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ratfor - ratfor preprocessor for Fortran 77


ratfor [-l n] [-C] [-o outputfile] filename


-l n Set starting label number.

-o output
Specify output file; default is stdout.

-C Keep comments in (useful for compiler directives).

-? Show summary of options.


Ratfor has the following syntax:

prog: stat
prog stat

stat: if (...) stat
if (...) stat else stat
while (...) stat
repeat stat
repeat stat until (...)
for (...;...;...) stat
do ... stat
switch (intexpr) { case val[,val]: stmt ... default: stmt }
break n
next n
return (...)
digits stat
{ prog } or [ prog ] or $( prog $)
anything unrecognizable

where stat is any Fortran or Ratfor statement, and intexpr is an expression that resolves
into an integer value. A statement is terminated by an end-of-line or a semicolon. The
following translations are also performed.

< .lt. <= .le.
== .eq.
!= .ne. ^= .ne. ~= .ne.
>= .ge. > .gt.
| .or. & .and.
! .not. ^ .not. ~ .not.

Integer constants in bases other that decimal may be specified as n%dddd... where n is a
decimal number indicating the base and dddd... are digits in that base. For bases > 10,
letters are used for digits above 9. Examples: 8%77, 16%2ff, 2%0010011. The number is
converted the equivalent decimal value using multiplication; this may cause sign problems
if the number has too many digits.

String literals ("..." or '...') can be continued across line boundaries by ending the
line to be continued with an underline. The underline is not included as part of the
literal. Leading blanks and tabs on the next line are ignored; this facilitates
consistent indentation.

include file

will include the named file in the input.

define (name,value) or
define name value

defines name as a symbolic parameter with the indicated value. Names of symbolic
parameters may contain letters, digits, periods, and underline character but must begin
with a letter (e.g. B.FLAG). Upper case is not equivalent to lower case in parameter

string name "character string" or
string name(size) "character string"

defines name to be an integer array long enough to accommodate the ASCII codes for the
given character string, one per word. The last word of name is initialized to the
symbolic parameter EOS, and indicates the end of string.


ratfor fortran preprocessor fortran77 ratfor77

Jun 1996 RATFOR(1)

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