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printer-profile - Online in the Cloud

Run printer-profile in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command printer-profile that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



printer-profile - Profile using X-Rite ColorMunki and Argyll CMS


printer-profile [options] manuf model [rgb|cmyk] [patches] [ink-limit]


printer-profile prints a test chart, uses the ColorMunki instrument to scan it in, then
computes an ICM profile using the Argyll Color Management System.

Manuf is "sam". Model is "clp-300", "clp-315", "clp-325" or "clp-365".
Manuf is "hp". Model is "2600" or "cp1215".
Manuf is "km". Model is "2300" or "2530".
Manuf is "dell". Model is "1355".

"rgb" is the usual setting. "patches" is a multiple 196 per page.

Edit the script for additional models.


-b 1|2 Bits per pixel (1)
-r XRESxYRES Resolution. Default=''. ()
-P rem-print Remote print (64-bit) machine, or none (amd)
-S rem-scan Remote scan (ColorMunki) machine, or none (mac)
-D lvl Debug level


Profile the Samsung clp-315:

$ printer-profile sam 315 rgb 196

Use printer-profile online using onworks.net services

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