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xterm - terminal emulator for X


xterm [-toolkitoption ...] [-option ...] [shell]


The xterm program is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC
VT102/VT220 and selected features from higher-level terminals such as VT320/VT420/VT520
(VTxxx). It also provides Tektronix 4014 emulation for programs that cannot use the
window system directly. If the underlying operating system supports terminal resizing
capabilities (for example, the SIGWINCH signal in systems derived from 4.3BSD), xterm will
use the facilities to notify programs running in the window whenever it is resized.

The VTxxx and Tektronix 4014 terminals each have their own window so that you can edit
text in one and look at graphics in the other at the same time. To maintain the correct
aspect ratio (height/width), Tektronix graphics will be restricted to the largest box with
a 4014's aspect ratio that will fit in the window. This box is located in the upper left
area of the window.

Although both windows may be displayed at the same time, one of them is considered the
“active” window for receiving keyboard input and terminal output. This is the window that
contains the text cursor. The active window can be chosen through escape sequences, the
“VT Options” menu in the VTxxx window, and the “Tek Options” menu in the 4014 window.


The VT102 emulation is fairly complete, but does not support autorepeat. Double-size
characters are displayed properly if your font server supports scalable fonts. The VT220
emulation does not support soft fonts, it is otherwise complete.

Terminal database (terminfo (5) or termcap (5)) entries that work with xterm include

an optional platform-specific entry (“xterm”),
“ansi” and

Xterm automatically searches the terminal database in this order for these entries and
then sets the “TERM” and the “TERMCAP” environment variables. You may also use “vt220”,
but must set the terminal emulation level with the decTerminalID resource. On most
systems, xterm will use the terminfo database. Some older systems use termcap. (The
“TERMCAP” environment variable is not set if xterm is linked against a terminfo library,
since the requisite information is not provided by the termcap emulation of terminfo

Many of the special xterm features may be modified under program control through a set of
escape sequences different from the standard VT102 escape sequences. (See the Xterm
Control Sequences document.)

The Tektronix 4014 emulation is also fairly good. It supports 12-bit graphics addressing,
scaled to the window size. Four different font sizes and five different lines types are
supported. There is no write-through or defocused mode support. The Tektronix text and
graphics commands are recorded internally by xterm and may be written to a file by sending
the COPY escape sequence (or through the Tektronix menu; see below). The name of the file
will be “COPYyyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss”, where yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm and ss are the year, month,
day, hour, minute and second when the COPY was performed (the file is created in the
directory xterm is started in, or the home directory for a login xterm).

Not all of the features described in this manual are necessarily available in this version
of xterm. Some (e.g., the non-VT220 extensions) are available only if they were compiled
in, though the most commonly-used are in the default configuration.


Xterm automatically highlights the text cursor when the pointer enters the window
(selected) and unhighlights it when the pointer leaves the window (unselected). If the
window is the focus window, then the text cursor is highlighted no matter where the
pointer is.

In VT102 mode, there are escape sequences to activate and deactivate an alternate screen
buffer, which is the same size as the display area of the window. When activated, the
current screen is saved and replaced with the alternate screen. Saving of lines scrolled
off the top of the window is disabled until the normal screen is restored. The usual
terminal description for xterm allows the visual editor vi(1) to switch to the alternate
screen for editing and to restore the screen on exit. A popup menu entry makes it simple
to switch between the normal and alternate screens for cut and paste.

In either VT102 or Tektronix mode, there are escape sequences to change the name of the
windows. Additionally, in VT102 mode, xterm implements the window-manipulation control
sequences from dtterm, such as resizing the window, setting its location on the screen.

Xterm allows character-based applications to receive mouse events (currently button-press
and release events, and button-motion events) as keyboard control sequences. See Xterm
Control Sequences for details.


The xterm terminal emulator accepts the standard X Toolkit command line options as well as
many application-specific options. If the option begins with a `+' instead of a `-', the
option is restored to its default value.

This causes xterm to print a version number to the standard output, and then exit.

-help This causes xterm to print out a verbose message describing its options, one per
line. The message is written to the standard output. After printing the message,
xterm exits. Xterm generates this message, sorting it and noting whether a
-option” or a “+option” turns the feature on or off, since some features
historically have been one or the other. Xterm generates a concise help message
(multiple options per line) when an unknown option is used, e.g.,

xterm -z

If the logic for a particular option such as logging is not compiled into xterm,
the help text for that option also is not displayed by the -help option.

Most of the xterm options are actually parsed by the X Toolkit, which sets resource
values. Xterm provides the X Toolkit with a table of options. A few of these are marked,
telling the X Toolkit to ignore them (-help, -version, -class, -e, and -into). After the
X Toolkit has parsed the command-line parameters, it removes those which it handles,
leaving the specially-marked parameters for xterm to handle.

The -version and -help options are interpreted even if xterm cannot open the display, and
are useful for testing and configuration scripts. Along with -class, they are checked
before other options. To do this, xterm has its own (much simpler) argument parser, along
with a table of the X Toolkit's built-in list of options.

Relying upon the X Toolkit to parse the options and associated values has the advantages
of simplicity and good integration with the X resource mechanism. There are a few

· Xterm cannot tell easily whether a resource value was set by one of the external
resource- or application-defaults files, or if it was set through the -xrm option or
via some directly relevant command-line option. Xterm sees only the end-result: a
value supplied when creating its widgets.

· Xterm does not know the order in which particular options and items in resource files
are evaluated. Rather, it sees all of the values for a given widget at the same time.
In the design of these options, some are deemed more important, and can override other

The X Toolkit uses patterns (constants and wildcards) to match resources. Once a
particular pattern has been used, it will not modify it. To override a given setting,
a more-specific pattern must be used, e.g., replacing “*” with “.”. Some poorly-
designed resource files are too specific to allow the command-line options to affect
the relevant widget values.

· In a few cases, the X Toolkit combines its standard options in ways which do not work
well with xterm. This happens with the color (-fg, -B) and reverse (-rv) options.
Xterm makes a special case of these and adjusts its sense of “reverse” to lessen user

One parameter (after all options) may be given. That overrides xterm's built-in choice of
shell program:

· If the parameter is not a relative path, i.e., beginning with “./” or “../”, xterm
looks for the file in the user's PATH. In either case, this check fails if xterm
cannot construct an absolute path.

· If that check fails (or if no such parameter is given), xterm next checks the “SHELL”
variable. If that specifies an executable file, xterm will attempt to start that.
However, xterm additionally checks if it is a valid shell, and will unset “SHELL” if
it is not.

· If “SHELL” is not set to an executable file, xterm tries to use the shell program
specified in the user's password file entry. As before, xterm verifies if this is a
valid shell.

· Finally, if the password file entry does not specify a valid shell, xterm uses

The -e option cannot be used with this parameter since it uses all parameters following
the option.

Xterm validates shell programs by finding their pathname in the text file /etc/shells. It
treats the environment variable “SHELL” specially because (like “TERM”), xterm both reads
and updates the variable, and because the program started by xterm is not necessarily a

The other options are used to control the appearance and behavior. Not all options are
necessarily configured into your copy of xterm:

-132 Normally, the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence that switches between 80 and 132
column mode is ignored. This option causes the DECCOLM escape sequence to be
recognized, and the xterm window will resize appropriately.

-ah This option indicates that xterm should always highlight the text cursor. By
default, xterm will display a hollow text cursor whenever the focus is lost or the
pointer leaves the window.

+ah This option indicates that xterm should do text cursor highlighting based on

-ai This option disables active icon support if that feature was compiled into xterm.
This is equivalent to setting the vt100 resource activeIcon to “false”.

+ai This option enables active icon support if that feature was compiled into xterm.
This is equivalent to setting the vt100 resource activeIcon to “true”.

-aw This option indicates that auto-wraparound should be allowed. This allows the
cursor to automatically wrap to the beginning of the next line when it is at the
rightmost position of a line and text is output.

+aw This option indicates that auto-wraparound should not be allowed.

-b number
This option specifies the size of the inner border (the distance between the outer
edge of the characters and the window border) in pixels. That is the vt100
internalBorder resource. The default is “2”.

+bc turn off text cursor blinking. This overrides the cursorBlink resource.

-bc turn on text cursor blinking. This overrides the cursorBlink resource.

-bcf milliseconds
set the amount of time text cursor is off when blinking via the cursorOffTime

-bcn milliseconds
set the amount of time text cursor is on when blinking via the cursorOnTime

-bdc Set the vt100 resource colorBDMode to “false”, disabling the display of characters
with bold attribute as color.

+bdc Set the vt100 resource colorBDMode to “true”, enabling the display of characters
with bold attribute as color rather than bold.

-cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to “false”.

+cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to “true”.

-cc characterclassrange:value[,...]
This sets classes indicated by the given ranges for using in selecting by words.
See the section specifying character classes and discussion of the charClass

Set the cjkWidth resource to “true”. When turned on, characters with East Asian
Ambiguous (A) category in UTR 11 have a column width of 2. Otherwise, they have a
column width of 1. This may be useful for some legacy CJK text terminal-based
programs assuming box drawings and others to have a column width of 2. It also
should be turned on when you specify a TrueType CJK double-width (bi-
width/monospace) font either with -fa at the command line or faceName resource.
The default is “false”

Reset the cjkWidth resource.

-class string
This option allows you to override xterm's resource class. Normally it is
“XTerm”, but can be set to another class such as “UXTerm” to override selected

-cm This option disables recognition of ANSI color-change escape sequences. It sets
the colorMode resource to “false”.

+cm This option enables recognition of ANSI color-change escape sequences. This is
the same as the vt100 resource colorMode.

-cn This option indicates that newlines should not be cut in line-mode selections. It
sets the cutNewline resource to “false”.

+cn This option indicates that newlines should be cut in line-mode selections. It
sets the cutNewline resource to “true”.

-cr color
This option specifies the color to use for text cursor. The default is to use the
same foreground color that is used for text. It sets the cursorColor resource
according to the parameter.

-cu This option indicates that xterm should work around a bug in the more(1) program
that causes it to incorrectly display lines that are exactly the width of the
window and are followed by a line beginning with a tab (the leading tabs are not
displayed). This option is so named because it was originally thought to be a bug
in the curses(3x) cursor motion package.

+cu This option indicates that xterm should not work around the more(1) bug mentioned

-dc This option disables the escape sequence to change dynamic colors: the vt100
foreground and background colors, its text cursor color, the pointer cursor
foreground and background colors, the Tektronix emulator foreground and background
colors, its text cursor color and highlight color. The option sets the
dynamicColors option to “false”.

+dc This option enables the escape sequence to change dynamic colors. The option sets
the dynamicColors option to “true”.

-e program [ arguments ... ]
This option specifies the program (and its command line arguments) to be run in
the xterm window. It also sets the window title and icon name to be the basename
of the program being executed if neither -T nor -n are given on the command line.
This must be the last option on the command line.

-en encoding
This option determines the encoding on which xterm runs. It sets the locale
resource. Encodings other than UTF-8 are supported by using luit. The -lc option
should be used instead of -en for systems with locale support.

-fb font
This option specifies a font to be used when displaying bold text. It sets the
boldFont resource.

This font must be the same height and width as the normal font, otherwise it is
ignored. If only one of the normal or bold fonts is specified, it will be used as
the normal font and the bold font will be produced by overstriking this font.

See also the discussion of boldMode and alwaysBoldMode resources.

-fa pattern
This option sets the pattern for fonts selected from the FreeType library if
support for that library was compiled into xterm. This corresponds to the
faceName resource. When a CJK double-width font is specified, you also need to
turn on the cjkWidth resource.

See also the renderFont resource, which combines with this to determine whether
FreeType fonts are initially active.

-fbb This option indicates that xterm should compare normal and bold fonts bounding
boxes to ensure they are compatible. It sets the freeBoldBox resource to “false”.

+fbb This option indicates that xterm should not compare normal and bold fonts bounding
boxes to ensure they are compatible. It sets the freeBoldBox resource to “true”.

-fbx This option indicates that xterm should not assume that the normal and bold fonts
have VT100 line-drawing characters. If any are missing, xterm will draw the
characters directly. It sets the forceBoxChars resource to “false”.

+fbx This option indicates that xterm should assume that the normal and bold fonts have
VT100 line-drawing characters. It sets the forceBoxChars resource to “true”.

-fd pattern
This option sets the pattern for double-width fonts selected from the FreeType
library if support for that library was compiled into xterm. This corresponds to
the faceNameDoublesize resource.

-fi font
This option sets the font for active icons if that feature was compiled into

See also the discussion of the iconFont resource.

-fs size
This option sets the pointsize for fonts selected from the FreeType library if
support for that library was compiled into xterm. This corresponds to the
faceSize resource.

This option indicates that xterm should ask the window manager to let it use the
full-screen for display, e.g., without window decorations. It sets the fullscreen
resource to “true”.

This option indicates that xterm should not ask the window manager to let it use
the full-screen for display. It sets the fullscreen resource to “false”.

-fw font
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying wide text. By default,
it will attempt to use a font twice as wide as the font that will be used to draw
normal text. If no double-width font is found, it will improvise, by stretching
the normal font. This corresponds to the wideFont resource.

-fwb font
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying bold wide text. By
default, it will attempt to use a font twice as wide as the font that will be used
to draw bold text. If no double-width font is found, it will improvise, by
stretching the bold font. This corresponds to the wideBoldFont resource.

-fx font
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying the preedit string in the
“OverTheSpot” input method.

See also the discussion of the ximFont resource.

-hc color
(see -selbg).

-hf This option indicates that HP Function Key escape codes should be generated for
function keys. It sets the hpFunctionKeys resource to “true”.

+hf This option indicates that HP Function Key escape codes should not be generated
for function keys. It sets the hpFunctionKeys resource to “false”.

-hm Tells xterm to use highlightTextColor and highlightColor to override the reversed
foreground/background colors in a selection. It sets the highlightColorMode
resource to “true”.

+hm Tells xterm not to use highlightTextColor and highlightColor to override the
reversed foreground/background colors in a selection. It sets the
highlightColorMode resource to “false”.

-hold Turn on the hold resource, i.e., xterm will not immediately destroy its window
when the shell command completes. It will wait until you use the window manager
to destroy/kill the window, or if you use the menu entries that send a signal,
e.g., HUP or KILL.

+hold Turn off the hold resource, i.e., xterm will immediately destroy its window when
the shell command completes.

-ie Turn on the ptyInitialErase resource, i.e., use the pseudo-terminal's sense of the
stty erase value.

+ie Turn off the ptyInitialErase resource, i.e., set the stty erase value using the kb
string from the termcap entry as a reference, if available.

-im Turn on the useInsertMode resource, which forces use of insert mode by adding
appropriate entries to the TERMCAP environment variable. (This option is ignored
on most systems, because TERMCAP is not used).

+im Turn off the useInsertMode resource.

-into windowId
Given an X window identifier (an integer, which can be hexadecimal, octal or
decimal according to whether it begins with "0x", "0" or neither), xterm will
reparent its top-level shell widget to that window. This is used to embed xterm
within other applications.

For instance, there are scripts for Tcl/Tk and Gtk which can be used to
demonstrate the feature. When using Gtk, there is a limitation of that toolkit
which requires that xterm's allowSendEvents resource is enabled.

-itc Set the vt100 resource colorITMode to “false”, disabling the display of characters
with italic attribute as color.

+itc Set the vt100 resource colorITMode to “true”, enabling the display of characters
with italic attribute as color rather than italic.

-j This option indicates that xterm should do jump scrolling. It corresponds to the
jumpScroll resource. Normally, text is scrolled one line at a time; this option
allows xterm to move multiple lines at a time so that it does not fall as far
behind. Its use is strongly recommended since it makes xterm much faster when
scanning through large amounts of text. The VT100 escape sequences for enabling
and disabling smooth scroll as well as the “VT Options” menu can be used to turn
this feature on or off.

+j This option indicates that xterm should not do jump scrolling.

-k8 This option sets the allowC1Printable resource. When allowC1Printable is set,
xterm overrides the mapping of C1 control characters (code 128-159) to treat them
as printable.

+k8 This option resets the allowC1Printable resource.

-kt keyboardtype
This option sets the keyboardType resource. Possible values include: “unknown”,
“default”, “hp”, “sco”, “sun”, “tcap” and “vt220”.

The value “unknown”, causes the corresponding resource to be ignored.

The value “default”, suppresses the associated resources hpFunctionKeys,
scoFunctionKeys, sunFunctionKeys, tcapFunctionKeys and sunKeyboard, using the
Sun/PC keyboard layout.

-l Turn logging on. Normally logging is not supported, due to security concerns.
Some versions of xterm may have logging enabled. The logfile is written to the
directory from which xterm is invoked. The filename is generated, of the form




depending on how xterm was built.

+l Turn logging off.

-lc Turn on support of various encodings according to the users' locale setting, i.e.,
LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, or LANG environment variables. This is achieved by turning on
UTF-8 mode and by invoking luit for conversion between locale encodings and UTF-8.
(luit is not invoked in UTF-8 locales.) This corresponds to the locale resource.

The actual list of encodings which are supported is determined by luit. Consult
the luit manual page for further details.

See also the discussion of the -u8 option which supports UTF-8 locales.

+lc Turn off support of automatic selection of locale encodings. Conventional 8bit
mode or, in UTF-8 locales or with -u8 option, UTF-8 mode will be used.

-lcc path
File name for the encoding converter from/to locale encodings and UTF-8 which is
used with -lc option or locale resource. This corresponds to the localeFilter

Force scrollbar to the left side of VT100 screen. This is the default, unless you
have set the rightScrollBar resource.

-lf filename
Specify the log-filename. See the -l option.

-ls This option indicates that the shell that is started in the xterm window will be a
login shell (i.e., the first character of argv[0] will be a dash, indicating to
the shell that it should read the user's .login or .profile).

