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AxisymmetryAngle - manual page for AxisymmetryAngle a


AxisymmetryAngle a AxisymmetryAxisVector AxisymmetryReferencePoint L
CharacteristicAcousticMinus M / LT^2 CharacteristicAcousticPlus M / LT^2
CharacteristicEntropy M / LT^2 CharacteristicVorticity1 L / T
CharacteristicVorticity2 L / T CoefDrag CoefLift CoefMomentEta CoefMomentMagnitude
CoefMomentNormal CoefMomentPhi CoefMomentR CoefMomentTangential CoefMomentTheta
CoefMomentX CoefMomentXi CoefMomentY CoefMomentZ CoefMomentZeta CoefPressure
CoefSkinFrictionMagnitude CoefSkinFrictionNormal CoefSkinFrictionPhi CoefSkinFrictionR
CoefSkinFrictionTangential CoefSkinFrictionTheta CoefSkinFrictionX CoefSkinFrictionY
CoefSkinFrictionZ Coef_Area L^2 Coef_Length L
Coef_PressureDynamic M / LT^2 Coef_PressureReference M / LT^2
CompressibilityFactor CoordinateEta L CoordinateNormal L
CoordinatePhi a CoordinateR L CoordinateTangential
L CoordinateTheta a CoordinateX L CoordinateXi
L CoordinateY L CoordinateZ L CoordinateZeta
L CurrentDensityX 1 / L^2 CurrentDensityY 1 / L^2
CurrentDensityZ 1 / L^2 Density M / L^3
DensityStagnation M / L^3 Drag ML / T^2
ElectricConductivity ML / T^3 ElectricFieldX ML / T
ElectricFieldY ML / T ElectricFieldZ ML / T
EnergyInternal L^2 / T^2 EnergyKinetic L^2 / T^2
EnergyStagnation L^2 / T^2 EnergyStagnationDensity M / LT^2
Enthalpy L^2 / T^2 EnthalpyEnergyRatio EnthalpyStagnation
L^2 / T^2 Entropy ML^2 / T^2@ EntropyApprox ForceMagnitude
ML / T^2 ForceNormal ML / T^2 ForcePhi ML / T^2
ForceR ML / T^2 ForceTangential ML / T^2
ForceTheta ML / T^2 ForceX ML / T^2 ForceY
ML / T^2 ForceZ ML / T^2 FuelAirRatio GravityVector
L / T^2 GridVelocityEta L / T GridVelocityMagnitude L / T
GridVelocityNormal L / T GridVelocityPhi a / T GridVelocityR
L / T GridVelocityTangential L / T GridVelocityTheta a / T
GridVelocityX L / T GridVelocityXi L / T GridVelocityY
L / T GridVelocityZ L / T GridVelocityZeta L / T
HeatOfFormation# L^2 / T^2 IdealGasConstant L^2 / T^2@
JouleHeating ML^2 / T^2 LaminarViscosity# M / LT
LengthReference L Lift ML / T^2 LorenzForceX
ML / T^2 LorenzForceY ML / T^2 LorenzForceZ ML / T^2
Mach Mach_Velocity L / T Mach_VelocitySound L / T
MagneticFieldX 1 / L MagneticFieldY 1 / L MagneticFieldZ
1 / L MassFlow M / L^2T MassFraction# MoleFraction#
MolecularWeight# MomentEta ML^2 / T^2 MomentMagnitude
ML^2 / T^2 MomentNormal ML^2 / T^2 MomentPhi ML^2
/ T^2 MomentR ML^2 / T^2 MomentTangential ML^2 /
T^2 MomentTheta ML^2 / T^2 MomentX ML^2 / T^2
MomentXi ML^2 / T^2 MomentY ML^2 / T^2
MomentZ ML^2 / T^2 MomentZeta ML^2 / T^2
Moment_CenterNormal L Moment_CenterPhi L Moment_CenterR
L Moment_CenterTangential L Moment_CenterTheta L Moment_CenterX
L Moment_CenterY L Moment_CenterZ L MomentumMagnitude
M / L^2T MomentumNormal M / L^2T MomentumPhi M / L^2T
MomentumR M / L^2T MomentumTangential M / L^2T
MomentumTheta M / L^2T MomentumX M / L^2T
MomentumY M / L^2T MomentumZ M / L^2T
OriginLocation L Potential L^2 / T PowerLawExponent
Prandtl PrandtlTurbulent Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure L^2 / T^2@
Prandtl_ThermalConductivity ML / T^3@ Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular M / LT Pressure
