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reportlog.cgi - Online in the Cloud

Run reportlog.cgi in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command reportlog.cgi that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



reportlog.cgi - CGI program to report service availability log




reportlog.cgi is invoked as a CGI script via the reportlog.sh CGI wrapper. Based on the
parameters it receives, it generates an availability report for a specific host-service
combination for the requested time-period. The availability report includes a calculation
of the availability percentage (split out on percent green, yellow, red time), and an
eventlog for the period listing the status changes that have occurred to allow for drill-
down to the test reports that indicate a problem. Access to the individual historical
status logs go via the svcstatus.cgi(1) CGI script.

reportlog.cgi is passed a QUERY_STRING environment variable with the following parameters:

HOSTSVC (the host and service to report on)
STYLE (report style: "crit", "non-crit", "all")
ST (starttime in seconds since 1-1-1970 00:00 UTC)
END (endtime in seconds since 1-1-1970 00:00 UTC)

The following non-standard parameters are handled by the Xymon version of history.cgi:

IP (IP address of host - for display purposes only)
REPORTTIME (the REPORTTIME: setting for this host)
WARNPCT (the WARNPCT: setting for this host)

The REPORTTIME and WARNPCT options are taken from the hosts.cfg(5) definition for the
host, or the defaults are used. These modify the availability calculation to handle
reporting against agreed Service Level Agreements re. the time of day when the service
must be available, and the agreed availability level.


Loads environment from FILENAME before executing the CGI.

Use reportlog.cgi online using onworks.net services

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