The -ls flag and the loginShell resource are ignored if -e is also given, because
xterm does not know how to make the shell start the given command after whatever
it does when it is a login shell - the user's shell of choice need not be a Bourne
shell after all. Also, xterm -e is supposed to provide a consistent functionality
for other applications that need to start text-mode programs in a window, and if
loginShell were not ignored, the result of ~/.profile might interfere with that.

If you do want the effect of -ls and -e simultaneously, you may get away with
something like

xterm -e /bin/bash -l -c "my command here"

Finally, -ls is not completely ignored, because xterm -ls -e does write a
/var/log/wtmp entry (if configured to do so), whereas xterm -e does not.

This option indicates that xterm should ask the window manager to maximize its
layout on startup. This corresponds to the maximized resource.

Maximizing is not the reverse of iconifying; it is possible to do both with
certain window managers.

This option indicates that xterm should ask the window manager to not maximize its
layout on startup.

+ls This option indicates that the shell that is started should not be a login shell
(i.e., it will be a normal “subshell”).

-mb This option indicates that xterm should ring a margin bell when the user types
near the right end of a line.

+mb This option indicates that margin bell should not be rung.

-mc milliseconds
This option specifies the maximum time between multi-click selections.

-mesg Turn off the messages resource, i.e., disallow write access to the terminal.

+mesg Turn on the messages resource, i.e., allow write access to the terminal.

Set the mkWidth resource to “true”. This makes xterm use a built-in version of
the wide-character width calculation. The default is “false”

Reset the mkWidth resource.

-ms color
This option specifies the color to be used for the pointer cursor. The default is
to use the foreground color. This sets the pointerColor resource.

-nb number
This option specifies the number of characters from the right end of a line at
which the margin bell, if enabled, will ring. The default is “10”.

-nul This option disables the display of underlining.

+nul This option enables the display of underlining.

-pc This option enables the PC-style use of bold colors (see boldColors resource).

+pc This option disables the PC-style use of bold colors.

-pob This option indicates that the window should be raised whenever a Control-G is

+pob This option indicates that the window should not be raised whenever a Control-G is

Print a report to the standard output showing information about colors as xterm
allocates them. This corresponds to the reportColors resource.

Print a report to the standard output showing information about fonts which are
loaded. This corresponds to the reportFonts resource.

Force scrollbar to the right side of VT100 screen.

-rvc This option disables the display of characters with reverse attribute as color.

+rvc This option enables the display of characters with reverse attribute as color.

-rw This option indicates that reverse-wraparound should be allowed. This allows the
cursor to back up from the leftmost column of one line to the rightmost column of
the previous line. This is very useful for editing long shell command lines and
is encouraged. This option can be turned on and off from the “VT Options” menu.

+rw This option indicates that reverse-wraparound should not be allowed.

-s This option indicates that xterm may scroll asynchronously, meaning that the
screen does not have to be kept completely up to date while scrolling. This
allows xterm to run faster when network latencies are very high and is typically
useful when running across a very large internet or many gateways.

+s This option indicates that xterm should scroll synchronously.

Does not send title and icon name change requests when the request would have no
effect: the name is not changed. This has the advantage of preventing flicker and
the disadvantage of requiring an extra round trip to the server to find out the
previous value. In practice this should never be a problem.

Always send title and icon name change requests.

-sb This option indicates that some number of lines that are scrolled off the top of
the window should be saved and that a scrollbar should be displayed so that those
lines can be viewed. This option may be turned on and off from the “VT Options”

+sb This option indicates that a scrollbar should not be displayed.

-selbg color
This option specifies the color to use for the background of selected text. If
not specified, reverse video is used. See the discussion of the highlightColor

-selfg color
This option specifies the color to use for selected text. If not specified,
reverse video is used. See the discussion of the highlightTextColor resource.

-sf This option indicates that Sun Function Key escape codes should be generated for
function keys.

+sf This option indicates that the standard escape codes should be generated for
function keys.

-sh number
scale line-height values by the given number. See the discussion of the
scaleHeight resource.

-si This option indicates that output to a window should not automatically reposition
the screen to the bottom of the scrolling region. This option can be turned on
and off from the “VT Options” menu.

+si This option indicates that output to a window should cause it to scroll to the

-sk This option indicates that pressing a key while using the scrollbar to review
previous lines of text should cause the window to be repositioned automatically in
the normal position at the bottom of the scroll region.

+sk This option indicates that pressing a key while using the scrollbar should not
cause the window to be repositioned.

-sl number
This option specifies the number of lines to save that have been scrolled off the
top of the screen. This corresponds to the saveLines resource. The default is

-sm This option, corresponding to the sessionMgt resource, indicates that xterm should
set up session manager callbacks.

+sm This option indicates that xterm should not set up session manager callbacks.

-sp This option indicates that Sun/PC keyboard should be assumed, providing mapping
for keypad “+” to “,”, and CTRL-F1 to F13, CTRL-F2 to F14, etc.

+sp This option indicates that the standard escape codes should be generated for
keypad and function keys.

-t This option indicates that xterm should start in Tektronix mode, rather than in
VT102 mode. Switching between the two windows is done using the “Options” menus.

Terminal database (terminfo (5) or termcap (5)) entries that work with xterm are:

“tek4010”, and

xterm automatically searches the terminal database in this order for these entries
and then sets the “TERM” and the “TERMCAP” environment variables.

+t This option indicates that xterm should start in VT102 mode.

-tb This option, corresponding to the toolBar resource, indicates that xterm should
display a toolbar (or menubar) at the top of its window. The buttons in the
toolbar correspond to the popup menus, e.g., control/left/mouse for “Main

+tb This option indicates that xterm should not set up a toolbar.

-ti term_id
Specify the name used by xterm to select the correct response to terminal ID
queries. It also specifies the emulation level, used to determine the type of
response to a DA control sequence. Valid values include vt52, vt100, vt101,
vt102, vt220, and vt240 (the “vt” is optional). The default is “vt420”. The
term_id argument specifies the terminal ID to use. (This is the same as the
decTerminalID resource).

-tm string
This option specifies a series of terminal setting keywords followed by the
characters that should be bound to those functions, similar to the stty program.
The keywords and their values are described in detail in the ttyModes resource.

-tn name
This option specifies the name of the terminal type to be set in the TERM
environment variable. It corresponds to the termName resource. This terminal
type must exist in the terminal database (termcap or terminfo, depending on how
xterm is built) and should have li# and co# entries. If the terminal type is not
found, xterm uses the built-in list “xterm”, “vt102”, etc.

-u8 This option sets the utf8 resource. When utf8 is set, xterm interprets incoming
data as UTF-8. This sets the wideChars resource as a side-effect, but the UTF-8
mode set by this option prevents it from being turned off. If you must turn UTF-8
encoding on and off, use the -wc option or the corresponding wideChars resource,
rather than the -u8 option.

This option and the utf8 resource are overridden by the -lc and -en options and
locale resource. That is, if xterm has been compiled to support luit, and the
locale resource is not “false” this option is ignored. We recommend using the -lc
option or the “locale: true” resource in UTF-8 locales when your operating system
supports locale, or -en UTF-8 option or the “locale: UTF-8” resource when your
operating system does not support locale.

+u8 This option resets the utf8 resource.

-uc This option makes the cursor underlined instead of a box.

+uc This option makes the cursor a box instead of underlined.

-ulc This option disables the display of characters with underline attribute as color
rather than with underlining.

+ulc This option enables the display of characters with underline attribute as color
rather than with underlining.

-ulit This option, corresponding to the italicULMode resource, disables the display of
characters with underline attribute as italics rather than with underlining.

+ulit This option, corresponding to the italicULMode resource, enables the display of
characters with underline attribute as italics rather than with underlining.

-ut This option indicates that xterm should not write a record into the the system
utmp log file.

+ut This option indicates that xterm should write a record into the system utmp log

-vb This option indicates that a visual bell is preferred over an audible one.
Instead of ringing the terminal bell whenever a Control-G is received, the window
will be flashed.

+vb This option indicates that a visual bell should not be used.

-wc This option sets the wideChars resource.

When wideChars is set, xterm maintains internal structures for 16-bit characters.
If xterm is not started in UTF-8 mode (or if this resource is not set), initially
it maintains those structures to support 8-bit characters. Xterm can later be
switched, using a menu entry or control sequence, causing it to reallocate those
structures to support 16-bit characters.

The default is “false”.

+wc This option resets the wideChars resource.

-wf This option indicates that xterm should wait for the window to be mapped the first
time before starting the subprocess so that the initial terminal size settings and
environment variables are correct. It is the application's responsibility to
catch subsequent terminal size changes.

+wf This option indicates that xterm should not wait before starting the subprocess.

-ziconbeep percent
Same as zIconBeep resource. If percent is non-zero, xterms that produce output
while iconified will cause an XBell sound at the given volume and have “***”
prepended to their icon titles. Most window managers will detect this change
immediately, showing you which window has the output. (A similar feature was in
x10 xterm.)

-C This option indicates that this window should receive console output. This is not
supported on all systems. To obtain console output, you must be the owner of the
console device, and you must have read and write permission for it. If you are
running X under xdm on the console screen you may need to have the session startup
and reset programs explicitly change the ownership of the console device in order
to get this option to work.

-Sccn This option allows xterm to be used as an input and output channel for an existing
program and is sometimes used in specialized applications. The option value
specifies the last few letters of the name of a pseudo-terminal to use in slave
mode, plus the number of the inherited file descriptor. If the option contains a
“/” character, that delimits the characters used for the pseudo-terminal name from
the file descriptor. Otherwise, exactly two characters are used from the option
for the pseudo-terminal name, the remainder is the file descriptor. Examples (the
first two are equivalent since the descriptor follows the last “/”):


Note that xterm does not close any file descriptor which it did not open for its
own use. It is possible (though probably not portable) to have an application
which passes an open file descriptor down to xterm past the initialization or the
-S option to a process running in the xterm.

Old Options
The following command line arguments are provided for compatibility with older versions.
They may not be supported in the next release as the X Toolkit provides standard options
that accomplish the same task.

%geom This option specifies the preferred size and position of the Tektronix window. It
is shorthand for specifying the “*tekGeometry” resource.

#geom This option specifies the preferred position of the icon window. It is shorthand
for specifying the “*iconGeometry” resource.

-T string
This option specifies the title for xterm's windows. It is equivalent to -title.

-n string
This option specifies the icon name for xterm's windows. It is shorthand for
specifying the “*iconName” resource. Note that this is not the same as the
toolkit option -name (see below). The default icon name is the application name.

If no suitable icon is found, xterm provides a compiled-in pixmap.

-r This option indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the
foreground and background colors. It is equivalent to -rv.

-w number
This option specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the window.
It is equivalent to -borderwidth or -bw.

X Toolkit Options
The following standard X Toolkit command line arguments are commonly used with xterm:

-bd color
This option specifies the color to use for the border of the window. The
corresponding resource name is borderColor. Xterm uses the X Toolkit default,
which is “XtDefaultForeground”.

-bg color
This option specifies the color to use for the background of the window. The
corresponding resource name is background. The default is “XtDefaultBackground”.

-bw number
This option specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the window.

This appears to be a legacy of older X releases. It sets the borderWidth resource
of the shell widget, and may provide advice to your window manager to set the
thickness of the window frame. Most window managers do not use this information.
See the -b option, which controls the inner border of the xterm window.

-display display
This option specifies the X server to contact; see X(7).

-fg color
This option specifies the color to use for displaying text. The corresponding
resource name is foreground. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

-fn font
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying normal text. The
corresponding resource name is font. The resource value default is fixed.

-font font
This is the same as -fn.

-geometry geometry
This option specifies the preferred size and position of the VT102 window; see

The normal geometry specification can be suffixed with @ followed by a Xinerama
screen specification; it can be either g for the global screen (default), c for
the current screen or a screen number.

-iconic This option indicates that xterm should ask the window manager to start it as an
icon rather than as the normal window. The corresponding resource name is iconic.

-name name
This option specifies the application name under which resources are to be
obtained, rather than the default executable file name. Name should not contain
“.” or “*” characters.

-rv This option indicates that reverse video should be simulated by swapping the
foreground and background colors. The corresponding resource name is

+rv Disable the simulation of reverse video by swapping foreground and background

-title string
This option specifies the window title string, which may be displayed by window
managers if the user so chooses. The default title is the command line specified
after the -e option, if any, otherwise the application name.

-xrm resourcestring
This option specifies a resource string to be used. This is especially useful for
setting resources that do not have separate command line options.


The program understands all of the core X Toolkit resource names and classes. Application
specific resources (e.g., “XTerm.NAME”) follow:

Application Resources
backarrowKeyIsErase (class BackarrowKeyIsErase)
Tie the VTxxx backarrowKey and ptyInitialErase resources together by setting the
DECBKM state according to whether the initial erase character is a backspace (8)
or delete (127) character. A “false” value disables this feature. The default is

Here are tables showing how the initial settings for

· backarrowKeyIsErase (BKIE),

· backarrowKey (BK), and

· ptyInitialErase (PIE), along with the

· stty erase character (^H for backspace, ^? for delete)

will affect DECBKM. First, xterm obtains the initial erase character:

· xterm's internal value is ^H

· xterm asks the operating system for the value which stty shows

· the ttyModes resource may override erase

· if ptyInitialErase is false, xterm will look in the terminal database

Summarizing that as a table:

PIE stty termcap erase
false ^H ^H ^H
false ^H ^? ^?
false ^? ^H ^H
false ^? ^? ^?
true ^H ^H ^H
true ^H ^? ^H
true ^? ^H ^?
true ^? ^? ^?

Using that erase character, xterm allows further choices:

· if backarrowKeyIsErase is true, xterm uses the erase character for the initial
state of DECBKM

· if backarrowKeyIsErase is false, xterm sets DECBKM to 2 (internal). This ties
together backarrowKey and the control sequence for DECBKM

· applications can send a control sequence to set/reset DECBKM control set

· the “Backarrow Key (BS/DEL)” menu entry toggles DECBKM

Summarizing the initialization details:

erase BKIE BK DECBKM result
^? false false 2 ^H
^? false true 2 ^?
^? true false 0 ^?
^? true true 1 ^?
^H false false 2 ^H
^H false true 2 ^?
^H true false 0 ^H
^H true true 1 ^H

fullscreen (class Fullscreen)
Specifies whether or not xterm should ask the window manager to use a fullscreen
layout on startup. Xterm accepts either a keyword (ignoring case) or the number
shown in parentheses:

false (0)
Fullscreen layout is not used initially, but may be later via menu-selection or
control sequence.

true (1)
Fullscreen layout is used initially, but may be disabled later via menu-
selection or control sequence.

always (2)
Fullscreen layout is used initially, and cannot be disabled later via menu-
selection or control sequence.

never (3)
Fullscreen layout is not used, and cannot be enabled later via menu-selection
or control sequence.

The default is “false”.

hold (class Hold)
If true, xterm will not immediately destroy its window when the shell command
completes. It will wait until you use the window manager to destroy/kill the
window, or if you use the menu entries that send a signal, e.g., HUP or KILL. You
may scroll back, select text, etc., to perform most graphical operations.
Resizing the display will lose data, however, since this involves interaction with
the shell which is no longer running.

hpFunctionKeys (class HpFunctionKeys)
Specifies whether or not HP Function Key escape codes should be generated for
function keys instead of standard escape sequences.

See also the keyboardType resource.

iconGeometry (class IconGeometry)
Specifies the preferred size and position of the application when iconified. It
is not necessarily obeyed by all window managers.

iconHint (class IconHint)
Specifies an icon which will be added to the window manager hints. Xterm provides
no default value.

Set this resource to “none” to omit the hint entirely, using whatever the window
manager may decide.

If the iconHint resource is given (or is set via the -n option) xterm searches for
a pixmap file with that name, in the current directory as well as in
/usr/share/pixmaps. if the resource does not specify an absolute pathname. In
each case, xterm adds “_48x48” and/or “.xpm” to the filename after trying without
those suffixes. If it is able to load the file, xterm sets the window manager
hint for the icon-pixmap. These pixmaps are distributed with xterm, and can
optionally be compiled-in:

· mini.xterm_16x16, mini.xterm_32x32, mini.xterm_48x48

· filled-xterm_16x16, filled-xterm_32x32, filled-xterm_48x48

· xterm_16x16, xterm_32x32, xterm_48x48

· xterm-color_16x16, xterm-color_32x32, xterm-color_48x48

In either case, xterm allows for adding a “_48x48” to specify the largest of the
pixmaps as a default. That is, “mini.xterm” is the same as “mini.xterm_48x48”.

If no explicit iconHint resource is given (or if none of the compiled-in names
matches), xterm uses “mini.xterm” (which is always compiled-in).

The iconHint resource has no effect on “desktop” files, including “panel” and
“menu”. Those are typically set via a “.desktop” file; xterm provides samples for
itself (and the uxterm script). The more capable desktop systems allow changing
the icon on a per-user basis.

iconName (class IconName)
Specifies a label for xterm when iconified. Xterm provides no default value; some
window managers may assume the application name, e.g., “xterm”.

Setting the iconName resource sets the icon label unless overridden by zIconBeep
or the control sequences which change the window and icon labels.

keyboardType (class KeyboardType)
Enables one (or none) of the various keyboard-type resources: hpFunctionKeys,
scoFunctionKeys, sunFunctionKeys, tcapFunctionKeys and sunKeyboard. The
resource's value should be one of the corresponding strings “hp”, “sco”, “sun”,
“tcap” or “vt220”. The individual resources are provided for legacy support; this
resource is simpler to use.

The default is “unknown”, i.e., none of the associated resources are set via this

maxBufSize (class MaxBufSize)
Specify the maximum size of the input buffer. The default is “32768”. You cannot
set this to a value less than the minBufSize resource. It will be increased as
needed to make that value evenly divide this one.

