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wossname - Finds programs by keywords in their short description


wossname -search string [-explode boolean] [-allmatch boolean] [-showkeywords boolean]
-emboss boolean -embassy boolean -showembassy string -colon boolean -gui boolean
[-outfile outfile] [-html toggle] [-groups boolean] [-alphabetic boolean]

wossname -help


wossname is a command line program from EMBOSS (“the European Molecular Biology Open
Software Suite”). It is part of the "Documentation" command group(s).


Input section
-search string
Enter a word or words here and a case-independent search for it will be made in the
one-line documentation, group names and keywords of all of the EMBOSS programs. If no
keyword is specified, all programs will be listed.

Additional section
-explode boolean
The groups that EMBOSS applications belong to have two forms, exploded and not
exploded. The exploded group names are more numerous and often vaguely phrased than
the non-exploded ones. The exploded names are formed from definitions of the group
names that start like NAME1:NAME2 and which are then expanded into many combinations
of the names as: 'NAME1', 'NAME2', 'NAME1 NAME2', NAME2 NAME1'. The non-expanded names
are simply like: 'NAME1 NAME2'. Default value: N

-allmatch boolean
By default, all words in the search string must match. This option searches for a
match to any word in a list of possibilities Default value: Y

-showkeywords boolean
Default value: N

Advanced section
-emboss boolean
If you use this option then EMBOSS program documentation will be searched. If this
option is set to be false, then only the EMBASSY programs will be searched (if the
-embassy option is true). EMBASSY programs are not strictly part of EMBOSS, but use
the same code libraries and share the same look and feel, but are generally developed
by people who wish the programs to be outside of the GNU General Public License scheme
Default value: Y

-embassy boolean
If you use this option then EMBASSY program documentation will be searched. If this
option is set to be false, then only the EMBOSS programs will be searched (if the
-emboss option is true). EMBASSY programs are not strictly part of EMBOSS, but use the
same code libraries and share the same look and feel, but are generally developed by
people who wish the programs to be outside of the GNU General Public License scheme
Default value: Y

-showembassy string
If you use this option then this EMBASSY package program documentation will be
searched. EMBASSY programs are not strictly part of EMBOSS, but use the same code
libraries and share the same look and feel, but are generally developed by people who
wish the programs to be outside of the GNU General Public License scheme

-colon boolean
The groups that EMBOSS applications belong to up to two levels, for example the
primary group 'ALIGNMENT' has several sub-groups, or second-level groups, e.g.:
the output of wossname that require the names of these subgroups, a colon ':' will be
placed between the first and second level of the group name if this option is true.
Note: This does not apply if the group names have been exploded with the 'explode'
option. Default value: N

-gui boolean
This option is intended to help those who are designing Graphical User Interfaces to
the EMBOSS applications. Some EMBOSS programs are inappropriate for running in a GUI,
these include other menu programs and interactive editors. This option allows you to
only report those programs that can be run from a GUI Default value: N

Output section
-outfile outfile
Default value: stdout

Html section
-html toggle
If you are sending the output to a file, this will format it for displaying as a table
in a WWW document. Default value: N

-groups boolean
If you use this option, then only the group names will be output to the file Default
value: N

-alphabetic boolean
If you use this option, then you will get a single list of the program names and
descriptions instead of the programs being listed in their functional groups. Default
value: N

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