M / LT^2 PressureDynamic M / LT^2 PressureStagnation M / LT^2
ReferenceTemperatureHOF @ Reynolds ReynoldsStressXX M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressXY M / LT^2 ReynoldsStressXZ M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressYY M / LT^2 ReynoldsStressYZ M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressZZ M / LT^2 Reynolds_Length L
Reynolds_Velocity L / T Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic L^2 / T
RiemannInvariantMinus L / T RiemannInvariantPlus L / T
RigidRotationAngle a RigidRotationRate a / T RigidVelocity
L / T RotatingEnergyStagnation L^2 / T^2 RotatingEnergyStagnationDensity M / LT^2
RotatingEnthalpyStagnation L^2 / T^2 RotatingMach RotatingMomentumMagnitude M /
L^2T RotatingMomentumNormal M / L^2T RotatingMomentumPhi M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumR M / L^2T RotatingMomentumTangential M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumTheta M / L^2T RotatingMomentumX M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumY M / L^2T RotatingMomentumZ M / L^2T
RotatingPressureStagnation M / LT^2 RotatingVelocityMagnitude L / T
RotatingVelocityNormal L / T RotatingVelocityPhi L / T
RotatingVelocityR L / T RotatingVelocityTangential L / T
RotatingVelocityTheta L / T RotatingVelocityX L / T
RotatingVelocityY L / T RotatingVelocityZ L / T RotationAngle
a RotationCenter L RotationRateVector a / T
SkinFrictionMagnitude M / LT^2 SkinFrictionNormal M / LT^2
SkinFrictionPhi M / LT^2 SkinFrictionR M / LT^2
SkinFrictionTangential M / LT^2 SkinFrictionTheta M / LT^2
SkinFrictionX M / LT^2 SkinFrictionY M / LT^2
SkinFrictionZ M / LT^2 SoundIntensity M / T^3
SoundIntensityDB SpeciesDensity# M / L^3 SpecificHeatPressure
L^2 / T^2@ SpecificHeatRatio SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure L^2 / T^2@
SpecificHeatRatio_Volume L^2 / T^2@ SpecificHeatVolume L^2 / T^2@
StreamFunction L^2 / T SurfaceArea L^2
SutherlandLawConstant @ Temperature @ TemperatureReference
@ TemperatureStagnation @ ThermalConductivity# ML / T^3@
ThermalConductivityReference ML / T^3@ Translation L
TurbulentBBReynolds TurbulentDissipation L^2 / T^3 TurbulentDissipationRate
1 / T TurbulentDistance L TurbulentEnergyKinetic L^2 / T^2
TurbulentSANuTilde L^2 / T VelocityAngleMagnitude a
VelocityAngleNormal a VelocityAnglePhi a VelocityAngleR
a VelocityAngleTangential a VelocityAngleTheta a VelocityAngleX
a VelocityAngleY a VelocityAngleZ a VelocityMagnitude
L / T VelocityNormal L / T VelocityPhi L / T
VelocityR L / T VelocitySound L / T
VelocitySoundStagnation L / T VelocityTangential L / T VelocityTheta
L / T VelocityUnitVectorMagnitude VelocityUnitVectorNormal VelocityUnitVectorPhi
VelocityUnitVectorR VelocityUnitVectorTangential VelocityUnitVectorTheta
VelocityUnitVectorX VelocityUnitVectorY VelocityUnitVectorZ VelocityX
L / T VelocityY L / T VelocityZ L / T
VibrationalElectronEnergy L^2 / T^2 VibrationalElectronTemperature @ ViscosityEddy
M / LT ViscosityEddyKinematic L^2 / T ViscosityKinematic L^2 / T
ViscosityMolecular M / LT ViscosityMolecularReference M / LT Voltage
ML^2 / T VorticityMagnitude 1 / T VorticityNormal 1 / T
VorticityPhi 1 / T VorticityR 1 / T