On some systems you may want to increase one or both of the maxBufSize and
minBufSize resource values to achieve better performance if the operating system
prefers larger buffer sizes.

maximized (class Maximized)
Specifies whether or not xterm should ask the window manager to maximize its
layout on startup. The default is “false”.

messages (class Messages)
Specifies whether write access to the terminal is allowed initially. See mesg(1).
The default is “true”.

menuLocale (class MenuLocale)
Specify the locale used for character-set computations when loading the popup
menus. Use this to improve initialization performance of the Athena popup menus,
which may load unnecessary (and very large) fonts, e.g., in a locale having UTF-8
encoding. The default is “C” (POSIX).

To use the current locale (only useful if you have localized the resource settings
for the menu entries), set the resource to an empty string.

minBufSize (class MinBufSize)
Specify the minimum size of the input buffer, i.e., the amount of data that xterm
requests on each read. The default is “4096”. You cannot set this to a value
less than 64.

omitTranslation (class OmitTranslation)
Selectively omit one or more parts of xterm's default translations at startup.
The resource value is a comma-separated list of keywords, which may be
abbreviated: “fullscreen”, “scroll-lock”, “shift-fonts” or “wheel-mouse”. Xterm
also recognizes “default”, but omitting that will make the program unusable unless
you provide a similar definition in your resource settings.

ptyHandshake (class PtyHandshake)
If “true”, xterm will perform handshaking during initialization to ensure that the
parent and child processes update the utmp and stty state.

See also waitForMap which waits for the pseudo-terminal's notion of the screen
size, and ptySttySize which resets the screen size after other terminal
initialization is complete. The default is “true”.

ptyInitialErase (class PtyInitialErase)
If “true”, xterm will use the pseudo-terminal's sense of the stty erase value. If
“false”, xterm will set the stty erase value to match its own configuration, using
the kb string from the termcap entry as a reference, if available. In either
case, the result is applied to the TERMCAP variable which xterm sets.

See also the ttyModes resource, which may override this. The default is “False”.

ptySttySize (class PtySttySize)
If “true”, xterm will reset the screen size after terminal initialization is
complete. This is needed for some systems whose pseudo-terminals cannot propagate
terminal characteristics. Where it is not needed, it can interfere with other
methods for setting the intial screen size, e.g., via window manager interaction.

See also waitForMap which waits for a handshake-message giving the pseudo-
terminal's notion of the screen size. The default is “false” on Linux and OS X
systems, “true” otherwise.

reportFonts (class ReportFonts)
If true, xterm will print to the standard output a summary of each font's metrics
(size, number of glyphs, etc.), as it loads them. The default is “false”.

sameName (class SameName)
If the value of this resource is “true”, xterm does not send title and icon name
change requests when the request would have no effect: the name is not changed.
This has the advantage of preventing flicker and the disadvantage of requiring an
extra round trip to the server to find out the previous value. In practice this
should never be a problem. The default is “true”.

scaleHeight (class ScaleHeight)
Scale line-height values by the resource value, which is limited to “0.9” to
“1.5”. The default value is “1.0”,

While this resource applies to either bitmap or TrueType fonts, its main purpose
is to help work around incompatible changes in the Xft library's font metrics.
Xterm checks the font metrics to find what the library claims are the bounding
boxes for each glyph (character). However, some of Xft's features (such as the
autohinter) can cause the glyphs to be scaled larger than the bounding boxes, and
be partly overwritten by the next row.

See useClipping for a related resource.

scoFunctionKeys (class ScoFunctionKeys)
Specifies whether or not SCO Function Key escape codes should be generated for
function keys instead of standard escape sequences.

See also the keyboardType resource.

sessionMgt (class SessionMgt)
If the value of this resource is “true”, xterm sets up session manager callbacks
for XtNdieCallback and XtNsaveCallback. The default is “true”.

sunFunctionKeys (class SunFunctionKeys)
Specifies whether or not Sun Function Key escape codes should be generated for
function keys instead of standard escape sequences.

See also the keyboardType resource.

sunKeyboard (class SunKeyboard)
Specifies whether or not Sun/PC keyboard layout should be assumed rather than DEC
VT220. This causes the keypad “+” to be mapped to “,”. and CTRL F1-F10 to
F11-F20, depending on the setting of the ctrlFKeys resource, so xterm emulates a
DEC VT220 more accurately. Otherwise (the default, with sunKeyboard set to
“false”), xterm uses PC-style bindings for the function keys and keypad.

PC-style bindings use the Shift, Alt, Control and Meta keys as modifiers for
function-keys and keypad (see the document Xterm Control Sequences for details).
The PC-style bindings are analogous to PCTerm, but not the same thing. Normally
these bindings do not conflict with the use of the Meta key as described for the
eightBitInput resource. If they do, note that the PC-style bindings are evaluated

See also the keyboardType resource.

tcapFunctionKeys (class TcapFunctionKeys)
Specifies whether or not function key escape codes read from the termcap/terminfo
entry should be generated for function keys instead of standard escape sequences.
The default is “false”, i.e., this feature is disabled.

See also the keyboardType resource.

termName (class TermName)
Specifies the terminal type name to be set in the TERM environment variable.

title (class Title)
Specifies a string that may be used by the window manager when displaying this

toolBar (class ToolBar)
Specifies whether or not the toolbar should be displayed. The default is “true”.

ttyModes (class TtyModes)
Specifies a string containing terminal setting keywords and the characters to
which they may be bound. Allowable keywords include: brk, dsusp, eof, eol, eol2,
erase, erase2, flush, intr, kill, lnext, quit, rprnt, start, status, stop, susp,
swtch and weras. Control characters may be specified as ^char (e.g., ^c or ^u)
and ^? may be used to indicate delete (127). Use ^- to denote undef. Use \034 to
represent ^\, since a literal backslash in an X resource escapes the next

This is very useful for overriding the default terminal settings without having to
do an stty every time an xterm is started. Note, however, that the stty program
on a given host may use different keywords; xterm's table is built-in.

If the ttyModes resource specifies a value for erase, that overrides the
ptyInitialErase resource setting, i.e., xterm initializes the terminal to match
that value.

useInsertMode (class UseInsertMode)
Force use of insert mode by adding appropriate entries to the TERMCAP environment
variable. This is useful if the system termcap is broken. (This resource is
ignored on most systems, because TERMCAP is not used). The default is “false”.

utmpDisplayId (class UtmpDisplayId)
Specifies whether or not xterm should try to record the display identifier
(display number and screen number) as well as the hostname in the system utmp log
file. The default is “true”.

utmpInhibit (class UtmpInhibit)
Specifies whether or not xterm should try to record the user's terminal in the
system utmp log file. If true, xterm will not try. The default is “false”.

waitForMap (class WaitForMap)
Specifies whether or not xterm should wait for the initial window map before
starting the subprocess. This is part of the ptyHandshake logic. When xterm is
directed to wait in this fashion, it passes the terminal size from the display end
of the pseudo-terminal to the terminal I/O connection, e.g., using the size
according to the window manager. Otherwise, it uses the size as given in resource
values or command-line option -geom. The default is “false”.

zIconBeep (class ZIconBeep)
Same as -ziconbeep command line argument. If the value of this resource is non-
zero, xterms that produce output while iconified will cause an XBell sound at the
given volume and have “*** ” prepended to their icon titles. Most window managers
will detect this change immediately, showing you which window has the output. (A
similar feature was in x10 xterm.) The default is “false”.

zIconTitleFormat (class ZIconTitleFormat)
Allow customization of the string used in the zIconBeep feature. The default
value is “*** %s”.

If the resource value contains a “%s”, then xterm inserts the icon title at that
point rather than prepending the string to the icon title. (Only the first “%s”
is used).

VT100 Widget Resources
The following resources are specified as part of the vt100 widget (class VT100). They are
specified by patterns such as “XTerm.vt100.NAME”.

If your xterm is configured to support the “toolbar”, then those patterns need an extra
level for the form-widget which holds the toolbar and vt100 widget. A wildcard between
the top-level “XTerm” and the “vt100” widget makes the resource settings work for either,
e.g., “XTerm*vt100.NAME”.

activeIcon (class ActiveIcon)
Specifies whether or not active icon windows are to be used when the xterm window
is iconified, if this feature is compiled into xterm. The active icon is a
miniature representation of the content of the window and will update as the
content changes. Not all window managers necessarily support application icon
windows. Some window managers will allow you to enter keystrokes into the active
icon window. The default is “default”.

Xterm accepts either a keyword (ignoring case) or the number shown in parentheses:

false (0)
No active icon is shown.

true (1)
The active icon is shown. If you are using twm, use this setting to enable

default (2)
Xterm checks at startup, and shows an active icon only for window managers
which it can identify and which are known to support the feature. These
are fvwm (full support), and window maker (limited). A few other windows
managers (such as twm and ctwm) support active icons, but do not support
the extensions which allow xterm to identify the window manager.

allowBoldFonts (class AllowBoldFonts)
When set to “false”, xterm will not use bold fonts. This overrides both the
alwaysBoldMode and the boldMode resources. alwaysBoldMode (class AlwaysBoldMode)

allowC1Printable (class AllowC1Printable)
If true, overrides the mapping of C1 controls (codes 128-159) to make them be
treated as if they were printable characters. Although this corresponds to no
particular standard, some users insist it is a VT100. The default is “false”.

allowColorOps (class AllowColorOps)
Specifies whether control sequences that set/query the dynamic colors should be
allowed. ANSI colors are unaffected by this resource setting. The default is

allowFontOps (class AllowFontOps)
Specifies whether control sequences that set/query the font should be allowed.
The default is “false”.

allowPasteControls (class AllowPasteControls)
If true, allow control characters such as BEL and CAN to be pasted. Formatting
characters (tab, newline) are always allowed. Other C0 control characters are
suppressed unless this resource is enabled. The exact set of control characters
(C0 and C1) depends upon whether UTF-8 encoding is used, as well as the
allowC1Printable resource. The default is “false”.

allowScrollLock (class AllowScrollLock)
Specifies whether control sequences that set/query the Scroll Lock key should be
allowed, as well as whether the Scroll Lock key responds to user's keypress. The
default is “false”.

When this feature is enabled, xterm will sense the state of the Scroll Lock key
each time it acquires focus. Pressing the Scroll Lock key toggles xterm's
internal state, as well as toggling the associated LED. While the Scroll Lock is
active, xterm attempts to keep a viewport on the same set of lines. If the
current viewport is scrolled past the limit set by the saveLines resource, then
Scroll Lock has no further effect.

The reason for setting the default to “false” is to avoid user surprise. This key
is generally unused in keyboard configurations, and has not acquired a standard
meaning even when it is used in that manner. Consequently, users have assigned it
for ad hoc purposes.

allowSendEvents (class AllowSendEvents)
Specifies whether or not synthetic key and button events (generated using the X
protocol SendEvent request) should be interpreted or discarded. The default is
“false” meaning they are discarded. Note that allowing such events would create a
very large security hole, therefore enabling this resource forcefully disables the
allowXXXOps resources. The default is “false”.

allowTcapOps (class AllowTcapOps)
Specifies whether control sequences that query the terminal's notion of its
function-key strings, as termcap or terminfo capabilities should be allowed. The
default is “true”.

A few programs, e.g., vim, use this feature to get an accurate description of the
terminal's capabilities, independent of the termcap/terminfo setting:

· Xterm can tell the querying program how many colors it supports. This is a
constant, depending on how it is compiled, typically 16. It does not change
if you alter resource settings, e.g., the boldColors resource.

· Xterm can tell the querying program what strings are sent by modified (shift-,
control-, alt-) function- and keypad-keys. Reporting control- and alt-
modifiers is a feature that relies on the ncurses extended naming.

allowTitleOps (class AllowTitleOps)
Specifies whether control sequences that modify the window title or icon name
should be allowed. The default is “true”.

allowWindowOps (class AllowWindowOps)
Specifies whether extended window control sequences (as used in dtterm) should be
allowed. These include several control sequences which manipulate the window size
or position, as well as reporting these values and the title or icon name. Each
of these can be abused in a script; curiously enough most terminal emulators that
implement these restrict only a small part of the repertoire. For fine-tuning,
see disallowedWindowOps. The default is “false”.

altIsNotMeta (class AltIsNotMeta)
If “true”, treat the Alt-key as if it were the Meta-key. Your keyboard may happen
to be configured so they are the same. But if they are not, this allows you to
use the same prefix- and shifting operations with the Alt-key as with the Meta-
key. See altSendsEscape and metaSendsEscape. The default is “false”.

altSendsEscape (class AltSendsEscape)
This is an additional keyboard operation that may be processed after the logic for
metaSendsEscape. It is only available if the altIsNotMeta resource is set.

· If “true”, Alt characters (a character combined with the modifier associated
with left/right Alt-keys) are converted into a two-character sequence with the
character itself preceded by ESC. This applies as well to function key
control sequences, unless xterm sees that Alt is used in your key

· If “false”, Alt characters input from the keyboard cause a shift to 8-bit
characters (just like metaSendsEscape). By combining the Alt- and Meta-
modifiers, you can create corresponding combinations of ESC-prefix and 8-bit

The default is “False”. Xterm provides a menu option for toggling this resource.

alternateScroll (class ScrollCond)
If “true”, the scroll-back and scroll-forw actions send cursor-up and -down keys
when xterm is displaying the alternate screen. The default is “false”.

The alternateScroll state can also be set using a control sequence.

alwaysBoldMode (class AlwaysBoldMode)
Specifies whether xterm should check if the normal and bold fonts are distinct
before deciding whether to use overstriking to simulate bold fonts. If this
resource is true, xterm does not make the check for distinct fonts when deciding
how to handle the boldMode resource. The default is “false”.

boldMode alwaysBoldMode Comparison Action
false false ignored use font
false true ignored use font
true false same overstrike
true false different use font
true true ignored overstrike

This resource is used only for bitmap fonts:

· When using bitmap fonts, it is possible that the font server will approximate
the bold font by rescaling it from a different font size than expected. The
alwaysBoldMode resource allows the user to override the (sometimes poor)
resulting bold font with overstriking (which is at least consistent).

· The problem does not occur with TrueType fonts (though there can be other
unnecessary issues such as different coverage of the normal and bold fonts).

As an alternative, setting the allowBoldFonts resource to false overrides both the
alwaysBoldMode and the boldMode resources.

alwaysHighlight (class AlwaysHighlight)
Specifies whether or not xterm should always display a highlighted text cursor.
By default (if this resource is false), a hollow text cursor is displayed whenever
the pointer moves out of the window or the window loses the input focus. The
default is “false”.

alwaysUseMods (class AlwaysUseMods)
Override the numLock resource, telling xterm to use the Alt and Meta modifiers to
construct parameters for function key sequences even if those modifiers appear in
the translations resource. Normally xterm checks if Alt or Meta is used in a
translation that would conflict with function key modifiers, and will ignore these
modifiers in that special case. The default is “false”.

answerbackString (class AnswerbackString)
Specifies the string that xterm sends in response to an ENQ (control/E) character
from the host. The default is a blank string, i.e., “”. A hardware VT100
implements this feature as a setup option.

appcursorDefault (class AppcursorDefault)
If “true”, the cursor keys are initially in application mode. This is the same as
the VT102 private DECCKM mode, The default is “false”.

appkeypadDefault (class AppkeypadDefault)
If “true”, the keypad keys are initially in application mode. The default is

assumeAllChars (class AssumeAllChars)
If “true”, this enables a special case in bitmap fonts to allow the font server to
choose how to display missing glyphs. The default is “true”.

The reason for this resource is to help with certain quasi-automatically generated
fonts (such as the ISO-10646-1 encoding of Terminus) which have incorrect font-

autoWrap (class AutoWrap)
Specifies whether or not auto-wraparound should be enabled. This is the same as
the VT102 DECAWM. The default is “true”.

awaitInput (class AwaitInput)
Specifies whether or not xterm uses a 50 millisecond timeout to await input (i.e.,
to support the Xaw3d arrow scrollbar). The default is “false”.

backarrowKey (class BackarrowKey)
Specifies whether the backarrow key transmits a backspace (8) or delete (127)
character. This corresponds to the DECBKM control sequence. A “true” value
specifies backspace. The default is “True”. Pressing the control key toggles
this behavior.

background (class Background)
Specifies the color to use for the background of the window. The default is

bellIsUrgent (class BellIsUrgent)
Specifies whether to set the Urgency hint for the window manager when making a
bell sound. The default is “false”.

bellOnReset (class BellOnReset)
Specifies whether to sound a bell when doing a hard reset. The default is “true”.

bellSuppressTime (class BellSuppressTime)
Number of milliseconds after a bell command is sent during which additional bells
will be suppressed. Default is 200. If set non-zero, additional bells will also
be suppressed until the server reports that processing of the first bell has been
completed; this feature is most useful with the visible bell.

boldColors (class ColorMode)
Specifies whether to combine bold attribute with colors like the IBM PC, i.e., map
colors 0 through 7 to colors 8 through 15. These normally are the brighter
versions of the first 8 colors, hence bold. The default is “true”.

boldFont (class BoldFont)
Specifies the name of the bold font to use instead of overstriking. There is no
default for this resource.

This font must be the same height and width as the normal font, otherwise it is
ignored. If only one of the normal or bold fonts is specified, it will be used as
the normal font and the bold font will be produced by overstriking this font.

See also the discussion of boldMode and alwaysBoldMode resources.

boldMode (class BoldMode)
This specifies whether or not text with the bold attribute should be overstruck to
simulate bold fonts if the resolved bold font is the same as the normal font. It
may be desirable to disable bold fonts when color is being used for the bold

Note that xterm has one bold font which you may set explicitly. Xterm attempts to
derive a bold font for the other font selections (font1 through font6). If it
cannot find a bold font, it will use the normal font. In each case (whether the
explicit resource or the derived font), if the normal and bold fonts are distinct,
this resource has no effect. The default is “true”.

