Exif image description.

An argument such as exif,std will make llgal try Exif comment first.

An argument such as std+exifdesc will use the combination of standard comment and
Exif description.

Passing --cc without argument is thus equivalent to passing --cc std,exif,exifdesc.

--cf Generates captions from file names (strips suffix). The corresponding
configuration file option is make_caption_from_filename.

--ct [strftime_format]
Add image timestamp tag to the generated captions, and change its format if the
optional argument is given (replaces the old --ctf option). The corresponding
configuration file option are make_caption_from_image_timestamp and

--codeset codeset
Change the encoding in the header of the generated HTML pages. By default, the
encoding is got from the locale configuration. The corresponding configuration
file option is codeset.

--exif [<tag1,tag2,...>]
Display a table of EXIF tags under each image slide. The corresponding
configuration file options are show_exif_tags and show_all_exif_tags.

If an argument is given, it contains a comma-separated list of tags. The tag names
have to be passed as shown by exiftool -list. If no argument is given, all
available Exif tags are displayed.

The tags are displayed using their description as given by exiftool -s myimage.

--fe Show a film effect in the index of thumbnails. The aspect of this effect may be
configured by replacing the tile file that llgal puts in .llgal. The corresponding
configuration file option is show_film_effect.

-i <file>
Name of the main thumbnail index file. The default is index, as desirable for most
web servers. The corresponding configuration file option is index_filename.

The default extension is html and might be changed with --php or the www_extension
configuration option.

-k Use the image captions for the HTML slide titles. The default behavior is to use
the image names. The corresponding configuration file option is

-L Do not create thumbnails for text and links (including video, file and url), but
list them as a text line between thumbnail rows in the main gallery index. Might
be used when the directory only contains subgalleries and thus does not need any
thumbnail. The corresponding configuration file option is list_links.

--lang locale
Change the locale used to translate the text that is automatically generated in the
HTML pages. The corresponding configuration file option is language. Note that
the LANGUAGE environment variable might prevent this option from working if set.

--li Replace link labels in slides (usually Index, Prev and Next) with images (usually
index.png, prev.png and next.png). The corresponding configuration file options
are index_link_image, prev_slide_link_image and next_slide_link_image.

--lt Replace link labels in slides (usually Prev and Next) with a thumbnail to preview
previous/next slide. The corresponding configuration file options are
prev_slide_link_preview and next_slide_link_preview.

If passed together with --li, thumbnail preview is used for links to previous/next
slide while the image is for the link to the index is kept.

-n Use the image file names for the HTML slide files. Otherwise the default behavior
is to simply name your slides slide_1.html, slide_2.html, and so on.

The corresponding configuration file option is make_slide_filename_from_filename.

--nc Omit the image count from the captions. The corresponding configuration file
option is slide_counter_format.

--nf Omit the link from scaled images in slides to full unscaled images. The
corresponding configuration file option is slide_link_to_full_image.

-p <n> The cellpadding value of the thumbnail index tables. The default is 3. The
corresponding configuration file option is index_cellpadding.

--php Change the default extension of generated webpages from html to php. The
corresponding configuration file option is www_extension.

Note that template names are not modified and keep their html extension even if
they contain some PHP code. Note that llgal will only remove existing webpages
corresponding to this extension when generating a new gallery or cleaning.

Add links to the parent directory. The corresponding configuration file option is

This option is used internally for recursive galleries, and thus not documented in
--help. These links are stored as a header and a footer for the index. The text
in the links might be changed through the parent_gallery_link_text configuration

--Rl Add links between subgalleries. The corresponding configuration file option is

-s For the simplest setup, omit all HTML slides. Clicking the thumbnails on the main
page will just take users to the plain image files. The corresponding
configuration file option is make_no_slides.

--sort [rev]<name|iname|size|time|none>
Change sort criteria when scanning files in the working directory. Default is
"name". Setting to the empty string means none. iname is case insensitive sort by
names. date means time. rev might be added for reverse sort. The corresponding
configuration file option is sort_criteria.

--sx <n>
Instead of using the original image in the slides, insert a scaled image whose
width is less than <n> pixels. The corresponding configuration file option is
slide_width_max. Useful if your digital camera spits out large images, like
1600x1200. Clicking on the scaled copies in the HTML slides lets users see the
full unscaled images. The default is 0 (width is unlimited). You must use -f to
force regeneration of scaled images if you want to change the value of --sx.

