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pts_interactive - Online in the Cloud

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pts_interactive - Enters interactive mode


pts interactive [-cell] <cell name> [-noauth]
[-auth] [-localauth] [-force]

pts in [-c] <cell name> [-n] [-f]


The pts interactive command allows the user to enter an interactive mode, useful for
running bulk commands like creating new users or groups.

pts interactive uses the authentication state supplied on its command line to run all bulk
commands. However, if a bulk command is supplied with authentication options such as
-cell, -localauth, -auth or -noauth then it, and all subsequent bulk commands, will be run
with those options.


Prior to OpenAFS 1.4.5 and OpenAFS 1.5.23, the pts interactive command was only available
on Unix or Linux and when OpenAFS was compiled with the supergroups option (disabled by
default). As of OpenAFS 1.4.5 and 1.5.23, it is always available.

Running bulk pts commands may degrade the performance of the Protection Server while they
are run and server resources may not be released immediately after commands are run. The
pts sleep command can be used in interactive mode or with pts source to give the
Protection Server a change to catch up.


pts interactive only takes the standard pts options.

-cell <cell name>
Names the cell in which to run the command. For more details, see pts(1).

Enables the command to continue executing as far as possible when errors or other
problems occur, rather than halting execution at the first error.

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.

Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
file. Do not combine this flag with the -cell or -noauth options. For more details,
see pts(1).

Assigns the unprivileged identity anonymous to the issuer. For more details, see


The output is the same as if each individual command were run from the command line.


Here is an example of a pts interactive session:

% pts interactive
pts> examine admin
Name: admin, id: 1, owner: system:administrators, creator: anonymous,
membership: 2, flags: S----, group quota: 20.
pts> help
pts: Commands are:
adduser add a user to a group
apropos search by help text
chown change ownership of a group
creategroup create a new group
createuser create a new user
delete delete a user or group from database
examine examine an entry
help get help on commands
interactive enter interactive mode
listentries list users/groups in the protection database
listmax list max id
listowned list groups owned by an entry or zero id gets orphaned groups
membership list membership of a user or group
quit exit program
removeuser remove a user from a group
rename rename user or group
setfields set fields for an entry
setmax set max id
sleep pause for a bit
source read commands from file
pts> quit


The same privilege is required to run the command in interactive mode as is required to
run the command by itself on the command line. Some commands such as pts createuser
require that the user belong to the system:administrators group, while others do not.

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