See the alwaysBoldMode resource which can modify the behavior of this resource.

Although xterm attempts to derive a bold font for other font selections, the font
server may not cooperate. Since X11R6, bitmap fonts have been scaled. The font
server claims to provide the bold font that xterm requests, but the result is not
always readable. XFree86 introduced a feature which can be used to suppress the
scaling. In the X server's configuration file (e.g., “/etc/X11/XFree86” or
“/etc/X11/xorg.conf”), you can add “:unscaled” to the end of the directory
specification for the “misc” fonts, which comprise the fixed-pitch fonts that are
used by xterm. For example

FontPath "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"

would become

FontPath "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/:unscaled"

Depending on your configuration, the font server may have its own configuration
file. The same “:unscaled” can be added to its configuration file at the end of
the directory specification for “misc”.

The bitmap scaling feature is also used by xterm to implement VT102 double-width
and double-height characters.

brokenLinuxOSC (class BrokenLinuxOSC)
If true, xterm applies a workaround to ignore malformed control sequences that a
Linux script might send. Compare the palette control sequences documented in
console_codes with ECMA-48. The default is “true”.

brokenSelections (class BrokenSelections)
If true, xterm in 8-bit mode will interpret STRING selections as carrying text in
the current locale's encoding. Normally STRING selections carry ISO-8859-1
encoded text. Setting this resource to “true” violates the ICCCM; it may,
however, be useful for interacting with some broken X clients. The default is

brokenStringTerm (class BrokenStringTerm)
provides a work-around for some ISDN routers which start an application control
string without completing it. Set this to “true” if xterm appears to freeze when
connecting. The default is “false”.

Xterm's state parser recognizes several types of control strings which can contain
text, e.g.,

APC (Application Program Command),
DCS (Device Control String),
OSC (Operating System Command),
PM (Privacy Message), and
SOS (Start of String),

Each should end with a string-terminator (a special character which cannot appear
in these strings). Ordinary control characters found within the string are not
ignored; they are processed without interfering with the process of accumulating
the control string's content. Xterm recognizes these controls in all modes,
although some of the functions may be suppressed after parsing the control.

When enabled, this feature allows the user to exit from an unterminated control
string when any of these ordinary control characters are found:

control/D (used as an end of file in many shells),
control/H (backspace),
control/I (tab-feed),
control/J (line feed aka newline),
control/K (vertical tab),
control/L (form feed),
control/M (carriage return),
control/N (shift-out),
control/O (shift-in),
control/Q (XOFF),
control/X (cancel)

c132 (class C132)
Specifies whether or not the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence, used to switch between
80 and 132 columns, should be honored. The default is “false”.

cacheDoublesize (class CacheDoublesize)
Tells whether to cache double-sized fonts by xterm. Set this to zero to disable
double-sized fonts altogether.

cdXtraScroll (class CdXtraScroll)
Specifies whether xterm should scroll to a new page when clearing the whole
screen. Like tiXtraScroll, the intent of this option is to provide a picture of
the full-screen application's display on the scrollback before wiping out the
text. The default for this resource is “false”.

charClass (class CharClass)
Specifies comma-separated lists of character class bindings of the form
[low-]high:value. These are used in determining which sets of characters should
be treated the same when doing cut and paste. See the CHARACTER CLASSES section.

cjkWidth (class CjkWidth)
Specifies whether xterm should follow the traditional East Asian width convention.
When turned on, characters with East Asian Ambiguous (A) category in UTR 11 have a
column width of 2. You may have to set this option to “true” if you have some old
East Asian terminal based programs that assume that line-drawing characters have a
column width of 2. If this resource is false, the mkWidth resource controls the
choice between the system's wcwidth and xterm's built-in tables. The default is

color0 (class Color0)

color1 (class Color1)

color2 (class Color2)

color3 (class Color3)

color4 (class Color4)

color5 (class Color5)

color6 (class Color6)

color7 (class Color7)
These specify the colors for the ISO-6429 extension. The defaults are,
respectively, black, red3, green3, yellow3, a customizable dark blue, magenta3,
cyan3, and gray90. The default shades of color are chosen to allow the colors
8-15 to be used as brighter versions.

color8 (class Color8)

color9 (class Color9)

color10 (class Color10)

color11 (class Color11)

color12 (class Color12)

color13 (class Color13)

color14 (class Color14)

color15 (class Color15)
These specify the colors for the ISO-6429 extension if the bold attribute is also
enabled. The default resource values are respectively, gray30, red, green,
yellow, a customizable light blue, magenta, cyan, and white.

color16 (class Color16)


color255 (class Color255)
These specify the colors for the 256-color extension. The default resource values
are for colors 16 through 231 to make a 6x6x6 color cube, and colors 232 through
255 to make a grayscale ramp.

Resources past color15 are available as a compile-time option. Due to a hardcoded
limit in the X libraries on the total number of resources (to 400), the resources
for 256-colors are omitted when wide-character support and luit are enabled.
Besides inconsistent behavior if only part of the resources were allowed,
determining the exact cutoff is difficult, and the X libraries tend to crash if
the number of resources exceeds the limit. The color palette is still initialized
to the same default values, and can be modified via control sequences.

On the other hand, the resource limit does permit including the entire range for

colorAttrMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether colorBD, colorBL, colorRV, and colorUL should override ANSI
colors. If not, these are displayed only when no ANSI colors have been set for
the corresponding position. The default is “false”.

colorBD (class ColorBD)
This specifies the color to use to display bold characters if the “colorBDMode”
resource is enabled. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

See also the veryBoldColors resource which allows combining bold and color.

colorBDMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the bold attribute should be displayed in color
or as bold characters. Note that setting colorMode off disables all colors,
including bold. The default is “false”.

colorBL (class ColorBL)
This specifies the color to use to display blink characters if the “colorBLMode”
resource is enabled. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

See also the veryBoldColors resource which allows combining underline and color.

colorBLMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the blink attribute should be displayed in
color. Note that setting colorMode off disables all colors, including this. The
default is “false”.

colorIT (class ColorIT)
This specifies the color to use to display italic characters if the “colorITMode”
resource is enabled. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

See also the veryBoldColors resource which allows combining attributes and color.

colorITMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the italic attribute should be displayed in
color or as italic characters. The default is “false”.

Note that:

· Setting colorMode off disables all colors, including italic.

· The italicULMode resource overrides colorITMode.

colorMode (class ColorMode)
Specifies whether or not recognition of ANSI (ISO-6429) color change escape
sequences should be enabled. The default is “true”.

colorRV (class ColorRV)
This specifies the color to use to display reverse characters if the “colorRVMode”
resource is enabled. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

See also the veryBoldColors resource which allows combining reverse and color.

colorRVMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the reverse attribute should be displayed in
color. Note that setting colorMode off disables all colors, including this. The
default is “false”.

colorUL (class ColorUL)
This specifies the color to use to display underlined characters if the
“colorULMode” resource is enabled. The default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

See also the veryBoldColors resource which allows combining underline and color.

colorULMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the underline attribute should be displayed in
color or as underlined characters. Note that setting colorMode off disables all
colors, including underlining. The default is “false”.

combiningChars (class CombiningChars)
Specifies the number of wide-characters which can be stored in a cell to
overstrike (combine) with the base character of the cell. This can be set to
values in the range 0 to 4. The default is “2”.

ctrlFKeys (class CtrlFKeys)
In VT220 keyboard mode (see sunKeyboard resource), specifies the amount by which
to shift F1-F12 given a control modifier (CTRL). This allows you to generate key
symbols for F10-F20 on a Sun/PC keyboard. The default is “10”, which means that
CTRL F1 generates the key symbol for F11.

curses (class Curses)
Specifies whether or not the last column bug in more(1) should be worked around.
See the -cu option for details. The default is “false”.

cursorBlink (class CursorBlink)
Specifies whether to make the cursor blink. The default is “false”.

Xterm uses two variables to determine whether the cursor blinks. One is set by
this resource. The other is set by control sequences (private mode 12 and
DECSCUSR). Xterm tests the XOR of the two variables.

cursorColor (class CursorColor)
Specifies the color to use for the text cursor. The default is
“XtDefaultForeground”. By default, xterm attempts to keep this color from being
the same as the background color, since it draws the cursor by filling the
background of a text cell. The same restriction applies to control sequences
which may change this color.

Setting this resource overrides most of xterm's adjustments to cursor color. It
will still use reverse-video to disallow some cases, such as a black cursor on a
black background.

cursorOffTime (class CursorOffTime)
Specifies the duration of the “off” part of the cursor blink cycle-time in
milliseconds. The same timer is used for text blinking. The default is “300”.

cursorOnTime (class CursorOnTime)
Specifies the duration of the “on” part of the cursor blink cycle-time, in
milliseconds. The same timer is used for text blinking. The default is “600”.

cutNewline (class CutNewline)
If “false”, triple clicking to select a line does not include the Newline at the
end of the line. If “true”, the Newline is selected. The default is “true”.

cursorUnderLine (class CursorUnderLine)
Specifies whether to make the cursor underlined or a box. The default is “false”.

cutToBeginningOfLine (class CutToBeginningOfLine)
If “false”, triple clicking to select a line selects only from the current word
forward. If “true”, the entire line is selected. The default is “true”.

decTerminalID (class DecTerminalID)
Specifies the emulation level (100=VT100, 220=VT220, etc.), used to determine the
type of response to a DA control sequence. Leading non-digit characters are
ignored, e.g., “vt100” and “100” are the same. The default is “420”.

defaultString (class DefaultString)
Specify the character (or string) which xterm will substitute when pasted text
includes a character which cannot be represented in the current encoding. For
instance, pasting UTF-8 text into a display of ISO-8859-1 characters will only be
able to display codes 0-255, while UTF-8 text can include Unicode values above
255. The default is “#” (a single pound sign).

If the undisplayable text would be double-width, xterm will add a space after the
“#” character, to give roughly the same layout on the screen as the original text.

deleteIsDEL (class DeleteIsDEL)
Specifies whether the Delete key on the editing keypad should send DEL (127) or
the VT220-style Remove escape sequence. A “false” value enables the latter. The
default is “Maybe”.

disallowedColorOps (class DisallowedColorOps)
Specify which features will be disabled if allowColorOps is false. This is a
comma-separated list of names. The default value is

The names are listed below. Xterm ignores capitalization, but they are shown in
mixed-case for clarity.

Set a specific dynamic color.

Report the current setting of a given dynamic color.

Report the current setting of a given ANSI color (actually any of the colors
set via ANSI-style controls).

disallowedFontOps (class DisallowedFontOps)
Specify which features will be disabled if allowFontOps is false. This is a
comma-separated list of names. The default value is

The names are listed below. Xterm ignores capitalization, but they are shown in
mixed-case for clarity.

Set the specified font.

Report the specified font.

disallowedTcapOps (class DisallowedTcapOps)
Specify which features will be disabled if allowTcapOps is false. This is a
comma-separated list of names. The default value is

The names are listed below. Xterm ignores capitalization, but they are shown in
mixed-case for clarity.

(not implemented)

Report specified function- and other special keys.

disallowedWindowOps (class DisallowedWindowOps)
Specify which features will be disabled if allowWindowOps is false. This is a
comma-separated list of names, or (for the controls adapted from dtterm the
operation number). The default value is
(i.e. no operations are allowed).

The names are listed below. Xterm ignores capitalization, but they are shown in
mixed-case for clarity. Where a number can be used as an alternative, it is given
in parentheses after the name.

GetIconTitle (20)
Report xterm window's icon label as a string.

GetScreenSizeChars (19)
Report the size of the screen in characters as numbers.

Report selection data as a base64 string.

GetWinPosition (13)
Report xterm window position as numbers.

GetWinSizeChars (18)
Report the size of the text area in characters as numbers.

GetWinSizePixels (14)
Report xterm window in pixels as numbers.

GetWinState (11)
Report xterm window state as a number.

GetWinTitle (21)
Report xterm window's title as a string.

LowerWin (6)
Lower the xterm window to the bottom of the stacking order.

MaximizeWin (9)
Maximize window (i.e., resize to screen size).

FullscreenWin (10)
Use full screen (i.e., resize to screen size, without window decorations).

MinimizeWin (2)
Iconify window.

PopTitle (23)
Pop title from internal stack.

PushTitle (22)
Push title to internal stack.

RaiseWin (5)
Raise the xterm window to the front of the stacking order.

RefreshWin (7)
Refresh the xterm window.

RestoreWin (1)
De-iconify window.

Set selection data.

Resize to a given number of lines, at least 24.

SetWinPosition (3)
Move window to given coordinates.

SetWinSizeChars (8)
Resize the text area to given size in characters.

SetWinSizePixels (4)
Resize the xterm window to given size in pixels.

Set X property on top-level window.

dynamicColors (class DynamicColors)
Specifies whether or not escape sequences to change colors assigned to different
attributes are recognized.

eightBitControl (class EightBitControl)
Specifies whether or not control sequences sent by the terminal should be eight-
bit characters or escape sequences. The default is “false”.

eightBitInput (class EightBitInput)
If “true”, Meta characters (a single-byte character combined with the Meta
modifier key) input from the keyboard are presented as a single character,
modified according to the eightBitMeta resource. If “false”, Meta characters are
converted into a two-character sequence with the character itself preceded by ESC.
The default is “true”.

The metaSendsEscape and altSendsEscape resources may override this feature.
Generally keyboards do not have a key labeled “Meta”, but “Alt” keys are common,
and they are conventionally used for “Meta”. If they were synonymous, it would
have been reasonable to name this resource “altSendsEscape”, reversing its sense.
For more background on this, see the meta function in curses.

Note that the Alt key is not necessarily the same as the Meta modifier. The
xmodmap utility lists your key modifiers. X defines modifiers for shift, (caps)
lock and control, as well as 5 additional modifiers which are generally used to
configure key modifiers. Xterm inspects the same information to find the modifier
associated with either Meta key (left or right), and uses that key as the Meta
modifier. It also looks for the NumLock key, to recognize the modifier which is
associated with that.

If your xmodmap configuration uses the same keycodes for Alt- and Meta-keys, xterm
will only see the Alt-key definitions, since those are tested before Meta-keys.
NumLock is tested first. It is important to keep these keys distinct; otherwise
some of xterm's functionality is not available.

The eightBitInput resource is tested at startup time. If “true”, the xterm tries
to put the terminal into 8-bit mode. If “false”, on startup, xterm tries to put
the terminal into 7-bit mode. For some configurations this is unsuccessful;
failure is ignored. After startup, xterm does not change the terminal between
8-bit and 7-bit mode.

As originally implemented in X11, the resource value did not change after startup.
However (since patch #216 in 2006) xterm can modify eightBitInput after startup
via a control sequence. The corresponding terminfo capabilities smm (set meta
mode) and rmm (reset meta mode) have been recognized by bash for some time.
Interestingly enough, bash's notion of “meta mode” differs from the standard
definition (in the terminfo manual), which describes the change to the eighth bit
of a character. It happens that bash views “meta mode” as the ESC character that
xterm puts before a character when a special meta key is pressed. bash's early
documentation talks about the ESC character and ignores the eighth bit.

eightBitMeta (class EightBitMeta)
This controls the way xterm modifies the eighth bit of a single-byte key when the
eightBitInput resource is set. The default is “locale”.

The resource value is a string, evaluated as a boolean after startup.

The key is sent unmodified.

The key is modified only if the locale uses eight-bit encoding.

true The key is sent modified.

The key is always sent unmodified.

Except for the never choice, xterm honors the terminfo capabilities smm (set meta
mode) and rmm (reset meta mode), allowing the feature to be turned on or off

If eightBitMeta is enabled when the locale uses UTF-8, xterm encodes the value as
UTF-8 (since patch #183 in 2003).

eightBitOutput (class EightBitOutput)
Specifies whether or not eight-bit characters sent from the host should be
accepted as is or stripped when printed. The default is “true”, which means that
they are accepted as is.

eightBitSelectTypes (class EightBitSelectTypes)
Override xterm's default selection target list (see SELECT/PASTE) for selections
in normal (ISO-8859-1) mode. The default is an empty string, i.e., “”, which does
not override anything.

faceName (class FaceName)
Specify the pattern for scalable fonts selected from the FreeType library if
support for that library was compiled into xterm. There is no default value.

If not specified, or if there is no match for both normal and bold fonts, xterm
uses the bitmap font and related resources.

It is possible to select suitable bitmap fonts using a script such as this:

FONT=`xfontsel -print`
test -n "$FONT" && xfd -fn "$FONT"

However (even though xfd accepts a “-fa” option to denote FreeType fonts),
xfontsel has not been similarly extended. As a workaround, you may try

fc-list :scalable=true:spacing=mono: family

to find a list of scalable fixed-pitch fonts which may be used for the faceName
resource value.

faceNameDoublesize (class FaceNameDoublesize)
Specify a double-width scalable font for cases where an application requires this,
e.g., in CJK applications. There is no default value.

If the application uses double-wide characters and this resource is not given,
xterm will use a scaled version of the font given by faceName.

faceSize (class FaceSize)
Specify the pointsize for fonts selected from the FreeType library if support for
that library was compiled into xterm. The default is “14.0” On the VT Fonts menu,
this corresponds to the Default entry.

Although the default is “14.0”, this may not be the same as the pointsize for the
default bitmap font, i.e., that assigned with the -fn option, or the font
resource. For example, the “fixed” font usually has a pointsize of “8.0”. If you
set faceSize to match the size of the bitmap font, then switching between bitmap
and TrueType fonts via the font menu will give comparable sizes for the window.

