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liblinear-train - Online in the Cloud

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liblinear-train - train a linear classifier and produce a model


liblinear-train [options] training_set_file [model_file]


liblinear-train trains a linear classifier using liblinear and produces a model suitable
for use with liblinear-predict(1).

training_set_file is the file containing the data used for training. model_file is the
file to which the model will be saved. If model_file is not provided, it defaults to

To obtain good performances, sometimes one needs to scale the data. This can be done with


A summary of options is included below.

-s type
Set the type of the solver:

0 ... L2-regularized logistic regression

1 ... L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual) (default)

2 ... L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal)

3 ... L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)

4 ... multi-class support vector classification

5 ... L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification

6 ... L1-regularized logistic regression

7 ... L2-regularized logistic regression (dual)

-c cost
Set the parameter C (default: 1)

-e epsilon
Set the tolerance of the termination criterion

For -s 0 and 2:

|f'(w)|_2 <= epsilon*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)_2, where f is
the primal function and pos/neg are the number of positive/negative data
(default: 0.01)

For -s 1, 3, 4 and 7:

Dual maximal violation <= epsilon; similar to libsvm (default: 0.1)

For -s 5 and 6:

|f'(w)|_inf <= epsilon*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_inf, where f is the primal
function (default: 0.01)

-B bias
If bias >= 0, then instance x becomes [x; bias]; if bias < 0, then
no bias term is added (default: -1)

-wi weight
Weight-adjusts the parameter C of class i by the value weight

-v n n-fold cross validation mode

-C Find parameter C (only for -s 0 and 2)

-q Quiet mode (no outputs).


Train a linear SVM using L2-loss function:

liblinear-train data_file

Train a logistic regression model:

liblinear-train -s 0 data_file

Do five-fold cross-validation using L2-loss SVM, using a smaller stopping tolerance 0.001
instead of the default 0.1 for more accurate solutions:

liblinear-train -v 5 -e 0.001 data_file

Conduct cross validation many times by L2-loss SVM and find the parameter C which achieves
the best cross validation accuracy:

train -C datafile

For parameter selection by -C, users can specify other solvers (currently -s 0 and -s 2
are supported) and different number of CV folds. Further, users can use the -c option to
specify the smallest C value of the search range. This setting is useful when users want
to rerun the parameter selection procedure from a specified C under a different setting,
such as a stricter stopping tolerance -e 0.0001 in the above example.

train -C -s 0 -v 3 -c 0.5 -e 0.0001 datafile

Train four classifiers:

positive negative Cp Cn
class 1 class 2,3,4 20 10
class 2 class 1,3,4 50 10
class 3 class 1,2,4 20 10
class 4 class 1,2,3 10 10

liblinear-train -c 10 -w1 2 -w2 5 -w3 2 four_class_data_file

If there are only two classes, we train ONE model. The C values for the two classes are 10
and 50:

liblinear-train -c 10 -w3 1 -w2 5 two_class_data_file

Output probability estimates (for logistic regression only) using liblinear-predict(1):

liblinear-predict -b 1 test_file data_file.model output_file

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