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feedGnuplot - General purpose pipe-oriented plotting tool


likwid-setFreq <coreId> <frequency> [<governor>]


feedGnuplot is a pipe-oriented plotting frontend for GNUplot that can read internediate
results and create a sort of live plot of the data. feedGnuplot is used by likwid-
perfscope(1) to print performance counter data printed out by the timeline daemon mode of
likwid-perfctr(1). The Perl script feedGnuplot is not written by the LIKWID Authors, it
was written by Dima Kogan and published under GPL. The original web page is


-h prints a help message to standard output, then exits.#

If enabled, the first element of each line is the domain variable. If not, the
point index is used.

If enabled, each data point is preceded by the ID of the data set that point
corresponds to. This ID is interpreted as a string, NOT as just a number. If not
enabled, the order of the point is used.

Do [not] plot in 3D. This only makes sense with --domain. Each domain here is an
(x,y) tuple.

Show a colormapped xy plot. Requires extra data for the color. zmin/zmax can be
used to set the extents of the colors. Automatically increments

Do [not] display the data a point at a time, as it comes in.

Do [not] draw lines to connect consecutive points.

Do [not] draw points.

Plot with circles. This requires a radius be specified for each point.
Automatically increments extraValuesPerPoint.

--xlabel xxx
Set x-axis label.

--ylabel xxx
Set y-axis label.

--y2label xxx
Set y2-axis label. Does not apply to 3d plots.

--zlabel xxx
Set z-axis label. Only applies to 3d plots.

--title xxx
Set the title of the plot.

--legend curveID=legend
Set the label for a curve plot. Use this option multiple times for multiple curves.
With --dataid , curveID is the ID. Otherwise, it's the index of the curve, starting
at 0.

Use the curve IDs for the legend. Titles given with --legend override these.

--xlen xxx
When using --stream , sets the size of the x-window to plot. Omit this or set it to
0 to plot ALL the data. Does not make sense with 3d plots. Implies --monotonic

--xmin xxx
Set the minimal point in range for the x-axis. These are ignored in a streaming

--xmax xxx
Set the maximal point in range for the x-axis. These are ignored in a streaming

--ymin xxx
Set the minimal point in range for the y-axis.

--ymax xxx
Set the maximal point in range for the y-axis.

--y2min xxx
Set the minimal point in range for the y2-axis. Does not apply to 3d plots.

--y2max xxx
Set the maximal point in range for the y2-axis. Does not apply to 3d plots.

--zmin xxx
Set the minimal point in range for the z-axis. Only applies to 3d plots or

--zmax xxx
Set the maximal point in range for the z-axis. Only applies to 3d plots or

--y2 xxx
Plot the data specified by this curve ID on the y2 axis. Without --dataid , the ID
is just an ordered 0-based index. Does not apply to 3d plots.

--curvestyle curveID=style
Additional styles per curve. With --dataid , curveID is the ID. Otherwise, it's the
index of the curve, starting at 0. Use this option multiple times for multiple

--curvestyleall xxx
Additional styles for ALL curves.

--extracmds xxx
Additional commands. These could contain extra global styles for instance.

--size xxx
Gnuplot size option.

Plot data with aspect ratio 1. For 3D plots, this controls the aspect ratio for all
3 axes.

For 3D plots, set square aspect ratio for ONLY the x,y axes.

--hardcopy xxx
If not streaming, output to a file specified here. Format inferred from filename.

--maxcurves xxx
The maximum allowed number of curves. This is 100 by default, but can be reset with
this option. This exists purely to prevent perl from allocating all of the system's
memory when reading bogus data.

If --domain is given, checks to make sure that the x-coordinate in the input data
is monotonically increasing.If a given x-variable is in the past, all data
currently cached for this curve is purged. Without --monotonic , all data is kept.
Does not make sense with 3d plots. No --monotonic by default.

--extraValuesPerPoint xxx
How many extra values are given for each data point. Normally this is 0, and does
not need to be specified, but sometimes we want extra data, like for colors or
point sizes or error bars, etc. feedGnuplot options that require this (colormap,
circles) automatically set it. This option is ONLY needed if unknown styles are
used, with --curvestyleall for instance.

--dump Instead of printing to gnuplot, print to STDOUT. For debugging.


1. Simple real-time plotting example: plot how much data is received on the wlan0 network
interface in bytes/second

while true; do sleep 1; cat /proc/net/dev; done | gawk '/wlan0/ {if(b) {print $2-b;
fflush()} b=$2}' |
feedgnuplot --lines --stream --xlen 10 --ylabel 'Bytes/sec' --xlabel seconds

Reads the stats of the network interface 'wlan0' every second, reformats it with gawk and
pipes the formated output into feedGnuplot qto create a line plot ( --lines ) of the
streaming input ( --stream ). Always show the last 10 seconds ( --xlen ) and use the
labels 'seconds' for the x-axis and 'Bytes/sec' for the y-axis.

2. Simple real-time plotting example: plot the 'idle' CPU consumption against time

sar 1 -1 | awk '$1 ~ /..:..:../ && $8 ~/^[0-9.]*$/ {print $1,$8; fflush()}' |
feedgnuplot --stream --domain --lines --timefmt '%H:%M:%S' --set 'format x %H:%M:%S '

Reads the CPU IDLE consumption and sets the current time as x-axis key.

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