You can specify the pointsize for TrueType fonts selected with the other size-
related menu entries such as Medium, Huge, etc., by using one of the following
resource values. If you do not specify a value, they default to “0.0”, which
causes xterm to use the ratio of font sizes from the corresponding bitmap font
resources to obtain a TrueType pointsize.

If all of the faceSize resources are set, then xterm will use this information to
determine the next smaller/larger TrueType font for the larger-vt-font() and
smaller-vt-font() actions. If any are not set, xterm will use only the areas of
the bitmap fonts.

faceSize1 (class FaceSize1)
Specifies the pointsize of the first alternative font.

faceSize2 (class FaceSize2)
Specifies the pointsize of the second alternative font.

faceSize3 (class FaceSize3)
Specifies the pointsize of the third alternative font.

faceSize4 (class FaceSize4)
Specifies the pointsize of the fourth alternative font.

faceSize5 (class FaceSize5)
Specifies the pointsize of the fifth alternative font.

faceSize6 (class FaceSize6)
Specifies the pointsize of the sixth alternative font.

font (class Font)
Specifies the name of the normal font. The default is “fixed”.

See the discussion of the locale resource, which describes how this font may be

NOTE: some resource files use patterns such as

*font: fixed

which are overly broad, affecting both




which is probably not what you intended.

fastScroll (class FastScroll)
Modifies the effect of jump scroll (jumpScroll) by suppressing screen refreshes
for the special case when output to the screen has completely shifted the contents
off-screen. For instance, cat'ing a large file to the screen does this.

font1 (class Font1)
Specifies the name of the first alternative font, corresponding to “Unreadable” in
the standard menu.

font2 (class Font2)
Specifies the name of the second alternative font, corresponding to “Tiny” in the
standard menu.

font3 (class Font3)
Specifies the name of the third alternative font, corresponding to “Small” in the
standard menu.

font4 (class Font4)
Specifies the name of the fourth alternative font, corresponding to “Medium” in
the standard menu.

font5 (class Font5)
Specifies the name of the fifth alternative font, corresponding to “Large” in the
standard menu.

font6 (class Font6)
Specifies the name of the sixth alternative font, corresponding to “Huge” in the
standard menu.

fontDoublesize (class FontDoublesize)
Specifies whether xterm should attempt to use font scaling to draw double-sized
characters. Some older font servers cannot do this properly, will return
misleading font metrics. The default is “true”. If disabled, xterm will simulate
double-sized characters by drawing normal characters with spaces between them.

fontWarnings (class FontWarnings)
Specify whether xterm should report an error if it fails to load a font:

0 Never report an error (though the X libraries may).

1 Report an error if the font name was given as a resource setting.

2 Always report an error on failure to load a font.

The default is “1”.

forceBoxChars (class ForceBoxChars)
Specifies whether xterm should assume the normal and bold fonts have VT100 line-
drawing characters:

· The fixed-pitch ISO-8859-*-encoded fonts used by xterm normally have the VT100
line-drawing glyphs in cells 1-31. Other fixed-pitch fonts may be more
attractive, but lack these glyphs.

· When using an ISO-10646-1 font and the wideChars resource is true, xterm uses
the Unicode glyphs which match the VT100 line-drawing glyphs.

If “false”, xterm checks for missing glyphs in the font and makes line-drawing
characters directly as needed. If “true”, xterm assumes the font does not contain
the line-drawing characters, and draws them directly. The default is “false”.

forcePackedFont (class ForcePackedFont)
Specifies whether xterm should use the maximum or minimum glyph width when
displaying using a bitmap font. Use the maximum width to help with proportional
fonts. The default is “true”, denoting the minimum width.

foreground (class Foreground)
Specifies the color to use for displaying text in the window. Setting the class
name instead of the instance name is an easy way to have everything that would
normally appear in the text color change color. The default is

formatOtherKeys (class FormatOtherKeys)
Overrides the format of the escape sequence used to report modified keys with the
modifyOtherKeys resource.

0 send modified keys as parameters for function-key 27 (default).

1 send modified keys as parameters for CSI u.

freeBoldBox (class FreeBoldBox)
Specifies whether xterm should assume the bounding boxes for normal and bold fonts
are compatible. If “false”, xterm compares them and will reject choices of bold
fonts that do not match the size of the normal font. The default is “false”,
which means that the comparison is performed.

geometry (class Geometry)
Specifies the preferred size and position of the VT102 window. There is no
default for this resource.

highlightColor (class HighlightColor)
Specifies the color to use for the background of selected (highlighted) text. If
not specified (i.e., matching the default foreground), reverse video is used. The
default is “XtDefaultForeground”.

highlightColorMode (class HighlightColorMode)
Specifies whether xterm should use highlightTextColor and highlightColor to
override the reversed foreground/background colors in a selection. The default is
unspecified: at startup, xterm checks if those resources are set to something
other than the default foreground and background colors. Setting this resource
disables the check.

The following table shows the interaction of the highlighting resources,
abbreviated as shown to fit in this page:


HR highlightReverse



HCM HR HBG HFG Highlight
false false default default bg/fg
false false default set bg/fg
false false set default fg/HBG
false false set set fg/HBG
false true default default bg/fg
false true default set bg/fg
false true set default fg/HBG
false true set set fg/HBG
true false default default bg/fg
true false default set HFG/fg
true false set default bg/HBG
true false set set HFG/HBG
true true default default fg/fg (useless)
true true default set HFG/fg
true true set default fg/HBG
true true set set HFG/HBG
default false default default bg/fg
default false default set bg/fg
default false set default fg/HBG
default false set set HFG/HBG
default true default default bg/fg
default true default set bg/fg
default true set default fg/HBG
default true set set HFG/HBG

highlightReverse (class HighlightReverse)
Specifies whether xterm should reverse the selection foreground and background
colors when selecting text with reverse-video attribute. This applies only to the
highlightColor and highlightTextColor resources, e.g., to match the color scheme
of xwsh. If “true”, xterm reverses the colors, If “false”, xterm does not reverse
colors, The default is “true”.

highlightSelection (class HighlightSelection)
If “false”, selecting with the mouse highlights all positions on the screen
between the beginning of the selection and the current position. If “true”, xterm
highlights only the positions that contain text that can be selected. The default
is “false”.

Depending on the way your applications write to the screen, there may be trailing
blanks on a line. Xterm stores data as it is shown on the screen. Erasing the
display changes the internal state of each cell so it is not considered a blank
for the purpose of selection. Blanks written since the last erase are selectable.
If you do not wish to have trailing blanks in a selection, use the trimSelection

highlightTextColor (class HighlightTextColor)
Specifies the color to use for the foreground of selected (highlighted) text. If
not specified (i.e., matching the default background), reverse video is used. The
default is “XtDefaultBackground”.

hpLowerleftBugCompat (class HpLowerleftBugCompat)
Specifies whether to work around a bug in HP's xdb, which ignores termcap and
always sends ESC F to move to the lower left corner. “true” causes xterm to
interpret ESC F as a request to move to the lower left corner of the screen. The
default is “false”.

i18nSelections (class I18nSelections)
If false, xterm will not request the targets COMPOUND_TEXT or TEXT. The default
is “true”. It may be set to false in order to work around ICCCM violations by
other X clients.

iconBorderColor (class BorderColor)
Specifies the border color for the active icon window if this feature is compiled
into xterm. Not all window managers will make the icon border visible.

iconBorderWidth (class BorderWidth)
Specifies the border width for the active icon window if this feature is compiled
into xterm. The default is “2”. Not all window managers will make the border

iconFont (class IconFont)
Specifies the font for the miniature active icon window, if this feature is
compiled into xterm. The default is “nil2”.

initialFont (class InitialFont)
Specifies which of the VT100 fonts to use initially. Values are the same as for
the set-vt-font action. The default is “d”, i.e., “default”.

inputMethod (class XtCInputMethod)
Tells xterm which type of input method to use. There is no default method.

internalBorder (class BorderWidth)
Specifies the number of pixels between the characters and the window border. The
default is “2”.

italicULMode (class ColorAttrMode)
Specifies whether characters with the underline attribute should be displayed in
an italic font or as underlined characters. It is implemented only for TrueType

jumpScroll (class JumpScroll)
Specifies whether or not jump scroll should be used. This corresponds to the
VT102 DECSCLM private mode. The default is “true”. See fastScroll for a

keepClipboard (class KeepClipboard)
Specifies whether xterm will reuse the selection data which it copied to the
keyboard rather than asking the clipboard for its current contents when told to
provide the selection. The default is “false”.

keepSelection (class KeepSelection)
Specifies whether xterm will keep the selection even after the selected area was
touched by some output to the terminal. The default is “true”.

keyboardDialect (class KeyboardDialect)
Specifies the initial keyboard dialect, as well as the default value when the
terminal is reset. The value given is the same as the final character in the
control sequences which change character sets. The default is “B”, which
corresponds to US ASCII.

nameKeymap (class NameKeymap)
See the discussion of the keymap() action.

limitResize (class LimitResize)
Limits resizing of the screen via control sequence to a given multiple of the
display dimensions. The default is “1”.

locale (class Locale)
Specifies how to use luit, an encoding converter between UTF-8 and locale
encodings. The resource value (ignoring case) may be:

Xterm will use the encoding specified by the users' LC_CTYPE locale (i.e.,
LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, or LANG variables) as far as possible. This is realized by
always enabling UTF-8 mode and invoking luit in non-UTF-8 locales.

Xterm will follow users' LC_CTYPE locale only for UTF-8, east Asian, and Thai
locales, where the encodings were not supported by conventional 8bit mode with
changing fonts. For other locales, xterm will use conventional 8bit mode.

If mini-luit is compiled-in, xterm will check if a Unicode font has been
specified. If so, it checks if the character encoding for the current locale
is POSIX, Latin-1 or Latin-9, uses the appropriate mapping to support those
with the Unicode font. For other encodings, xterm assumes that UTF-8 encoding
is required.

Xterm will use conventional 8bit mode or UTF-8 mode according to utf8 resource
or -u8 option.

Any other value, e.g., “UTF-8” or “ISO8859-2”, is assumed to be an encoding name;
luit will be invoked to support the encoding. The actual list of supported
encodings depends on luit. The default is “medium”.

Regardless of your locale and encoding, you need an ISO-10646-1 font to display
the result. Your configuration may not include this font, or locale-support by
xterm may not be needed. At startup, xterm uses a mechanism equivalent to the
load-vt-fonts(utf8Fonts, Utf8Fonts) action to load font name subresources of the
VT100 widget. That is, resource patterns such as “*vt100.utf8Fonts.font” will be
loaded, and (if this resource is enabled), override the normal fonts. If no
subresources are found, the normal fonts such as “*vt100.font”, etc., are used.
The resource files distributed with xterm use ISO-10646-1 fonts, but do not rely
on them unless you are using the locale mechanism.

localeFilter (class LocaleFilter)
Specifies the file name for the encoding converter from/to locale encodings and
UTF-8 which is used with the -lc option or locale resource. The help message
shown by “xterm -help” lists the default value, which depends on your system

If the encoding converter requires command-line parameters, you can add those
after the command, e.g.,

*localeFilter: xterm-filter -p

Alternatively, you may put those parameter within a shell script to execute the
converter, and set this resource to point to the shell script.

When using a locale-filter, e.g., with the -e option, or the shell, xterm first
tries passing control via that filter. If it fails, xterm will retry without the
locale-filter. Xterm warns about the failure before retrying.

loginShell (class LoginShell)
Specifies whether or not the shell to be run in the window should be started as a
login shell. The default is “false”.

marginBell (class MarginBell)
Specifies whether or not the bell should be rung when the user types near the
right margin. The default is “false”.

metaSendsEscape (class MetaSendsEscape)
If “true”, Meta characters (a character combined with the Meta modifier key) are
converted into a two-character sequence with the character itself preceded by ESC.
This applies as well to function key control sequences, unless xterm sees that
Meta is used in your key translations. If “false”, Meta characters input from the
keyboard are handled according to the eightBitInput resource. The default is

mkSamplePass (class MkSamplePass)
If mkSampleSize is nonzero, and mkWidth (and cjkWidth) are false, on startup xterm
compares its built-in tables to the system's wide character width data to decide
if it will use the system's data. It tests the first mkSampleSize character
values, and allows up to mkSamplePass mismatches before the test fails. The
default (for the allowed number of mismatches) is 256.

mkSampleSize (class MkSampleSize)
With mkSamplePass, this specifies a startup test used for initializing wide
character width calculations. The default (number of characters to check) is

mkWidth (class MkWidth)
Specifies whether xterm should use a built-in version of the wide character width
calculation. See also the cjkWidth resource which can override this. The default
is “false”.

Here is a summary of the resources which control the choice of wide character
width calculation:

cjkWidth mkWidth Action
false false use system tables subject to mkSamplePass
false true use built-in tables
true false use built-in CJK tables
true true use built-in CJK tables

modifyCursorKeys (class ModifyCursorKeys)
Tells how to handle the special case where Control-, Shift-, Alt- or Meta-
modifiers are used to add a parameter to the escape sequence returned by a cursor-
key. The default is “2”:

-1 disables the feature.

0 uses the old/obsolete behavior.

1 prefixes modified sequences with CSI.

2 forces the modifier to be the second parameter if it would otherwise be the

3 marks the sequence with a “>” to hint that it is private.

modifyFunctionKeys (class ModifyFunctionKeys)
Tells how to handle the special case where Control-, Shift-, Alt- or Meta-
modifiers are used to add a parameter to the escape sequence returned by a
(numbered) function-key. The default is “2”. The resource values are similar to

-1 permits the user to use shift- and control-modifiers to construct function-
key strings using the normal encoding scheme.

0 uses the old/obsolete behavior.

1 prefixes modified sequences with CSI.

2 forces the modifier to be the second parameter if it would otherwise be the

3 marks the sequence with a “>” to hint that it is private.

If modifyFunctionKeys is zero, xterm uses Control- and Shift-modifiers to allow
the user to construct numbered function-keys beyond the set provided by the

adds the value given by the ctrlFKeys resource.

adds twice the value given by the ctrlFKeys resource.

adds three times the value given by the ctrlFKeys resource.

modifyKeyboard (class ModifyKeyboard)
Normally xterm makes a special case regarding modifiers (shift, control, etc.) to
handle special keyboard layouts (legacy and vt220). This is done to provide
compatible keyboards for DEC VT220 and related terminals that implement user-
defined keys (UDK).

The bits of the resource value selectively enable modification of the given
category when these keyboards are selected. The default is “0”:

0 The legacy/vt220 keyboards interpret only the Control-modifier when
constructing numbered function-keys. Other special keys are not modified.

1 allows modification of the numeric keypad

2 allows modification of the editing keypad

4 allows modification of function-keys, overrides use of Shift-modifier for

8 allows modification of other special keys

modifyOtherKeys (class ModifyOtherKeys)
Like modifyCursorKeys, tells xterm to construct an escape sequence for other keys
(such as “2”) when modified by Control-, Alt- or Meta-modifiers. This feature
does not apply to function keys and well-defined keys such as ESC or the control
keys. The default is “0”:

0 disables this feature.

1 enables this feature for keys except for those with well-known behavior,
e.g., Tab, Backarrow and some special control character cases, e.g., Control-
Space to make a NUL.

2 enables this feature for keys including the exceptions listed.

multiClickTime (class MultiClickTime)
Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds between multi-click select events. The
default is “250” milliseconds.

multiScroll (class MultiScroll)
Specifies whether or not scrolling should be done asynchronously. The default is

nMarginBell (class Column)
Specifies the number of characters from the right margin at which the margin bell
should be rung, when enabled by the marginBell resource. The default is “10”.

numLock (class NumLock)
If “true”, xterm checks if NumLock is used as a modifier (see xmodmap(1)). If so,
this modifier is used to simplify the logic when implementing special NumLock for
the sunKeyboard resource. Also (when sunKeyboard is false), similar logic is used
to find the modifier associated with the left and right Alt keys. The default is

oldXtermFKeys (class OldXtermFKeys)
If “true”, xterm will use old-style control sequences for function keys F1 to F4,
for compatibility with X Consortium xterm. Otherwise, it uses the VT100-style
codes for PF1 to PF4. The default is “false”.

on2Clicks (class On2Clicks)

on3Clicks (class On3Clicks)

on4Clicks (class On4Clicks)

on5Clicks (class On5Clicks)
Specify selection behavior in response to multiple mouse clicks. A single mouse
click is always interpreted as described in the SELECTION section (see POINTER
USAGE). Multiple mouse clicks (using the button which activates the select-start
action) are interpreted according to the resource values of on2Clicks, etc. The
resource value can be one of these:

Select a “word” as determined by the charClass resource. See the CHARACTER
CLASSES section.

Select a line (counting wrapping).

Select a group of adjacent lines (counting wrapping). The selection stops on a
blank line, and does not extend outside the current page.

Select all visible lines, i.e., the page.

Select all lines, i.e., including the saved lines.

Select a “word” as determined by the regular expression which follows in the
resource value.

No selection action is associated with this resource. Xterm interprets it as
the end of the list. For example, you may use it to disable triple (and
higher) clicking by setting on3Clicks to “none”.

The default values for on2Clicks and on3Clicks are “word” and “line”,
respectively. There is no default value for on4Clicks or on5Clicks, making those
inactive. On startup, xterm determines the maximum number of clicks by the
onXClicks resource values which are set.

openIm (class XtCOpenIm)
Tells xterm whether to open the input method at startup. The default is “true”.

pointerColor (class PointerColor)
Specifies the foreground color of the pointer. The default is

pointerColorBackground (class PointerColorBackground)
Specifies the background color of the pointer. The default is

pointerMode (class PointerMode)
Specifies when the pointer may be hidden as the user types. It will be
redisplayed if the user moves the mouse, or clicks one of its buttons.

