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stone - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command stone that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



stone - a simple TCP/IP packet repeater


stone [-d] [-n] [-u max] [-f n] [-l] [-z SSL] st [-- st] ...


-d Increase the debug level.

-z SSL encryption.

-n IP addresses and service port numbers are shown instead of host names and service

-u max max is integer. The program will memorize max sources simultaneously where UDP
packets are sent.

-f n n is integer. The program will spawn n child processes.

-l Sends error messages to the syslog instead of stderr.

st is one of the followings; Multiple st can be designated, separated by --.
(1) host:port sport [xhost ...]
(2) host:port shost:sport [xhost ...]
(3) display [xhost ...]
(4) proxy sport [xhost ...]
(5) host:port/http request [hosts ...]
(6) host:port/proxy header [hosts...]

The program repeats the connection on port sport to the other machine host port port. If
the machine, on which the program runs, has two or more interfaces, type (2) can be used
to repeat the connection on the specified interface shost.

display [xhost ...]
Abbreviating notation. The program repeats the connection on display number
display to the X server designated by the environment variable DISPLAY.

proxy sport [xhost ...]
Http Proxy. Specify the machine, on which the program runs, and port sport in the
http proxy settings of your WWW browser.

host:port/http request [hosts ...]
Repeats packets over http request. request is the request specified in HTTP 1.0.
host:port/proxy header [hosts...]

host:port/proxy header [hosts...]
Type (6) repeats http request with header in the top of request headers.

xhost Only machines xhost can connect to the program.

Only machines on specified networks are permitted to connect to the program. In
the case of class C network, for example, use

Repeats UDP packets instead of TCP packets.

Repeats packets with encryption.

Repeats packets with decryption.

Repeats packets over http.


Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer. It repeats TCP and UDP
packets from inside to outside of a firewall, or from outside to inside.

Stone has following features:

1. Stone supports Win32.
Formerly, UNIX machines are used as firewalls, but recently WindowsNT machines are
used, too. You can easily run Stone on WindowsNT and Windows95. Of course,
available on Linux, FreeBSD, BSD/OS, SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX and so on.

2. Simple.
Stone's source code is only 2000 lines long (written in C language), so you can
minimize the risk of security holes.

3. Stone supports SSLeay.
Using SSLeay developed by Eric Young, Stone can encrypt/decrypt packets.

4. Stone is a http proxy.
Stone can also be a tiny http proxy.


outer: a machine in the outside of the firewall
inner: a machine in the inside of the firewall
fwall: the firewall on which the stone is executed

stone 7 outer
Repeats the X protocol to the machine designated by the environmental variable
DISPLAY. Run X clients under DISPLAY=inner:7 on outer.

stone outer:telnet 10023
Repeats the telnet protocol to outer.
Run telnet fwall 10023 on inner.

stone outer:domain/udp domain/udp
Repeats the DNS query to outer.
Run nslookup - fwall on inner.

stone outer:ntp/udp ntp/udp
Repeats the NTP to outer.
Run ntpdate fwall on inner.

stone localhost:http 443/ssl
Make WWW server that supports https.
Access https://fwall/ using a WWW browser.

stone localhost:telnet 10023/ssl
Make telnet server that supports SSL.
Run SSLtelnet -z ssl fwall 10023 on inner.

stone proxy 8080
http proxy.

Where fwall is a http proxy (port 8080):

stone fwall:8080/http 10023 'POST http://outer:8023 HTTP/1.0'
stone localhost:telnet 8023/http
Run stones on inner and outer respectively.
Repeats packets over http.

stone fwall:8080/proxy 9080 ´Proxy-Authorization: Basic c2VuZ29rdTpoaXJvYWtp´
for browser that does not support proxy authorization.


All rights about this program stone are reserved by the original author, Hiroaki Sengoku.
The program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL).


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

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