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r.sim.sedimentgrass - Online in the Cloud

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r.sim.sediment - Sediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling
method (SIMWE).


raster, hydrology, soil, sediment flow, erosion, deposition, model


r.sim.sediment --help
r.sim.sediment elevation=name water_depth=name dx=name dy=name detachment_coeff=name
transport_coeff=name shear_stress=name [man=name] [man_value=float]
[observation=name] [transport_capacity=name] [tlimit_erosion_deposition=name]
[sediment_concentration=name] [sediment_flux=name] [erosion_deposition=name]
[logfile=name] [walkers_output=name] [nwalkers=integer] [niterations=integer]
[output_step=integer] [diffusion_coeff=float] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose]
[--quiet] [--ui]

Allow output files to overwrite existing files

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

elevation=name [required]
Name of input elevation raster map

water_depth=name [required]
Name of water depth raster map [m]

dx=name [required]
Name of x-derivatives raster map [m/m]

dy=name [required]
Name of y-derivatives raster map [m/m]

detachment_coeff=name [required]
Name of detachment capacity coefficient raster map [s/m]

transport_coeff=name [required]
Name of transport capacity coefficient raster map [s]

shear_stress=name [required]
Name of critical shear stress raster map [Pa]

Name of Manning’s n raster map

Manning’s n unique value
Default: 0.1

Name of sampling locations vector points map
Or data source for direct OGR access

Name for output transport capacity raster map [kg/ms]

Name for output transport limited erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]

Name for output sediment concentration raster map [particle/m3]

Name for output sediment flux raster map [kg/ms]

Name for output erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]

Name for sampling points output text file. For each observation vector point the time
series of sediment transport is stored.

Base name of the output walkers vector points map

Number of walkers

Time used for iterations [minutes]
Default: 10

Time interval for creating output maps [minutes]
Default: 2

Water diffusion constant
Default: 0.8


r.sim.sediment is a landscape scale, simulation model of soil erosion, sediment transport
and deposition caused by flowing water designed for spatially variable terrain, soil,
cover and rainfall excess conditions. The soil erosion model is based on the theory used
in the USDA WEPP hillslope erosion model, but it has been generalized to 2D flow. The
solution is based on the concept of duality between fields and particles and the
underlying equations are solved by Green’s function Monte Carlo method, to provide
robustness necessary for spatially variable conditions and high resolutions (Mitas and
Mitasova 1998). Key inputs of the model include the following raster maps: elevation
(elevation [m]), flow gradient given by the first-order partial derivatives of elevation
field ( dx and dy), overland flow water depth (water_depth [m]), detachment capacity
coefficient (detachment_coeff [s/m]), transport capacity coefficient (transport_coeff
[s]), critical shear stress (shear_stress [Pa]) and surface roughness coefficient called
Manning’s n (man raster map). Partial derivatives can be computed by v.surf.rst or
r.slope.aspect module. The data are automatically converted from feet to metric system
using database/projection information, so the elevation always should be in meters. The
water depth file can be computed using r.sim.water module. Other parameters must be
determined using field measurements or reference literature (see suggested values in Notes
and References).

Output includes transport capacity raster map transport_capacity in [kg/ms], transport
capacity limited erosion/deposition raster map tlimit_erosion_deposition [kg/m2s]i that
are output almost immediately and can be viewed while the simulation continues. Sediment
flow rate raster map sediment_flux [kg/ms], and net erosion/deposition raster map [kg/m2s]
can take longer time depending on time step and simulation time. Simulation time is
controled by niterations [minutes] parameter. If the resulting erosion/deposition map is
noisy, higher number of walkers, given by nwalkers should be used.


Use r.sim.sedimentgrass online using onworks.net services

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