0 never

1 the application running in xterm has not activated mouse mode. This is the

2 always.

pointerShape (class Cursor)
Specifies the name of the shape of the pointer. The default is “xterm”.

popOnBell (class PopOnBell)
Specifies whether the window would be raised when Control-G is received. The
default is “false”.

If the window is iconified, this has no effect. However, the zIconBeep resource
provides you with the ability to see which iconified windows have sounded a bell.

precompose (class XtCPrecompose)
Tells xterm whether to precompose UTF-8 data into Normalization Form C, which
combines commonly-used accents onto base characters. If it does not do this,
accents are left as separatate characters. The default is “true”.

preeditType (class XtCPreeditType)
Tells xterm which types of preedit (preconversion) string to display. The default
is “OverTheSpot,Root”.

printAttributes (class PrintAttributes)
Specifies whether to print graphic attributes along with the text. A real DEC
VTxxx terminal will print the underline, highlighting codes but your printer may
not handle these.

· “0” disables the attributes.

· “1” prints the normal set of attributes (bold, underline, inverse and blink)
as VT100-style control sequences.

· “2” prints ANSI color attributes as well.

The default is “1”.

printFileImmediate (PrintFileImmediate)
When the print-immediate action is invoked, xterm prints the screen contents
directly to a file. Set this resource to the prefix of the filename (a timestamp
will be appended to the actual name).

The default is an empty string, i.e., “”, However, when the print-immediate action
is invoked, if the string is empty, then “XTerm” is used.

printFileOnXError (PrintFileOnXError)
If xterm exits with an X error, e.g., your connection is broken when the server
crashes, it can be told to write the contents of the screen to a file. To enable
the feature, set this resource to the prefix of the filename (a timestamp will be
appended to the actual name).

The default is an empty string, i.e., “”, which disables this feature. However,
when the print-on-error action is invoked, if the string is empty, then
“XTermError” is used.

These error codes are handled: ERROR_XERROR, ERROR_XIOERROR and ERROR_ICEERROR.

printModeImmediate (PrintModeImmediate)
When the print-immediate action is invoked, xterm prints the screen contents
directly to a file. You can use the printModeImmediate resource to tell it to use
escape sequences to reconstruct the video attributes and colors. This uses the
same values as the printAttributes resource. The default is “0”.

printModeOnXError (PrintModeOnXError)
Xterm implements the printFileOnXError feature using the printer feature, although
the output is written directly to a file. You can use the printModeOnXError
resource to tell it to use escape sequences to reconstruct the video attributes
and colors. This uses the same values as the printAttributes resource. The
default is “0”.

printOptsImmediate (PrintOptsImmediate)
Specify the range of text which is printed to a file when the print-immediately
action is invoked.

· If zero (0), then this selects the current (visible screen) plus the saved
lines, except if the alternate screen is being used. In that case, only the
alternate screen is selectd.

· If nonzero, the bits of this resource value (checked in descending order)
select the range:

8 selects the saved lines.

4 selects the alternate screen.

2 selects the normal screen.

1 selects the current screen, which can be either the normal or alternate

The default is “9”, which selects the current visible screen plus saved lines,
with no special case for the alternated screen.

printOptsOnXError (PrintOptsOnXError)
Specify the range of text which is printed to a file when the print-on-error
action is invoked. The resource value is interpreted the same as in

The default is “9”, which selects the current visible screen plus saved lines,
with no special case for the alternated screen.

printerAutoClose (class PrinterAutoClose)
If “true”, xterm will close the printer (a pipe) when the application switches the
printer offline with a Media Copy command. The default is “false”.

printerCommand (class PrinterCommand)
Specifies a shell command to which xterm will open a pipe when the first MC (Media
Copy) command is initiated. The default is an empty string, i.e., “”. If the
resource value is given as an empty string, the printer is disabled.

printerControlMode (class PrinterControlMode)
Specifies the printer control mode. A “1” selects autoprint mode, which causes
xterm to print a line from the screen when you move the cursor off that line with
a line feed, form feed or vertical tab character, or an autowrap occurs.
Autoprint mode is overridden by printer controller mode (a “2”), which causes all
of the output to be directed to the printer. The default is “0”.

printerExtent (class PrinterExtent)
Controls whether a print page function will print the entire page (true), or only
the portion within the scrolling margins (false). The default is “false”.

printerFormFeed (class PrinterFormFeed)
Controls whether a form feed is sent to the printer at the end of a print page
function. The default is “false”.

printerNewLine (class PrinterNewLine)
Controls whether a newline is sent to the printer at the end of a print page
function. The default is “true”.

privateColorRegisters (class privateColorRegisters)
If true, allocate separate color registers for each sixel device control string,
e.g., for DECGCI. If not true, color registers are allocated only once, when the
terminal is reset. The default is “true”.

quietGrab (class QuietGrab)
Controls whether the cursor is repainted when NotifyGrab and NotifyUngrab event
types are received during change of focus. The default is “false”.

regisScreenSize (class RegisScreenSize)
If xterm is configured to support ReGIS graphics, this resource tells xterm the
maximum size (in pixels) for graphics.

Xterm accepts a special resource value “auto”, which tells xterm to use the
decTerminalID resource to set the maximum size based on the hardware terminal's
limits. Otherwise, xterm expects the size to be given as heightxwidth, e.g.,

The default resource value is “800x1000”.

renderFont (class RenderFont)
If xterm is built with the Xft library, this controls whether the faceName
resource is used. The default is “default”.

The resource values are strings, evaluated as booleans after startup.

disable the feature and use the normal (bitmap) font.

startup using the TrueType font specified by the faceName and faceSize
resource settings. If there is no value for faceName, disable the feature
and use the normal (bitmap) font.

After startup, you can still switch to/from the bitmap font using the
“TrueType Fonts” menu entry.

startup using the normal (bitmap) font, but enable the “TrueType Fonts” menu
entry to allow runtime switching to/from TrueType fonts.

If there is no faceName resource set, then runtime switching to TrueType
fonts is disabled. Xterm has a separate compiled-in value for faceName for
the special case where renderFont is “default”. That is normally “mono”.

resizeGravity (class ResizeGravity)
Affects the behavior when the window is resized to be taller or shorter.
NorthWest specifies that the top line of text on the screen stay fixed. If the
window is made shorter, lines are dropped from the bottom; if the window is made
taller, blank lines are added at the bottom. This is compatible with the behavior
in R4. SouthWest (the default) specifies that the bottom line of text on the
screen stay fixed. If the window is made taller, additional saved lines will be
scrolled down onto the screen; if the window is made shorter, lines will be
scrolled off the top of the screen, and the top saved lines will be dropped.

retryInputMethod (class XtCRetryInputMethod)
Tells xterm how many times to retry, in case the input-method server is not
responding. This is a different issue than unsupported preedit type, etc. You
may encounter retries if your X configuration (and its libraries) are missing
pieces. Setting this resource to zero ``0'' will cancel the retrying. The
default is ``3''.

reverseVideo (class ReverseVideo)
Specifies whether or not reverse video should be simulated. The default is

There are several aspects to reverse video in xterm:

· The command-line -rv option tells the X libraries to reverse the foreground
and background colors. Xterm's command-line options set resource values. In
particular, the X Toolkit sets the reverseVideo resource when the -rv option
is used.

· If the user has also used command-line options -fg or -bg to set the
foreground and background colors, xterm does not see these options directly.
Instead, it examines the resource values to reconstruct the command-line
options, and determine which of the colors is the user's intended foreground,
etc. Their actual values are irrelevant to the reverse video function; some
users prefer the X defaults (black text on a white background), others prefer
white text on a black background.

· After startup, the user can toggle the “Enable Reverse Video” menu entry.
This exchanges the current foreground and background colors of the VT100
widget, and repaints the screen. Because of the X resource hierarchy, the
reverseVideo resource applies to more than the VT100 widget.

Programs running in an xterm can also use control sequences to enable the VT100
reverse video mode. These are independent of the reverseVideo resource and the
menu entry. Xterm exchanges the current foreground and background colors when
drawing text affected by these control sequences.

Other control sequences can alter the foreground and background colors which are

· Programs can also use the ANSI color control sequences to set the foreground
and background colors.

· Extensions to the ANSI color controls (such as 16-, 88- or 256-colors) are
treated similarly to the ANSI control.

· Using other control sequences (the “dynamic colors” feature), a program can
change the foreground and background colors.

reverseWrap (class ReverseWrap)
Specifies whether or not reverse-wraparound should be enabled. This corresponds
to xterm's private mode 45. The default is “false”.

rightScrollBar (class RightScrollBar)
Specifies whether or not the scrollbar should be displayed on the right rather
than the left. The default is “false”.

saveLines (class SaveLines)
Specifies the number of lines to save beyond the top of the screen when a
scrollbar is turned on. The default is “64”.

scrollBar (class ScrollBar)
Specifies whether or not the scrollbar should be displayed. The default is

scrollBarBorder (class ScrollBarBorder)
Specifies the width of the scrollbar border. Note that this is drawn to overlap
the border of the xterm window. Modifying the scrollbar's border affects only the
line between the VT100 widget and the scrollbar. The default value is 1.

scrollKey (class ScrollCond)
Specifies whether or not pressing a key should automatically cause the scrollbar
to go to the bottom of the scrolling region. This corresponds to xterm's private
mode 1011. The default is “false”.

scrollLines (class ScrollLines)
Specifies the number of lines that the scroll-back and scroll-forw actions should
use as a default. The default value is 1.

scrollTtyOutput (class ScrollCond)
Specifies whether or not output to the terminal should automatically cause the
scrollbar to go to the bottom of the scrolling region. The default is “true”.

selectToClipboard (class SelectToClipboard)
Tells xterm whether to use the PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD for SELECT tokens in the
selection mechanism. The set-select action can change this at runtime, allowing
the user to work with programs that handle only one of these mechanisms. The
default is “false”, which tells it to use PRIMARY.

shiftFonts (class ShiftFonts)
Specifies whether to enable the actions larger-vt-font() and smaller-vt-font(),
which are normally bound to the shifted KP_Add and KP_Subtract. The default is

showBlinkAsBold (class ShowBlinkAsBold)
Tells xterm whether to display text with blink-attribute the same as bold. If
xterm has not been configured to support blinking text, the default is “true”,
which corresponds to older versions of xterm, otherwise the default is “false”.

showMissingGlyphs (class ShowMissingGlyphs)
Tells xterm whether to display a box outlining places where a character has been
used that the font does not represent. The default is “false”.

showWrapMarks (class ShowWrapMarks)
For debugging xterm and applications that may manipulate the wrapped-line flag by
writing text at the right margin, show a mark on the right inner-border of the
window. The mark shows which lines have the flag set.

signalInhibit (class SignalInhibit)
Specifies whether or not the entries in the “Main Options” menu for sending
signals to xterm should be disallowed. The default is “false”.

sixelScrolling (class SixelScrolling)
If true, graphics scroll up one line at a time when sixels would be written past
the bottom line on the window. The default is “false”.

tekGeometry (class Geometry)
Specifies the preferred size and position of the Tektronix window. There is no
default for this resource.

tekInhibit (class TekInhibit)
Specifies whether or not the escape sequence to enter Tektronix mode should be
ignored. The default is “false”.

tekSmall (class TekSmall)
Specifies whether or not the Tektronix mode window should start in its smallest
size if no explicit geometry is given. This is useful when running xterm on
displays with small screens. The default is “false”.

tekStartup (class TekStartup)
Specifies whether or not xterm should start up in Tektronix mode. The default is

tiXtraScroll (class TiXtraScroll)
Specifies whether xterm should scroll to a new page when processing the ti termcap
entry, i.e., the private modes 47, 1047 or 1049. This is only in effect if
titeInhibit is “true”, because the intent of this option is to provide a picture
of the full-screen application's display on the scrollback without wiping out the
text that would be shown before the application was initialized. The default for
this resource is “false”.

titeInhibit (class TiteInhibit)
Specifies whether or not xterm should remove ti and te termcap entries (used to
switch between alternate screens on startup of many screen-oriented programs) from
the TERMCAP string. If set, xterm also ignores the escape sequence to switch to
the alternate screen. Xterm supports terminfo in a different way, supporting
composite control sequences (also known as private modes) 1047, 1048 and 1049
which have the same effect as the original 47 control sequence. The default for
this resource is “false”.

titleModes (class TitleModes)
Tells xterm whether to accept or return window- and icon-labels in ISO-8859-1 (the
default) or UTF-8. Either can be encoded in hexadecimal. The default for this
resource is “0”.

Each bit (bit “0” is 1, bit “1” is 2, etc.) corresponds to one of the parameters
set by the title modes control sequence:

0 Set window/icon labels using hexadecimal

1 Query window/icon labels using hexadecimal

2 Set window/icon labels using UTF-8 (overrides utf8Title resource).

3 Query window/icon labels using UTF-8

translations (class Translations)
Specifies the key and button bindings for menus, selections, “programmed strings”,
etc. The translations resource, which provides much of xterm's configurability,
is a feature of the X Toolkit Intrinsics library (Xt). See the ACTIONS section.

trimSelection (class TrimSelection)
If you set highlightSelection, you can see the text which is selected, including
any trailing spaces. Clearing the screen (or a line) resets it to a state
containing no spaces. Some lines may contain trailing spaces when an application
writes them to the screen. However, you may not wish to paste lines with trailing
spaces. If this resource is true, xterm will trim trailing spaces from text which
is selected. It does not affect spaces which result in a wrapped line, nor will
it trim the trailing newline from your selection. The default is “false”.

underLine (class UnderLine)
This specifies whether or not text with the underline attribute should be
underlined. It may be desirable to disable underlining when color is being used
for the underline attribute. The default is “true”.

useClipping (class UseClipping)
Tell xterm whether to use clipping to keep from producing dots outside the text
drawing area. Originally used to work around for overstriking effects, this is
also needed to work with some incorrectly-sized fonts. The default is “true”.

utf8 (class Utf8)
This specifies whether xterm will run in UTF-8 mode. If you set this resource,
xterm also sets the wideChars resource as a side-effect. The resource can be set
via the menu entry “UTF-8 Encoding”. The default is “default”.

Xterm accepts either a keyword (ignoring case) or the number shown in parentheses:

false (0)
UTF-8 mode is initially off. The command-line option +u8 sets the resource to
this value. Escape sequences for turning UTF-8 mode on/off are allowed.

true (1)
UTF-8 mode is initially on. Escape sequences for turning UTF-8 mode on/off are

always (2)
The command-line option -u8 sets the resource to this value. Escape sequences
for turning UTF-8 mode on/off are ignored.

default (3)
This is the default value of the resource. It is changed during initialization
depending on whether the locale resource was set, to false (0) or always (2).
See the locale resource for additional discussion of non-UTF-8 locales.

If you want to set the value of utf8, it should be in this range. Other nonzero
values are treated the same as “1”, i.e., UTF-8 mode is initially on, and escape
sequences for turning UTF-8 mode on/off are allowed.

utf8Fonts (class Utf8Fonts)
See the discussion of the locale resource. This specifies whether xterm will use
UTF-8 fonts specified via resource patterns such as “*vt100.utf8Fonts.font” or
normal (ISO-8859-1) fonts via patterns such as “*vt100.font”. The resource can be
set via the menu entry “UTF-8 Fonts”. The default is “default”.

Xterm accepts either a keyword (ignoring case) or the number shown in parentheses:

false (0)
Use the ISO-8859-1 fonts. The menu entry is enabled, allowing the choice
of fonts to be changed at runtime.

true (1)
Use the UTF-8 fonts. The menu entry is enabled, allowing the choice of
fonts to be changed at runtime.

always (2)
Always use the UTF-8 fonts. This also disables the menu entry.

default (3)
At startup, the resource is set to true or false, according to the
effective value of the utf8 resource.

utf8Latin1 (class Utf8Latin1)
If true, allow an ISO-8859-1 normal font to be combined with an ISO-10646-1 font
if the latter is given via the -fw option or its corresponding resource value.
The default is “false”.

utf8SelectTypes (class Utf8SelectTypes)
Override xterm's default selection target list (see SELECT/PASTE) for selections
in wide-character (UTF-8) mode. The default is an empty string, i.e., “”, which
does not override anything.

utf8Title (class Utf8Title)
Applications can set xterm's title by writing a control sequence. Normally this
control sequence follows the VT220 convention, which encodes the string in
ISO-8859-1 and allows for an 8-bit string terminator. If xterm is started in a
UTF-8 locale, it translates the ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 to work with the X
libraries which assume the string is UTF-8.

However, some users may wish to write a title string encoded in UTF-8. The window
manager is responsible for drawing window titles. Some window managers (not all)
support UTF-8 encoding of window titles. Set this resource to “true” to allow
UTF-8 encoded title strings. That cancels the translation to UTF-8, allowing
UTF-8 strings to be displayed as is.

This feature is available as a menu entry, since it is related to the particular
applications you are running within xterm. You can also use a control sequence
(see the discussion of “Title Modes” in the control sequences document), to set an
equivalent flag. The titleModes resource sets the same value, which overrides
this resource.