--sy <n>
Instead of using the original image in the slides, insert a scaled image whose
height is less than <n> pixels. The corresponding configuration file option is
slide_height_max. Useful if your digital camera spits out large images, like
1600x1200. Clicking on the scaled copies in the HTML slides lets users see the
full unscaled images. The default is 0 (height is unlimited). You must use -f to
force regeneration of scaled images if you want to change the value of --sy.

--templates <dir>
Add a directory to the list of template locations. The corresponding configuration
file option is additional_template_dir.

--title <s>
Substitutes the string <s> for <!--TITLE--> in the index. The default is Index of
Pictures. It overrides the configuration file option index_title_default.

--tx <n>
Scale thumbnails so that their width is at most <n> pixels. The default is 113.
The corresponding configuration file option is thumbnail_width_max. If 0 is used,
the width is unlimited. Changing this value does not affect the maximal height
(see --ty). You must use -f to force regeneration of thumbnails if you want to
change the value of --tx.

--ty <n>
Scale thumbnails so that their height is at most <n> pixels. The default is 75.
The corresponding configuration file option is thumbnail_height_max. Changing this
value does not affect the maximal width (see --tx). You must use -f to force
regeneration of thumbnails if you want to change the value of --ty.

-u Write image captions under each thumbnail on the index page. If you have a
captions file, then the captions are read from there. The corresponding
configuration file option is show_caption_under_thumbnails.

--uc <url>
Assume the CSS file is available on <url> and thus do not use a local one. If
ending with a slash, the CSS filename will be appended. The corresponding
configuration file option is css_location.

--ui <url>
Assume that the filmtile image and index/prev/next slide link images are available
on <url> and thus do not use local ones. Their filename will be appended to the
given location. Each image location may be also changed independently (See
CONFIGURATION for the list of configuration options). The corresponding
configuration file options are filmtile_location, index_link_image_location,
prev_slide_link_image_location and next_slide_link_image_location.

-w <n> Set the thumbnail rows to be <n> images wide in the main index file. Default is 5.
The corresponding configuration file option is thumbnails_per_row.

--wx <n>
Set the thumbnail rows to be <n> pixels wide at maximum. The number of thumbnails
per row, given in -w is reduced if necessary. The corresponding configuration file
option is pixels_per_row. Default is to honor -w without regard to the resulting
row width.

--www Make all generated files world-readable. The corresponding configuration file
option is www_access_rights.


When called with --gc llgal generates (or updates if already existing) the captions file
in the .llgal/ subdirectory.

When --gc is not passed, if the captions file exists, llgal will automatically use it to
generate slide captions in the gallery. If captions does not exist, llgal generates
captions on the fly and use them in the gallery.

Generating the captions file with --gc before actually using it makes it possible to
modify them (especially to add comments) or change the order of the slides in the gallery

IMG: <filename> ---- <caption>
defines an image (when omitted, IMG: is the default type).
MVI: <filename> ---- <linktext> ---- <caption>
defines a movie.
TXT: <text in slide> ---- <caption>
defines a text slide.
LNK: <url> ---- <linktext> ---- <caption>
defines a link slide.
LNKNOSLIDE: <url> ---- <linktext>
defines a direct link to the target, without any slide.
FIL: <url> ---- <linktext> ---- <caption>
defines a link to another file (typically neither an image nor a movie)
DIR: <dir> ---- <linktext> ---- <caption>
defines a subdirectory slide.
forces a line break in the row of thumbnails
forces a line break in the row of thumbnails and inserts a horizontal line.
TITLE: <title>
defines the title of the gallery.
INDEXHEAD: <one header>
defines a header (multiple ones are possible).
INDEXFOOT: <one footer>
defines a footer (multiple ones are possible).
PARENT: <linktext>
defines the label of the link to the parent gallery.
PREV: <linktext> ---- <url>
defines the label of the link to the previous gallery located by <url>.
NEXT: <linktext> ---- <url>
defines the label of the link to the next gallery located by <url>.
REPLACE: <text> ---- <replacement>
adds a substitution to be applied to generated HTML pages.

Note that you can use whatever HTML syntax in the captions.
Line beginning with a # are ignored.

When generating a captions file, the captions.header file is inserted at the top of the
file to detail the syntax.