VorticityTangential 1 / T VorticityTheta 1 / T VorticityX
1 / T VorticityY 1 / T VorticityZ 1 / T

AxisymmetryAxisVector AxisymmetryReferencePoint L CharacteristicAcousticMinus M
/ LT^2 CharacteristicAcousticPlus M / LT^2 CharacteristicEntropy M / LT^2
CharacteristicVorticity1 L / T CharacteristicVorticity2 L / T CoefDrag
CoefLift CoefMomentEta CoefMomentMagnitude CoefMomentNormal CoefMomentPhi CoefMomentR
CoefMomentTangential CoefMomentTheta CoefMomentX CoefMomentXi CoefMomentY CoefMomentZ
CoefMomentZeta CoefPressure CoefSkinFrictionMagnitude CoefSkinFrictionNormal
CoefSkinFrictionPhi CoefSkinFrictionR CoefSkinFrictionTangential CoefSkinFrictionTheta
CoefSkinFrictionX CoefSkinFrictionY CoefSkinFrictionZ Coef_Area L^2
Coef_Length L Coef_PressureDynamic M / LT^2
Coef_PressureReference M / LT^2 CompressibilityFactor CoordinateEta
L CoordinateNormal L CoordinatePhi a CoordinateR
L CoordinateTangential L CoordinateTheta a CoordinateX
L CoordinateXi L CoordinateY L CoordinateZ
L CoordinateZeta L CurrentDensityX 1 / L^2
CurrentDensityY 1 / L^2 CurrentDensityZ 1 / L^2 Density
M / L^3 DensityStagnation M / L^3 Drag ML / T^2
ElectricConductivity ML / T^3 ElectricFieldX ML / T
ElectricFieldY ML / T ElectricFieldZ ML / T
EnergyInternal L^2 / T^2 EnergyKinetic L^2 / T^2
EnergyStagnation L^2 / T^2 EnergyStagnationDensity M / LT^2
Enthalpy L^2 / T^2 EnthalpyEnergyRatio EnthalpyStagnation
L^2 / T^2 Entropy ML^2 / T^2@ EntropyApprox ForceMagnitude
ML / T^2 ForceNormal ML / T^2 ForcePhi ML / T^2
ForceR ML / T^2 ForceTangential ML / T^2
ForceTheta ML / T^2 ForceX ML / T^2 ForceY
ML / T^2 ForceZ ML / T^2 FuelAirRatio GravityVector
L / T^2 GridVelocityEta L / T GridVelocityMagnitude L / T
GridVelocityNormal L / T GridVelocityPhi a / T GridVelocityR
L / T GridVelocityTangential L / T GridVelocityTheta a / T
GridVelocityX L / T GridVelocityXi L / T GridVelocityY
L / T GridVelocityZ L / T GridVelocityZeta L / T
HeatOfFormation# L^2 / T^2 IdealGasConstant L^2 / T^2@
JouleHeating ML^2 / T^2 LaminarViscosity# M / LT
LengthReference L Lift ML / T^2 LorenzForceX
ML / T^2 LorenzForceY ML / T^2 LorenzForceZ ML / T^2
Mach Mach_Velocity L / T Mach_VelocitySound L / T
MagneticFieldX 1 / L MagneticFieldY 1 / L MagneticFieldZ
1 / L MassFlow M / L^2T MassFraction# MoleFraction#
MolecularWeight# MomentEta ML^2 / T^2 MomentMagnitude
ML^2 / T^2 MomentNormal ML^2 / T^2 MomentPhi ML^2
/ T^2 MomentR ML^2 / T^2 MomentTangential ML^2 /
T^2 MomentTheta ML^2 / T^2 MomentX ML^2 / T^2
MomentXi ML^2 / T^2 MomentY ML^2 / T^2
MomentZ ML^2 / T^2 MomentZeta ML^2 / T^2
Moment_CenterNormal L Moment_CenterPhi L Moment_CenterR
L Moment_CenterTangential L Moment_CenterTheta L Moment_CenterX
L Moment_CenterY L Moment_CenterZ L MomentumMagnitude
M / L^2T MomentumNormal M / L^2T MomentumPhi M / L^2T
MomentumR M / L^2T MomentumTangential M / L^2T
MomentumTheta M / L^2T MomentumX M / L^2T
MomentumY M / L^2T MomentumZ M / L^2T
OriginLocation L Potential L^2 / T PowerLawExponent
Prandtl PrandtlTurbulent Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure L^2 / T^2@
Prandtl_ThermalConductivity ML / T^3@ Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular M / LT Pressure
M / LT^2 PressureDynamic M / LT^2 PressureStagnation M / LT^2