The default is “false”.

veryBoldColors (class VeryBoldColors)
Specifies whether to combine video attributes with colors specified by colorBD,
colorBL, colorIT, colorRV, and colorUL. The resource value is the sum of values
for each attribute:
1 for reverse,
2 for underline,
4 for bold,
8 for blink, and
512 for italic

The default is “0”.

visualBell (class VisualBell)
Specifies whether or not a visible bell (i.e., flashing) should be used instead of
an audible bell when Control-G is received. The default is “false”, which tells
xterm to use an audible bell.

visualBellDelay (class VisualBellDelay)
Number of milliseconds to delay when displaying a visual bell. Default is 100.
If set to zero, no visual bell is displayed. This is useful for very slow
displays, e.g., an LCD display on a laptop.

visualBellLine (class VisualBellLine)
Specifies whether to flash only the current line when displaying a visual bell
rather than flashing the entire screen: The default is “false”, which tells xterm
to flash the entire screen.

vt100Graphics (class VT100Graphics)
This specifies whether xterm will interpret VT100 graphic character escape
sequences while in UTF-8 mode. The default is “true”, to provide support for
various legacy applications.

wideBoldFont (class WideBoldFont)
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying bold wide text. By
default, it will attempt to use a font twice as wide as the font that will be used
to draw bold text. If no double-width font is found, it will improvise, by
stretching the bold font.

wideChars (class WideChars)
Specifies if xterm should respond to control sequences that process 16-bit
characters. The default is “false”.

wideFont (class WideFont)
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying wide text. By default,
it will attempt to use a font twice as wide as the font that will be used to draw
normal text. If no double-width font is found, it will improvise, by stretching
the normal font.

ximFont (class XimFont)
This option specifies the font to be used for displaying the preedit string in the
“OverTheSpot” input method.

In “OverTheSpot” preedit type, the preedit (preconversion) string is displayed at
the position of the cursor. It is the XIM server's responsibility to display the
preedit string. The XIM client must inform the XIM server of the cursor position.
For best results, the preedit string must be displayed with a proper font.
Therefore, xterm informs the XIM server of the proper font. The font is be
supplied by a "fontset", whose default value is “*”. This matches every font, the
X library automatically chooses fonts with proper charsets. The ximFont resource
is provided to override this default font setting.

Tek4014 Widget Resources
The following resources are specified as part of the tek4014 widget (class Tek4014).
These are specified by patterns such as “XTerm.tek4014.NAME”:

font2 (class Font)
Specifies font number 2 to use in the Tektronix window.

font3 (class Font)
Specifies font number 3 to use in the Tektronix window.

fontLarge (class Font)
Specifies the large font to use in the Tektronix window.

fontSmall (class Font)
Specifies the small font to use in the Tektronix window.

ginTerminator (class GinTerminator)
Specifies what character(s) should follow a GIN report or status report. The
possibilities are “none”, which sends no terminating characters, “CRonly”, which
sends CR, and “CR&EOT”, which sends both CR and EOT. The default is “none”.

height (class Height)
Specifies the height of the Tektronix window in pixels.

initialFont (class InitialFont)
Specifies which of the four Tektronix fonts to use initially. Values are the same
as for the set-tek-text action. The default is “large”.

width (class Width)
Specifies the width of the Tektronix window in pixels.

Menu Resources
The resources that may be specified for the various menus are described in the
documentation for the Athena SimpleMenu widget. The name and classes of the entries in
each of the menus are listed below. Resources named “lineN” where N is a number are
separators with class SmeLine.

As with all X resource-based widgets, the labels mentioned are customary defaults for the

The Main Options menu (widget name mainMenu) has the following entries:

toolbar (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-toolbar(toggle) action.

securekbd (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the secure() action.

allowsends (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the allow-send-events(toggle) action.

redraw (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the redraw() action.

logging (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the logging(toggle) action.

print-immediate (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the print-immediate() action.

print-on-error (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the print-on-error() action.

print (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the print() action.

print-redir (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the print-redir() action.

8-bit-control (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-8-bit-control(toggle) action.

backarrow key (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-backarrow(toggle) action.

num-lock (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-num-lock(toggle) action.

alt-esc (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the alt-sends-escape(toggle) action.

meta-esc (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the meta-sends-escape(toggle) action.

delete-is-del (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the delete-is-del(toggle) action.

oldFunctionKeys (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the old-function-keys(toggle) action.

hpFunctionKeys (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the hp-function-keys(toggle) action.

scoFunctionKeys (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the sco-function-keys(toggle) action.

sunFunctionKeys (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the sun-function-keys(toggle) action.

sunKeyboard (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the sunKeyboard(toggle) action.

suspend (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(tstp) action on systems that support job

continue (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(cont) action on systems that support job

interrupt (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(int) action.

hangup (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(hup) action.

terminate (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(term) action.

kill (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the send-signal(kill) action.

quit (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the quit() action.

The VT Options menu (widget name vtMenu) has the following entries:

scrollbar (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-scrollbar(toggle) action.

jumpscroll (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-jumpscroll(toggle) action.

reversevideo (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-reverse-video(toggle) action.

autowrap (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-autowrap(toggle) action.

reversewrap (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-reversewrap(toggle) action.

autolinefeed (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-autolinefeed(toggle) action.

appcursor (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-appcursor(toggle) action.

appkeypad (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-appkeypad(toggle) action.

scrollkey (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-scroll-on-key(toggle) action.

scrollttyoutput (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-scroll-on-tty-output(toggle) action.

allow132 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-allow132(toggle) action.

cursesemul (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-cursesemul(toggle) action.

visualbell (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-visualbell(toggle) action.

bellIsUrgent (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-bellIsUrgent(toggle) action.

poponbell (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-poponbell(toggle) action.

cursorblink (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-cursorblink(toggle) action.

titeInhibit (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-titeInhibit(toggle) action.

activeicon (class SmeBSB)
This entry toggles active icons on and off if this feature was compiled into
xterm. It is enabled only if xterm was started with the command line option +ai
or the activeIcon resource is set to “true”.

softreset (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the soft-reset() action.

hardreset (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the hard-reset() action.

clearsavedlines (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the clear-saved-lines() action.

tekshow (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-visibility(tek,toggle) action.

tekmode (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-terminal-type(tek) action.

vthide (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-visibility(vt,off) action.

altscreen (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-altscreen(toggle) action.

sixelScrolling (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-sixel-scrolling(toggle) action.

The VT Fonts menu (widget name fontMenu) has the following entries:

fontdefault (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(d) action, setting the font using the font
(default) resource, e.g., “Default” in the menu.

font1 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(1) action, setting the font using the font1
resource, e.g., “Unreadable” in the menu.

font2 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(2) action, setting the font using the font2
resource, e.g., “Tiny” in the menu.

font3 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(3) action, setting the font using the font3
resource, e.g., “Small” in the menu.

font4 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(4) action, letting the font using the font4
resource, e.g., “Medium” in the menu.

font5 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(5) action, letting the font using the font5
resource, e.g., “Large” in the menu.

font6 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(6) action, letting the font using the font6
resource, e.g., “Huge” in the menu.

fontescape (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(e) action.

fontsel (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-vt-font(s) action.

font-linedrawing (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-font-linedrawing(s) action.

font-packed (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-font-packed(s) action.

font-doublesize (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-font-doublesize(s) action.

render-font (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-render-font(s) action.

utf8-mode (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-utf8-mode(s) action.

utf8-title (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-utf8-title(s) action.

The TEK Options menu (widget name tekMenu) has the following entries:

tektextlarge (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-tek-text(large) action.

tektext2 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-tek-text(2) action.

tektext3 (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-tek-text(3) action.

tektextsmall (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-tek-text(small) action.

tekpage (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the tek-page() action.

tekreset (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the tek-reset() action.

tekcopy (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the tek-copy() action.

vtshow (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-visibility(vt,toggle) action.

vtmode (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-terminal-type(vt) action.

tekhide (class SmeBSB)
This entry invokes the set-visibility(tek,toggle) action.

Scrollbar Resources
The following resources are useful when specified for the Athena Scrollbar widget:

thickness (class Thickness)
Specifies the width in pixels of the scrollbar.

background (class Background)
Specifies the color to use for the background of the scrollbar.

foreground (class Foreground)
Specifies the color to use for the foreground of the scrollbar. The “thumb” of
the scrollbar is a simple checkerboard pattern alternating pixels for foreground
and background color.


Once the VT102 window is created, xterm allows you to select text and copy it within the
same or other windows.

The selection functions are invoked when the pointer buttons are used with no modifiers,
and when they are used with the “shift” key. The assignment of the functions described
below to keys and buttons may be changed through the resource database; see ACTIONS below.

Pointer button one (usually left) is used to save text into the cut buffer. Move the
cursor to beginning of the text, and then hold the button down while moving the cursor to
the end of the region and releasing the button. The selected text is highlighted and is
saved in the global cut buffer and made the PRIMARY selection when the button is released.
Normally (but see the discussion of on2Clicks, etc):

· Double-clicking selects by words.

· Triple-clicking selects by lines.

· Quadruple-clicking goes back to characters, etc.

Multiple-click is determined by the time from button up to button down, so you can change
the selection unit in the middle of a selection. Logical words and lines selected by
double- or triple-clicking may wrap across more than one screen line if lines were wrapped
by xterm itself rather than by the application running in the window. If the key/button
bindings specify that an X selection is to be made, xterm will leave the selected text
highlighted for as long as it is the selection owner.

Pointer button two (usually middle) “types” (pastes) the text from the PRIMARY selection,
if any, otherwise from the cut buffer, inserting it as keyboard input.

Pointer button three (usually right) extends the current selection. (Without loss of
generality, you can swap “right” and “left” everywhere in the rest of this paragraph.) If
pressed while closer to the right edge of the selection than the left, it
extends/contracts the right edge of the selection. If you contract the selection past the
left edge of the selection, xterm assumes you really meant the left edge, restores the
original selection, then extends/contracts the left edge of the selection. Extension
starts in the selection unit mode that the last selection or extension was performed in;
you can multiple-click to cycle through them.

By cutting and pasting pieces of text without trailing new lines, you can take text from
several places in different windows and form a command to the shell, for example, or take
output from a program and insert it into your favorite editor. Since cut buffers are
globally shared among different applications, you may regard each as a “file” whose
contents you know. The terminal emulator and other text programs should be treating it as
if it were a text file, i.e., the text is delimited by new lines.

The scroll region displays the position and amount of text currently showing in the window
(highlighted) relative to the amount of text actually saved. As more text is saved (up to
the maximum), the size of the highlighted area decreases.

Clicking button one with the pointer in the scroll region moves the adjacent line to the
top of the display window.

Clicking button three moves the top line of the display window down to the pointer

Clicking button two moves the display to a position in the saved text that corresponds to
the pointer's position in the scrollbar.

Tektronix Pointer
Unlike the VT102 window, the Tektronix window does not allow the copying of text. It does
allow Tektronix GIN mode, and in this mode the cursor will change from an arrow to a
cross. Pressing any key will send that key and the current coordinate of the cross
cursor. Pressing button one, two, or three will return the letters “l”, “m”, and “r”,
respectively. If the “shift” key is pressed when a pointer button is pressed, the
corresponding upper case letter is sent. To distinguish a pointer button from a key, the
high bit of the character is set (but this is bit is normally stripped unless the terminal
mode is RAW; see tty(4) for details).


X clients provide select and paste support by responding to requests conveyed by the

When configured to use the primary selection, (the default) xterm can provide the
selection data in ways which help to retain character encoding information as it is

A user “selects” text on xterm, which highlights the selected text. A subsequent “paste”
to another client forwards a request to the client owning the selection. If xterm owns
the primary selection, it makes the data available in the form of one or more “selection
targets”. If it does not own the primary selection, e.g., if it has released it or
another client has asserted ownership, it relies on cut-buffers to pass the data. But
cut-buffers handle only ISO-8859-1 data (officially - some clients ignore the rules).

When configured to use the clipboard (see resource selectToClipboard), the problem with
persistence of ownership is bypassed. Otherwise, there is no difference regarding the
data which can be passed via selection.

The PRIMARY token is a standard X feature, documented in the ICCCM (Inter-Client
Communication Conventions Manual), which states

The selection named by the atom PRIMARY is used for all commands that take only a
single argument and is the principal means of communication between clients that
use the selection mechanism.

However, many applications use CLIPBOARD in imitation of other windowing systems. The
selectToClipboard resource (and corresponding menu entry Select to Clipboard) introduce
the SELECT token (known only to xterm) which chooses between the PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD

Without using this feature, one can use workarounds such as the xclip program to show the
contents of the X clipboard within an xterm window.

Selection Targets
The different types of data which are passed depend on what the receiving client asks for.
These are termed selection targets.

When asking for the selection data, xterm tries the following types in this order:

This is an XFree86 extension, which denotes that the data is encoded in UTF-8.
When xterm is built with wide-character support, it both accepts and provides
this type.

TEXT the text is in the encoding which corresponds to your current locale.

this is a format for multiple character set data, such as multi-lingual text.
It can store UTF-8 data as a special case.

This is Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1) data.

The middle two (TEXT and COMPOUND_TEXT) are added if xterm is configured with the
i18nSelections resource set to “true”.

UTF8_STRING is preferred (therefore first in the list) since xterm stores text as Unicode
data when running in wide-character mode, and no translation is needed. On the other
hand, TEXT and COMPOUND_TEXT may require translation. If the translation is incomplete,
they will insert X's “defaultString” whose value cannot be set, and may simply be empty.
Xterm's defaultString resource specifies the string to use for incomplete translations of

You can alter the types which xterm tries using the eightBitSelectTypes or utf8SelectTypes
resources. For instance, you might have some specific locale setting which does not use
UTF-8 encoding. The resource value is a comma-separated list of the selection targets,
which consist of the names shown. You can use the special name I18N to denote the
optional inclusion of TEXT and COMPOUND_TEXT. The names are matched ignoring case, and
can be abbreviated. The default list can be expressed in several ways, e.g.,



Xterm has four menus, named mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu, and tekMenu. Each menu pops up
under the correct combinations of key and button presses. Each menu is divided into
sections, separated by a horizontal line. Some menu entries correspond to modes that can
be altered. A check mark appears next to a mode that is currently active. Selecting one
of these modes toggles its state. Other menu entries are commands; selecting one of these
performs the indicated function.

All of the menu entries correspond to X actions. In the list below, the menu label is
shown followed by the action's name in parenthesis.

Main Options
The xterm mainMenu pops up when the “control” key and pointer button one are pressed in a
window. This menu contains items that apply to both the VT102 and Tektronix windows.
There are several sections:

Commands for managing X events:

Clicking on the “Toolbar” menu entry hides the toolbar if it is visible, and
shows it if it is not.

Secure Keyboard (securekbd)
The Secure Keyboard mode is helpful when typing in passwords or other
sensitive data in an unsecure environment; see SECURITY below (but read the
limitations carefully).

Allow SendEvents (allowsends)
Specifies whether or not synthetic key and button events generated using the
X protocol SendEvent request should be interpreted or discarded. This
corresponds to the allowSendEvents resource.

Redraw Window (redraw)
Forces the X display to repaint; useful in some environments.

Commands for capturing output:

Log to File (logging)
Captures text sent to the screen in a logfile, as in the -l logging option.

Print-All Immediately
Invokes the print-immediate action, sending the text of the current window
directly to a file, as specified by the printFileImmediate,
printModeImmediate and printOptsImmediate resources.

Print-All on Error
Invokes the print-on-error action, which toggles a flag telling xterm that
if it exits with an X error, to send the text of the current window directly
to a file, as specified by the printFileXError, printModeXError and
printOptsXError resources.

Print Window (print)
Sends the text of the current window to the program given in the
printerCommand resource.

Redirect to Printer (print-redir)
This sets the printerControlMode to 0 or 2. You can use this to turn the
printer on as if an application had sent the appropriate control sequence.
It is also useful for switching the printer off if an application turns it
on without resetting the print control mode.

Modes for setting keyboard style:

8-Bit Controls (8-bit-control)
Enabled for VT220 emulation, this controls whether xterm will send 8-bit
control sequences rather than using 7-bit (ASCII) controls, e.g., sending a
byte in the range 128-159 rather than the escape character followed by a
second byte. Xterm always interprets both 8-bit and 7-bit control sequences
(see the document Xterm Control Sequences). This corresponds to the
eightBitControl resource.

Backarrow Key (BS/DEL) (backarrow key)
Modifies the behavior of the backarrow key, making it transmit either a
backspace (8) or delete (127) character. This corresponds to the
backarrowKey resource.

Alt/NumLock Modifiers (num-lock)
Controls the treatment of Alt- and NumLock-key modifiers. This corresponds
to the numLock resource.

Meta Sends Escape (meta-esc)
Controls whether Meta keys are converted into a two-character sequence with
the character itself preceded by ESC. This corresponds to the
metaSendsEscape resource.

Delete is DEL (delete-is-del)
Controls whether the Delete key on the editing keypad should send DEL (127)
or the VT220-style Remove escape sequence. This corresponds to the
deleteIsDEL resource.

Old Function-Keys (oldFunctionKeys)

HP Function-Keys (hpFunctionKeys)

SCO Function-Keys (scoFunctionKeys)

Sun Function-Keys (sunFunctionKeys)

VT220 Keyboard (sunKeyboard)
These act as a radio-button, selecting one style for the keyboard layout.
It corresponds to more than one resource setting: sunKeyboard,
sunFunctionKeys, scoFunctionKeys and hpFunctionKeys.

Commands for process signalling:

Send STOP Signal (suspend)

Send CONT Signal (continue)

Send INT Signal (interrupt)

Send HUP Signal (hangup)

Send TERM Signal (terminate)

Send KILL Signal (kill)
respectively, to the process group of the process running under xterm
(usually the shell). The SIGCONT function is especially useful if the user
has accidentally typed CTRL-Z, suspending the process.

Quit (quit)
Stop processing X events except to support the -hold option, and then send a
SIGHUP signal to the process group of the process running under xterm
(usually the shell).

VT Options
The vtMenu sets various modes in the VT102 emulation, and is popped up when the “control”
key and pointer button two are pressed in the VT102 window.

VT102/VT220 Modes:

Enable Scrollbar (scrollbar)
Enable (or disable) the scrollbar. This corresponds to the -sb option and
the scrollBar resource.

Enable Jump Scroll (jumpscroll)
Enable (or disable) jump scrolling. This corresponds to the -j option and
the jumpScroll resource.

