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ogminfo - Print information about streams in OGG/OGM files


ogminfo [options] inname


This program lists all streams contained in an OGM including information about the codecs

inname Use 'inname' as the source.

-v, --verbose
Be verbose and show each OGG packet. See the section 'VERBOSITY LEVELS' for

-s, --summary
Will print a short summary for each stream including the total size in bytes, the
bitrate, the number of packets/frames and the length in seconds. This requires the
parsing of the complete file.

-h, --help
Show usage information.

-V, --version
Show version information.


The -v option can be used to increase ogminfo's verbosity level and print more information
about the current file.

level 0
will print only the streams it finds and their types.

level 1
will also print each stream's header and comment packets' contents. These two
modes will not process the whole file (as opposed to all other modes) if the
comment packets are placed correctly.

level 2
will print a line for each OGG packet it encounters containing the stream the
packet belongs to, the payload size, the packet's granulepos, the packet's number,
its start time, its end time and several flags. The flags may include 'sync_ok' or
'OUT_OF_SYNC' which indicates whether the packet's placement in the file is correct
according to its granulepos. Other flags are 'IS_SYNCPOINT' or 'EOS'.
level 2 and above automatically imply --summary.

level 3
also prints a line whenever a new OGG page was read completely along with the
page's exact position in the file it was read from.

level 4
will dump the complete stream_header structure found in the header packet for any
non-Vorbis stream.

The levels 3 and 4 are intended for debugging purposes only.


What works:

* OGM with Vorbis audio, 'normal' video (like DivX etc.), audio streams (PCM, MP3
etc.), text streams (subtitles).

What not works:

* Headers created by older OggDS (DirectShow) filter versions are not supported (and
probably never will be).

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