Before parsing command line options, llgal reads several configuration files. It starts
with /etc/llgal/llgalrc then reads $HOME/.llgal/llgalrc and finally the .llgal/llgalrc
file in the gallery directory.

Additional configuration files may also be defined with the --config option. These will
be parsed during command-line parsing, when --config is met.

In case of recursive generation (with -R ) in multiple subdirectories, the system- and
user-wide configuration files and those passed to --config are taken in account for all
galleries. However, only the local .llgal/llgalrc file is used for each gallery.
Especially, the one in the root gallery directory is only taken in account when generating
the root gallery, not when generating those in subdirectories. To use a same specific
configuration file for the root gallery and all subgalleries, the --config option may be

All these files may change llgal configuration in the same way command line options do,
and even more. All following options may also be used on the command line through
--option 'variable = value'.

See also the manpage of llgalrc or /etc/llgal/llgalrc for details about these options and
their default values.


By default, llgal uses convert to create thumbnails and scaled images (the ones that
appear in the slides when --sx or --sy was passed). The command lines used to generate
those images from your original images are defined by the following configuration options:
scaled_create_command = convert --scale <MAXW>x<MAXH> -- <IN> <OUT>
thumbnail_create_command = convert --scale <MAXW>x<MAXH> -- <IN> <OUT>

You may change the value of these options to change the way the generation is done. <IN>
and <OUT> will be replaced by llgal at runtime with the filename of the original and
generated target images.

<MAXW> and <MAXH> will be replaced by the maximal width and length of the generated
images. Note that one of them might not be limited (depending on other configuration
variable), making it be replaced by an empty string, eventually leading to empty
parameters being passed to your program. If your program does not like that, you might
want to create a wrapper shell script which will take care of accepting these. Another
solution would be to replace unlimited with limited by a huge value in your configuration
and adapt your program to deal with it.


When generation web pages, the following fields will be replaced from the templates by the
associated value (computed by llgal).

The title of the index.
The CSS style-sheet.
The credits line given by credits_text configuration option.
The version of the program used to generate the gallery.
The filename of the index.
The label of the link to the index (might be an image).
The character encoding, usually set to iso-8859-1 or utf-8.
The options that were passed to llgal on the command line to generate the gallery.

When generating the index from template indextemplate.html, the following additional
fields will also be replaced.

The list of headers that are given in the captions file.
The list of footers that are given in the captions file.

When generating slides from template slidetemplate.html, the following additional fields
will also be replaced.

The title of the slide.
The style of the slide contents (is defined in the CSS style-sheet).
The index of the slide, with leading zeros.
The amount of slides.
The slide counter according to slide_counter_format as in the caption.
The caption of the slide.
The table of EXIF tags.
The actual contents of the slide (might be an image).
<!--PREV-SLIDE--> and <!--NEXT-SLIDE-->
The filename of the previous and next slides.
The label of the link to previous and next slides (might be an image).

Additionally, it is possible to define use custom fields in the templates and define their
replacement with some REPLACE entries in the captions file. See CAPTIONS for details.

When modifying the templates, beware that the HTML syntax requires double-quotes around
filenames, URL, etc. These double-quotes will never be automatically added when replacing
these automatic variables. So you must keep double-quotes around variables when needed,
for instance:
<a href="/<!--NEXT-SLIDE-->"><!--NEXT-SLIDE-LINK-TEXT--></a>
will be changed into
<a href="/slide_04.html">Next slide</a>


The language that llgal uses to generate text in HTML pages is chosen from the
localization configuration. If the chosen language is available in llgal translations, it
will be used instead of the default english.

As usual with gettext, it is possible to override the localisation configuration by
changing LANG, LC_MESSAGES or LANGUAGE environment variables.

If the desired language is not available in llgal translations, or if the user wishes to
change the text values, he might create an additional configuration file (or modify the
system-wide one) to update all configuration options of the Text section.

The locale configuration might be overridden with the --lang option or language
configuration option. But, the LANGUAGE environment variable appears to prevent this from
working if set.


If a filename contains non-ascii characters which are not safely representable in a URL,
llgal will escape them using the method RFC 2396 specifies. This may raise problems if
the web server has a different notion of character encoding than the machine llgal runs
on. See also http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.2

Character encoding is chosen from the locale configuration and set in the HTML headers.
It may be overridden by using --codeset or the codeset configuration option.


Note that all numerical options may be resetted to their default value by setting them a
negative value.

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