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Genlist - ping scanner


genlist [Input Type] [Scan Options] [General Options]


Genlist is a program that returns a list of hosts that responding
to ping probes. Thus, this list can be used to perform an scan of
these machines using PBNJ or Nmap.

Apart of PBNJ 2.0 suite of tools to monitor changes on a network.


Usage: genlist [Input Type] [General Options]
Input Type:
-s --scan <target> Ping Target Range ex: 10.0.0.

Scan Options:
-n --nmap <path> Path to Nmap executable
--inter <interface> Perform scan using non default interface

General Options:
-v --version Display version
-h --help Display this information

Send Comments to Joshua D. Abraham ( [email protected] )


$ ./genlist -s 10.0.0.> iplist

$ sudo ./scanpbnj -i iplist


$ ./genlist -s 10.0.0.> iplist

$ sudo ./nmap -iL iplist


-s <target> Ping Target Range ex: 10.0.0.*
The ping scan is a useful method of only scanning the host that are
responding to ICMP echo requests. This scan basically takes the host
that respond to ping and prints them. This is useful in combining
the result with a PBNJ or Nmap scan because no time is wasted in
scanning hosts that do not respond.


--interface <intface>
This option sets an alternative interface for performing the scan.
This is useful when you have multiple interfaces on a machine
with restrictions on which devices can access certain IP ranges.

-n --nmap <path>
Use an alternative Nmap rather than Nmap located in the your path.
This is useful if you have multiple version of Nmap installed on
a system or if you are testing a new version of Nmap. Remember that if
you are using a newly compiled version of Nmap that you need to
export NMAPDIR to the location that Nmap was compiled in. Thus, if
you have compiled Nmap in your homedir, use the following notation to
run it with Genlist:

$ export NMAPDIR=$HOME/nmap-VERSION/

$ sudo genlist -s 10.0.0.--nmap $HOME/nmap-VERISON/

General Options:

-v --version
Prints the Genlist version number and exits.

-h --help Display this information
Prints a short help screen with the most common command flags.
Running Genlist without any arguments does the same thing.


Any feature requests should be reported to the online
feature-request-tracking system available on the web at :
Before requesting a feature, please check to see if the features has
already been requested.


Any bugs found should be reported to the online bug-tracking system
available on the web at :
Before reporting bugs, please check to see if the bug has already been

When reporting PBNJ bugs, it is important to include a reliable way to
reproduce the bug, version number of PBNJ and Nmap, OS
name and version, and any relevant hardware specs. And of course,
patches to rectify the bug are even better.

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