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pflogsumm - Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary

Copyright (C) 1998-2010 by James S. Seymour, Release 1.1.5


pflogsumm -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [--detail <cnt>]
[--bounce-detail <cnt>] [--deferral-detail <cnt>]
[-h <cnt>] [-i|--ignore-case] [--iso-date-time] [--mailq]
[-m|--uucp-mung] [--no-no-msg-size] [--problems-first]
[--rej-add-from] [--reject-detail <cnt>] [--smtp-detail <cnt>]
[--smtpd-stats] [--smtpd-warning-detail <cnt>]
[--syslog-name=string] [-u <cnt>] [--verbose-msg-detail]
[--verp-mung[=<n>]] [--zero-fill] [file1 [filen]]

pflogsumm -[help|version]

If no file(s) specified, reads from stdin. Output is to stdout.


Pflogsumm is a log analyzer/summarizer for the Postfix MTA. It is
designed to provide an over-view of Postfix activity, with just enough
detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble

Pflogsumm generates summaries and, in some cases, detailed reports of
mail server traffic volumes, rejected and bounced email, and server
warnings, errors and panics.


--bounce-detail <cnt>

Limit detailed bounce reports to the top <cnt>. 0
to suppress entirely.

-d today generate report for just today
-d yesterday generate report for just "yesterday"

--deferral-detail <cnt>

Limit detailed deferral reports to the top <cnt>. 0
to suppress entirely.

--detail <cnt>

Sets all --*-detail, -h and -u to <cnt>. Is
over-ridden by individual settings. --detail 0
suppresses *all* detail.

-e extended (extreme? excessive?) detail

Emit detailed reports. At present, this includes
only a per-message report, sorted by sender domain,
then user-in-domain, then by queue i.d.

WARNING: the data built to generate this report can
quickly consume very large amounts of memory if a
lot of log entries are processed!

-h <cnt> top <cnt> to display in host/domain reports.

0 = none.

See also: "-u" and "--*-detail" options for further
report-limiting options.

--help Emit short usage message and bail out.

(By happy coincidence, "-h" alone does much the same,
being as it requires a numeric argument :-). Yeah, I
know: lame.)

--ignore-case Handle complete email address in a case-insensitive

Normally pflogsumm lower-cases only the host and
domain parts, leaving the user part alone. This
option causes the entire email address to be lower-


For summaries that contain date or time information,
use ISO 8601 standard formats (CCYY-MM-DD and HH:MM),
rather than "Mon DD CCYY" and "HHMM".

-m modify (mung?) UUCP-style bang-paths

This is for use when you have a mix of Internet-style
domain addresses and UUCP-style bang-paths in the log.
Upstream UUCP feeds sometimes mung Internet domain
style address into bang-paths. This option can
sometimes undo the "damage". For example:
"somehost.dom!username@foo" (where "foo" is the next
host upstream and "somehost.dom" was whence the email
originated) will get converted to
"foo!username@somehost.dom". This also affects the
extended detail report (-e), to help ensure that by-
domain-by-name sorting is more accurate.

--mailq Run "mailq" command at end of report.

Merely a convenience feature. (Assumes that "mailq"
is in $PATH. See "$mailqCmd" variable to path thisi
if desired.)


These switches are deprecated in favour of
--bounce-detail, --deferral-detail and
--reject-detail, respectively.

Suppresses the printing of the following detailed
reports, respectively:

message bounce detail (by relay)
message deferral detail
message reject detail

See also: "-u" and "-h" for further report-limiting


Do not emit report on "Messages with no size data".

Message size is reported only by the queue manager.
The message may be delivered long-enough after the
(last) qmgr log entry that the information is not in
the log(s) processed by a particular run of
pflogsumm. This throws off "Recipients by message
size" and the total for "bytes delivered." These are
normally reported by pflogsumm as "Messages with no
size data."


This switch is deprecated in favour of

On a busy mail server, say at an ISP, SMTPD warnings
can result in a rather sizeable report. This option
turns reporting them off.


Emit "problems" reports (bounces, defers, warnings,
etc.) before "normal" stats.

For those reject reports that list IP addresses or
host/domain names: append the email from address to
each listing. (Does not apply to "Improper use of
SMTP command pipelining" report.)

-q quiet - don't print headings for empty reports

note: headings for warning, fatal, and "master"
messages will always be printed.

--reject-detail <cnt>

Limit detailed smtpd reject, warn, hold and discard
reports to the top <cnt>. 0 to suppress entirely.

--smtp-detail <cnt>

Limit detailed smtp delivery reports to the top <cnt>.
0 to suppress entirely.


Generate smtpd connection statistics.

The "per-day" report is not generated for single-day
reports. For multiple-day reports: "per-hour" numbers
are daily averages (reflected in the report heading).

--smtpd-warning-detail <cnt>

Limit detailed smtpd warnings reports to the top <cnt>.
0 to suppress entirely.


Set syslog-name to look for for Postfix log entries.

By default, pflogsumm looks for entries in logfiles
with a syslog name of "postfix," the default.
If you've set a non-default "syslog_name" parameter
in your Postfix configuration, use this option to
tell pflogsumm what that is.

See the discussion about the use of this option under
"NOTES," below.

-u <cnt> top <cnt> to display in user reports. 0 == none.

See also: "-h" and "--*-detail" options for further
report-limiting options.


For the message deferral, bounce and reject summaries:
display the full "reason", rather than a truncated one.

Note: this can result in quite long lines in the report.

--verp-mung do "VERP" generated address (?) munging. Convert
--verp-mung=2 sender addresses of the form

In other words: replace the numeric value with "ID".

By specifying the optional "=2" (second form), the
munging is more "aggressive", converting the address
to something like:


Actually: specifying anything less than 2 does the
"simple" munging and anything greater than 1 results
in the more "aggressive" hack being applied.

See "NOTES" regarding this option.

--version Print program name and version and bail out.

--zero-fill "Zero-fill" certain arrays so reports come out with
data in columns that that might otherwise be blank.


Pflogsumm doesn't return anything of interest to the shell.


Error messages are emitted to stderr.


Produce a report of previous day's activities:

pflogsumm -d yesterday /var/log/maillog

A report of prior week's activities (after logs rotated):

pflogsumm /var/log/maillog.0

What's happened so far today:

pflogsumm -d today /var/log/maillog

Crontab entry to generate a report of the previous day's activity
at 10 minutes after midnight.

10 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm -d yesterday /var/log/maillog
2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` daily mail stats" postmaster

Crontab entry to generate a report for the prior week's activity.
(This example assumes one rotates ones mail logs weekly, some time
before 4:10 a.m. on Sunday.)

10 4 * * 0 /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm /var/log/maillog.0
2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` weekly mail stats" postmaster

The two crontab examples, above, must actually be a single line
each. They're broken-up into two-or-more lines due to page
formatting issues.

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