ReferenceTemperatureHOF @ Reynolds ReynoldsStressXX M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressXY M / LT^2 ReynoldsStressXZ M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressYY M / LT^2 ReynoldsStressYZ M / LT^2
ReynoldsStressZZ M / LT^2 Reynolds_Length L
Reynolds_Velocity L / T Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic L^2 / T
RiemannInvariantMinus L / T RiemannInvariantPlus L / T
RigidRotationAngle a RigidRotationRate a / T RigidVelocity
L / T RotatingEnergyStagnation L^2 / T^2 RotatingEnergyStagnationDensity M / LT^2
RotatingEnthalpyStagnation L^2 / T^2 RotatingMach RotatingMomentumMagnitude M /
L^2T RotatingMomentumNormal M / L^2T RotatingMomentumPhi M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumR M / L^2T RotatingMomentumTangential M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumTheta M / L^2T RotatingMomentumX M / L^2T
RotatingMomentumY M / L^2T RotatingMomentumZ M / L^2T
RotatingPressureStagnation M / LT^2 RotatingVelocityMagnitude L / T
RotatingVelocityNormal L / T RotatingVelocityPhi L / T
RotatingVelocityR L / T RotatingVelocityTangential L / T
RotatingVelocityTheta L / T RotatingVelocityX L / T
RotatingVelocityY L / T RotatingVelocityZ L / T RotationAngle
a RotationCenter L RotationRateVector a / T
SkinFrictionMagnitude M / LT^2 SkinFrictionNormal M / LT^2
SkinFrictionPhi M / LT^2 SkinFrictionR M / LT^2
SkinFrictionTangential M / LT^2 SkinFrictionTheta M / LT^2
SkinFrictionX M / LT^2 SkinFrictionY M / LT^2
SkinFrictionZ M / LT^2 SoundIntensity M / T^3
SoundIntensityDB SpeciesDensity# M / L^3 SpecificHeatPressure
L^2 / T^2@ SpecificHeatRatio SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure L^2 / T^2@
SpecificHeatRatio_Volume L^2 / T^2@ SpecificHeatVolume L^2 / T^2@
StreamFunction L^2 / T SurfaceArea L^2
SutherlandLawConstant @ Temperature @ TemperatureReference
@ TemperatureStagnation @ ThermalConductivity# ML / T^3@
ThermalConductivityReference ML / T^3@ Translation L
TurbulentBBReynolds TurbulentDissipation L^2 / T^3 TurbulentDissipationRate
1 / T TurbulentDistance L TurbulentEnergyKinetic L^2 / T^2
TurbulentSANuTilde L^2 / T VelocityAngleMagnitude a
VelocityAngleNormal a VelocityAnglePhi a VelocityAngleR
a VelocityAngleTangential a VelocityAngleTheta a VelocityAngleX
a VelocityAngleY a VelocityAngleZ a VelocityMagnitude
L / T VelocityNormal L / T VelocityPhi L / T
VelocityR L / T VelocitySound L / T
VelocitySoundStagnation L / T VelocityTangential L / T VelocityTheta
L / T VelocityUnitVectorMagnitude VelocityUnitVectorNormal VelocityUnitVectorPhi
VelocityUnitVectorR VelocityUnitVectorTangential VelocityUnitVectorTheta
VelocityUnitVectorX VelocityUnitVectorY VelocityUnitVectorZ VelocityX
L / T VelocityY L / T VelocityZ L / T
VibrationalElectronEnergy L^2 / T^2 VibrationalElectronTemperature @ ViscosityEddy
M / LT ViscosityEddyKinematic L^2 / T ViscosityKinematic L^2 / T
ViscosityMolecular M / LT ViscosityMolecularReference M / LT Voltage
ML^2 / T VorticityMagnitude 1 / T VorticityNormal 1 / T
VorticityPhi 1 / T VorticityR 1 / T
VorticityTangential 1 / T VorticityTheta 1 / T VorticityX
1 / T VorticityY 1 / T VorticityZ 1 / T

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