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g15daemon - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command g15daemon that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



g15daemon - provides access to extra keys and the LCD available on the logitech G15


G15Daemon allows users access to all extra keys by decoding them and pushing them back
into the kernel via the linux UINPUT driver. This driver must be loaded before g15daemon
can be used for keyboard access.

The G15 LCD is also supported. By default, with no other clients active, g15daemon will
display a clock. Client applications and scripts can access the LCD via a simple API.


The current version of G15Daemon understands the following options:

-v Show version info.

-s By default, g15daemon uses the L1 key to switch between client screens. Using this
switch on the cmdline alters this, making MR (Macro Record) the button to achieve
this function.

-k Stop a previously running copy of G15Daemon. For the keys and LCD to work, you'll
have to restart the daemon manually.

-h Show a brief summary of commandline options available.


G15Daemon must be run as the root user, either from a startup script (sample scripts are
available in the contrib folder) or manually, via the su command.

To run the daemon with default options, run:



g15daemon -s to have the MR key as the client screen switch.

If all required libraries are installed and in locations known to your operating system,
the daemon will slip quietly into the background and a clock will appear on the LCD.
Congratulations! The linux kernel will now output keycodes for all your extra keys.


The latest release of g15daemon is available at


G15daemon was written by Mike Lampard [email protected] and uses the libg15
library by Philip Lawatsch and Anthony J. Mirabella of the g15tools project.

The Python bindings for libg15daemon_client were written by Sven Ludwig.

Many thanks to everyone who has assisted in reporting bugs, misfeatures and made feature

An up to date list of all authors is available in the AUTHORS file distributed in the

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