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mysqlfrm - Online in the Cloud

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mysqlfrm - show CREATE TABLE from .frm files


mysqlfrm --server=[user[:<pass>]@host[:<port>][:<socket>]|<login-
path>[:<port>][:<socket>]] [pathbl1.frm|db:tbl.frm]


mysqlfrm - show CREATE TABLE from .frm files


show program's version number and exit


the base directory for the server

read the frm files byte-by-byte to form the CREATE statement. May require the
--server or --basedir options to decipher character set information

change ENGINE clause to use this engine.

Port to use for the spawned server.

-s, --show-stats
show file statistics and general table information.

connection information for the server in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>]
(optional) - if provided, the storage engine and character set information will be
validated against this server.

user account to launch spawned server. Required if running as root user. Used only
in the default mode.

Number of seconds to wait for spawned server to start. Default = 10.

-v, --verbose
control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose,
-vvv = debug

-q, --quiet
turn off all messages for quiet execution.

Introduction ------------ The mysqlfrm utility is designed as a recovery tool that reads
.frm files and produces facsimile CREATE statements from the table definition data found
in the .frm file. In most cases, the CREATE statement produced will be usable for
recreating the table on another server or for extended diagnostics. However, some
features are not saved in the .frm files and therefore will be omitted. The exclusions
include but are not limited to:

- foreign key constraints - auto increment number sequences

The mysqlfrm utility has two modes of operation. The default mode is designed to spawn an
instance of an installed server by reference to the base directory using the --basedir
option or by connecting to the server with the --server option. The process will not alter
the original .frm file(s). This mode also requires the --port option to specify a port to
use for the spawned server. The spawned server will be shutdown and all temporary files
removed after the .frm files are read.

A diagnostic mode is available by using the --diagnostic option. This will switch the
utility to reading the .frm files byte-by-byte to recover as much information as possible.
The diagnostic mode has additional limitations in that it cannot decipher character set or
collation values without using an existing server installation specified with either the
--server or --basedir option. This can also affect the size of the columns if the table
uses multi-byte characters. Use this mode when the default mode cannot read the file or if
there is no server installed on the host.

To read .frm files, list each file as a separate argument for the utility as shown in the
following examples. You will need to specify the path for each .frm file you want to read
or supply a path to a directory and all of the .frm files in that directory will be read.

# Read a single .frm file in the default mode using the server installed # in
/usr/local/bin/mysql where the .frm file is in the current folder. # Notice the
use of the db:table.frm format for specifying the database # name for the table.
The database name appears to the left of ':' and # the .frm name to the right. So
in this case, we have database = test1 # and table = db1 so the CREATE statement
will read CREATE test1.db1.

$ mysqlfrm --basedir=/usr/local/bin/mysql test1:db1.frm --port=3333

# Read multiple .frm files in the default mode using a running server # where the
.frm files are located in different folders.

$ mysqlfrm --server=root:pass@localhost:3306 /mysql/data/temp1/t1.frm \

/mysql/data/temp2/g1.frm --port=3310

# Execute the spawned server under a different user name and read # all of the .frm
files in a particular folder in default mode.

$ mysqlfrm --server=root:pass@localhost:3306 /mysql/data/temp1/t1.frm \

/mysql/data/temp2/g1.frm --port=3310 --user=joeuser

# Read all of the .frm files in a particular folder using the diagnostic # mode.

$ mysqlfrm --diagnostic /mysql/data/database1

Helpful Hints -------------

- Tables with certain storage engines cannot be read in the default mode.

These include PARTITION, PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA. You must read these with the
--diagnostic mode.

- Use the --diagnostic mode for tables that fail to open correctly

in the default mode or if there is no server installed on the host.

- To change the storage engine in the CREATE statement generated for all

.frm files read, use the --new-storage-engine option

- To turn off all messages except the CREATE statement and warnings or

errors, use the --quiet option.

- Use the --show-stats option to see file statistics for each .frm file.

- If you encounter connection or similar errors when running in default

mode, re-run the command with the --verbosity option and view the output from the
spawned server and repair any errors in launching the server. If mysqlfrm fails in
the middle, you may need to manually shutdown the server on the port specified with

- If the spawned server takes more than 10 seconds to start, use the

--start-timeout option to increase the timeout to wait for the

spawned server to start.

- If you need to run the utility with elevated privileges, use the --user

option to execute the spawned server using a normal user account.

- You can specify the database name to be used in the resulting CREATE

statement by prepending the .frm file with the name of the database followed by a
colon. For example, oltp:t1.frm will use 'oltp' for the database name in the CREATE
statement. The optional database name can also be used with paths. For example,
/home/me/oltp:t1.frm will use 'oltp' as the database name. If you leave off the
optional database name and include a path, the last folder will be the database
name. For example /home/me/data1/t1.frm will use 'data1' as the database name. If
you do not want to use the last folder as the database name, simply specify the
colon like this: /home/me/data1/:t1.frm. In this case, the database will be omitted
from the CREATE statement.


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