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bpcp - A remote copy utility for delay tolerant networks utilizing NASA JPL's
Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION)


bpcp [-dqr | -v] [-L bundle_lifetime] [-C custody_on/off] [-S class_of_service]
[host1:]file1 ... [host2:]file2


bpcp copies files between hosts utilizing NASA JPL's Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION)
to provide a delay tolerant network. File copies from local to remote, remote to local, or
remote to remote are permitted. bpcp depends on ION to do any authentication or
encryption of file transfers. All covergence layers over which bpcp runs MUST be

The options are permitted as follows:

-d Debug output. Repeat for increased verbosity.
-q Quiet. Do not output status messages.
-r Recursive.
-v Display version information.
-L bundle_lifetime
Bundle lifetime in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day).

-C BP_custody
Acceptable values are ON/OFF,YES/NO,1/0. Default is ON.

-S class_of_service
Bundle Protocol Class of Service for this transfer. Available options are:

0 Bulk Priority
1 Standard Priority
2 Expedited Priority

Default is Standard Priority.

bpcp utilizes CFDP to preform the actual file transfers. This has several important
implications. First, ION's CFDP implementation requires that reliable convergence layers
be used to transfer the data. Second, file permissions are not transferred. Files will be
made executable on copy. Third, symbolic links are ignored for local to remote transfers
and their target is copied for remote transfers. Fourth, all hosts must be specified using
ION's IPN naming scheme.

In order to preform remote to local transfers or remote to remote transfers, bpcpd must be
running on the remote hosts. However, bpcp should NOT be run simultaneously with bpcpd or


"0" bpcp terminated normally.

"1" bpcp terminated abnormally. Check console and the ion.log file for error messages.

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