Enable Reverse Video (reversevideo)
Enable (or disable) reverse-video. This corresponds to the -rv option and
the reverseVideo resource.

Enable Auto Wraparound (autowrap)
Enable (or disable) auto-wraparound. This corresponds to the -aw option and
the autoWrap resource.

Enable Reverse Wraparound (reversewrap)
Enable (or disable) reverse wraparound. This corresponds to the -rw option
and the reverseWrap resource.

Enable Auto Linefeed (autolinefeed)
Enable (or disable) auto-linefeed. This is the VT102 NEL function, which
causes the emulator to emit a linefeed after each carriage return. There is
no corresponding command-line option or resource setting.

Enable Application Cursor Keys (appcursor)
Enable (or disable) application cursor keys. This corresponds to the
appcursorDefault resource. There is no corresponding command-line option.

Enable Application Keypad (appkeypad)
Enable (or disable) application keypad keys. This corresponds to the
appkeypadDefault resource. There is no corresponding command-line option.

Scroll to Bottom on Key Press (scrollkey)
Enable (or disable) scrolling to the bottom of the scrolling region on a
keypress. This corresponds to the -sk option and the scrollKey resource.

As a special case, the XON / XOFF keys (control/S and control/Q) are

Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output (scrollttyoutput)
Enable (or disable) scrolling to the bottom of the scrolling region on
output to the terminal. This corresponds to the -si option and the
scrollTtyOutput resource.

Allow 80/132 Column Switching (allow132)
Enable (or disable) switching between 80 and 132 columns. This corresponds
to the -132 option and the c132 resource.

Keep Selection (keepSelection)
Tell xterm whether to disown the selection when it stops highlighting it,
e.g., when an application modifies the display so that it no longer matches
the text which has been highlighted. As long as xterm continues to own the
selection, it can provide the corresponding text to other clients via
cut/paste. This corresponds to the keepSelection resource. There is no
corresponding command-line option.

Select to Clipboard (selectToClipboard)
Tell xterm whether to use the PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD for SELECT tokens in the
translations resource which maps keyboard and mouse actions to select/paste
actions. This corresponds to the selectToClipboard resource. There is no
corresponding command-line option.

Enable Visual Bell (visualbell)
Enable (or disable) visible bell (i.e., flashing) instead of an audible
bell. This corresponds to the -vb option and the visualBell resource.

Enable Bell Urgency (bellIsUrgent)
Enable (or disable) Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received.
This corresponds to the bellIsUrgent resource.

Enable Pop on Bell (poponbell)
Enable (or disable) raising of the window when Control-G is received. This
corresponds to the -pop option and the popOnBell resource.

Enable Blinking Cursor (cursorblink)
Enable (or disable) the blinking-cursor feature. This corresponds to the
-bc option and the cursorBlink resource. There is also an escape sequence
(see the document Xterm Control Sequences). The menu entry and the escape
sequence states are XOR'd: if both are enabled, the cursor will not blink,
if only one is enabled, the cursor will blink.

Enable Alternate Screen Switching (titeInhibit)
Enable (or disable) switching between the normal and alternate screens.
This corresponds to the titeInhibit resource. There is no corresponding
command-line option.

Enable Active Icon (activeicon)
Enable (or disable) the active-icon feature. This corresponds to the -ai
option and the activeIcon resource.

Sixel Scrolling (sixelScrolling)
When enabled, sixel graphics are positioned at the current text cursor
location, scroll the image vertically if larger than the screen, and leave
the text cursor at the start of the next complete line after the image when
returning to text mode (this is the default). When disabled, sixel graphics
are positioned at the upper left of the screen, are cropped to fit the
screen, and do not affect the text cursor location. This corresponds to the
sixelScrolling resource. There is no corresponding command-line option.

Private Color Registers (privateColorRegisters)
When enabled, each graphic image uses a separate set of color registers, so
that it essentially has a private palette (this is the default). If it is
not set, all graphics images share a common set of registers which is how
sixel and ReGIS graphics worked on actual hardware. The default is likely a
more useful mode on modern TrueColor hardware. This corresponds to the
privateColorRegisters resource. There is no corresponding command-line

VT102/VT220 Commands:

Do Soft Reset (softreset)
Reset scroll regions. This can be convenient when some program has left the
scroll regions set incorrectly (often a problem when using VMS or TOPS-20).
This corresponds to the VT220 DECSTR control sequence.

Do Full Reset (hardreset)
The full reset entry will clear the screen, reset tabs to every eight
columns, and reset the terminal modes (such as wrap and smooth scroll) to
their initial states just after xterm has finished processing the command
line options. This corresponds to the VT102 RIS control sequence, with a
few obvious differences. For example, your session is not disconnected as a
real VT102 would do.

Reset and Clear Saved Lines (clearsavedlines)
Perform a full reset, and also clear the saved lines.

Commands for setting the current screen:

Show Tek Window (tekshow)
When enabled, pops the Tektronix 4014 window up (makes it visible). When
disabled, hides the Tektronix 4014 window.

Switch to Tek Mode (tekmode)
When enabled, pops the Tektronix 4014 window up if it is not already
visible, and switches the input stream to that window. When disabled, hides
the Tektronix 4014 window and switches input back to the VTxxx window.

Hide VT Window (vthide)
When enabled, hides the VTxxx window, shows the Tektronix 4014 window if it
was not already visible and switches the input stream to that window. When
disabled, shows the VTxxx window, and switches the input stream to that

Show Alternate Screen (altscreen)
When enabled, shows the alternate screen. When disabled, shows the normal
screen. Note that the normal screen may have saved lines; the alternate
screen does not.

VT Fonts
The fontMenu pops up when when the “control” key and pointer button three are pressed in a
window. It sets the font used in the VT102 window, or modifies the way the font is
specified or displayed. There are several sections.

The first section allows you to select the font from a set of alternatives:

Default (fontdefault)
Set the font to the default, i.e., that given by the *VT100.font resource.

Unreadable (font1)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font1 resource.

Tiny (font2)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font2 resource.

Small (font3)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font3 resource.

Medium (font4)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font4 resource.

Large (font5)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font5 resource.

Huge (font6)
Set the font to that given by the *VT100.font6 resource.

Escape Sequence
This allows you to set the font last specified by the Set Font escape
sequence (see the document Xterm Control Sequences).

Selection (fontsel)
This allows you to set the font specified the current selection as a font
name (if the PRIMARY selection is owned).

The second section allows you to modify the way it is displayed:

Bold Fonts
This is normally checked (enabled). When unchecked, xterm will not use bold
fonts. The setting corresponds to the allowBoldFonts resource.

Line-Drawing Characters (font-linedrawing)
When set, tells xterm to draw its own line-drawing characters. Otherwise it
relies on the font containing these. Compare to the forceBoxChars resource.

Packed Font (font-packed)
When set, tells xterm to use the minimum glyph-width from a font when
displaying characters. Use the maximum width (unchecked) to help display
proportional fonts. Compare to the forcePackedFont resource.

Doublesized Characters (font-doublesize)
When set, xterm may ask the font server to produce scaled versions of the
normal font, for VT102 double-size characters.

The third section allows you to modify the way it is specified:

TrueType Fonts (render-font)
If the renderFont and corresponding resources were set, this is a further
control whether xterm will actually use the Xft library calls to obtain a

UTF-8 Encoding (utf8-mode)
This controls whether xterm uses UTF-8 encoding of input/output. It is
useful for temporarily switching xterm to display text from an application
which does not follow the locale settings. It corresponds to the utf8

UTF-8 Fonts (utf8-fonts)
This controls whether xterm uses UTF-8 fonts for display. It is useful for
temporarily switching xterm to display text from an application which does
not follow the locale settings. It combines the utf8 and utf8Fonts

UTF-8 Titles (utf8-titles)
This controls whether xterm accepts UTF-8 encoding for title control
sequences. It corresponds to the utf8Fonts resource.

Initially the checkmark is set according to both the utf8 and utf8Fonts
resource values. If the latter is set to “always”, the checkmark is
disabled. Likewise, if there are no fonts given in the utf8Fonts
subresources, then the checkmark also is disabled.

The standard XTerm app-defaults file defines both sets of fonts, while the
UXTerm app-defaults file defines only one set. Assuming the standard app-
defaults files, this command will launch xterm able to switch between UTF-8
and ISO-8859-1 encoded fonts:

uxterm -class XTerm

The fourth section allows you to enable or disable special operations which can be
controlled by writing escape sequences to the terminal. These are disabled if the
SendEvents feature is enabled:

Allow Color Ops (allow-font-ops)
This corresponds to the allowColorOps resource. Enable or disable control
sequences that set/query the colors.

Allow Font Ops (allow-font-ops)
This corresponds to the allowFontOps resource. Enable or disable control
sequences that set/query the font.

Allow Tcap Ops (allow-tcap-ops)
Enable or disable control sequences that query the terminal's notion of its
function-key strings, as termcap or terminfo capabilities. This corresponds
to the allowTcapOps resource.

Allow Title Ops (allow-title-ops)
Enable or disable control sequences that modify the window title or icon
name. This corresponds to the allowTitleOps resource.

Allow Window Ops (allow-window-ops)
Enable or disable extended window control sequences (as used in dtterm).
This corresponds to the allowWindowOps resource.

TEK Options
The tekMenu sets various modes in the Tektronix emulation, and is popped up when the
“control” key and pointer button two are pressed in the Tektronix window. The current
font size is checked in the modes section of the menu.

Large Characters (tektextlarge)

#2 Size Characters (tektext2)

#3 Size Characters (tektext3)

Small Characters (tektextsmall)


PAGE (tekpage)
Clear the Tektronix window.

RESET (tekreset)

COPY (tekcopy)


Show VT Window (vtshow)

Switch to VT Mode (vtmode)

Hide Tek Window (tekhide)


X environments differ in their security consciousness.

· Most servers, run under xdm, are capable of using a “magic cookie” authorization
scheme that can provide a reasonable level of security for many people. If your
server is only using a host-based mechanism to control access to the server (see
xhost(1)), then if you enable access for a host and other users are also permitted to
run clients on that same host, it is possible that someone can run an application
which uses the basic services of the X protocol to snoop on your activities,
potentially capturing a transcript of everything you type at the keyboard.

· Any process which has access to your X display can manipulate it in ways that you
might not anticipate, even redirecting your keyboard to itself and sending events to
your application's windows. This is true even with the “magic cookie” authorization
scheme. While the allowSendEvents provides some protection against rogue applications
tampering with your programs, guarding against a snooper is harder.

· The X input extension for instance allows an application to bypass all of the other
(limited) authorization and security features, including the GrabKeyboard protocol.

· The possibility of an application spying on your keystrokes is of particular concern
when you want to type in a password or other sensitive data. The best solution to
this problem is to use a better authorization mechanism than is provided by X.

Subject to all of these caveats, a simple mechanism exists for protecting keyboard input
in xterm.

The xterm menu (see MENUS above) contains a Secure Keyboard entry which, when enabled,
attempts to ensure that all keyboard input is directed only to xterm (using the
GrabKeyboard protocol request). When an application prompts you for a password (or other
sensitive data), you can enable Secure Keyboard using the menu, type in the data, and then
disable Secure Keyboard using the menu again.

· This ensures that you know which window is accepting your keystrokes.

· It cannot ensure that there are no processes which have access to your X display that
might be observing the keystrokes as well.

Only one X client at a time can grab the keyboard, so when you attempt to enable Secure
Keyboard it may fail. In this case, the bell will sound. If the Secure Keyboard
succeeds, the foreground and background colors will be exchanged (as if you selected the
Reverse Video entry in the Modes menu); they will be exchanged again when you exit secure
mode. If the colors do not switch, then you should be very suspicious that you are being
spoofed. If the application you are running displays a prompt before asking for the
password, it is safest to enter secure mode before the prompt gets displayed, and to make
sure that the prompt gets displayed correctly (in the new colors), to minimize the
probability of spoofing. You can also bring up the menu again and make sure that a check
mark appears next to the entry.

Secure Keyboard mode will be disabled automatically if your xterm window becomes iconified
(or otherwise unmapped), or if you start up a reparenting window manager (that places a
title bar or other decoration around the window) while in Secure Keyboard mode. (This is
a feature of the X protocol not easily overcome.) When this happens, the foreground and
background colors will be switched back and the bell will sound in warning.


Clicking the left pointer button twice in rapid succession (double-clicking) causes all
characters of the same class (e.g., letters, white space, punctuation) to be selected as a
“word”. Since different people have different preferences for what should be selected
(for example, should filenames be selected as a whole or only the separate subnames), the
default mapping can be overridden through the use of the charClass (class CharClass)

This resource is a series of comma-separated range:value pairs. The range is either a
single number or low-high in the range of 0 to 65535, corresponding to the code for the
character or characters to be set. The value is arbitrary, although the default table
uses the character number of the first character occurring in the set. When not in UTF-8
mode, only the first 256 bytes of this table will be used.

The default table starts as follows -

static int charClass[256] = {
32, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 32, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
/∗ SP ! " # $ % & ' */
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
/∗ ( ) * + , - . / */
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
/∗ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ 8 9 : ; < = > ? */
48, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
/∗ @ A B C D E F G */
64, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ H I J K L M N O */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ P Q R S T U V W */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ */
48, 48, 48, 91, 92, 93, 94, 48,
/∗ ` a b c d e f g */
96, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ h i j k l m n o */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ p q r s t u v w */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ x y z { | } ~ DEL */
48, 48, 48, 123, 124, 125, 126, 1,
/∗ x80 x81 x82 x83 IND NEL SSA ESA */
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
/∗ x98 x99 x9A CSI ST OSC PM APC */
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
/∗ - i c/ L ox Y- | So */
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,
/∗ .. c0 ip << _ R0 - */
168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
/∗ o +- 2 3 ' u q| . */
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,
/∗ , 1 2 >> 1/4 1/2 3/4 ? */
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
/∗ A` A' A^ A~ A: Ao AE C, */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ E` E' E^ E: I` I' I^ I: */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ D- N~ O` O' O^ O~ O: X */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 215,
/∗ O/ U` U' U^ U: Y' P B */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ a` a' a^ a~ a: ao ae c, */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ e` e' e^ e: i` i' i^ i: */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/∗ d n~ o` o' o^ o~ o: -: */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 247,
/∗ o/ u` u' u^ u: y' P y: */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48};

For example, the string “33:48,37:48,45-47:48,38:48” indicates that the exclamation
mark, percent sign, dash, period, slash, and ampersand characters should be treated
the same way as characters and numbers. This is useful for cutting and pasting
electronic mailing addresses and filenames.


It is possible to rebind keys (or sequences of keys) to arbitrary strings for input, by
changing the translations resources for the vt100 or tek4014 widgets. Changing the
translations resource for events other than key and button events is not expected, and
will cause unpredictable behavior.

The following actions are provided for use within the vt100 or tek4014 translations

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowColorOps resource and is also invoked
by the allow-color-ops entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowFontOps resource and is also invoked
by the allow-font-ops entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowSendEvents resource and is also
invoked by the allowsends entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowTcapOps resource and is also invoked
by the allow-tcap-ops entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowTitleOps resource and is also invoked
by the allow-title-ops entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the allowWindowOps resource and is also
invoked by the allow-window-ops entry in fontMenu.

This action toggles the state of the altSendsEscape resource.

This action rings the keyboard bell at the specified percentage above or below the
base volume.

This action does hard-reset() (see below) and also clears the history of lines
saved off the top of the screen. It is also invoked from the clearsavedlines
entry in vtMenu. The effect is identical to a hardware reset (RIS) control

copy-selection(destname [, ...])
This action puts the currently selected text into all of the selections or
cutbuffers specified by destname. Unlike select-end, it does not send a mouse
position or otherwise modify the internal selection state.

This action creates one of the menus used by xterm, if it has not been previously
created. The parameter values are the menu names: mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu,
tekMenu, respectively.

Expands the word before cursor by searching in the preceding text on the screen
and in the scrollback buffer for words starting with that abbreviation. Repeating
dabbrev-expand() several times in sequence searches for an alternative expansion
by looking farther back. Lack of more matches is signaled by a beep(). Attempts
to expand an empty word (i.e., when cursor is preceded by a space) yield
successively all previous words. Consecutive identical expansions are ignored.
The word here is defined as a sequence of non-whitespace characters. This feature
partially emulates the behavior of “dynamic abbreviation” expansion in Emacs
(bound there to M-/). Here is a resource setting for xterm which will do the same

*VT100*translations: #override \n\
Meta <KeyPress> /:dabbrev-expand()

Changes the window state back to normal, if it was iconified.

This action toggles the state of the deleteIsDEL resource.

Handles a button event (other than press and release) by echoing the event's
position (i.e., character line and column) in the following format:

^X ESC G <line+“ ”> <col+“ ”>

exec-formatted(format, sourcename [, ...])
Execute an external command, using the current selection for part of the command's
parameters. The first parameter, format gives the basic command. Succeeding
parameters specify the selection source as in insert-selection.

The format parameter allows these substitutions:

%% inserts a "%".

%P the screen-position at the beginning of the highlighted region, as a
semicolon-separated pair of integers using the values that the CUP control
sequence would use.

%p the screen-position after the beginning of the highlighted region, using the
same convention as “%P”.

%S the length of the string that “%s” would insert.

%s the content of the selection, unmodified.

%T the length of the string that “%t” would insert.

%t the selection, trimmed of leading/trailing whitespace. Embedded spaces (and
newlines) are copied as is.

%R the length of the string that “%r” would insert.

%r the selection, trimmed of trailing whitespace.

%V the video attributes at the beginning of the highlighted region, as a
semicolon-separated list of integers using the values that the SGR control
sequence would use.

%v the video attributes after the end of the highlighted region, using the same
convention as “%V”.

After constructing the command-string, xterm forks a subprocess and executes the
command, which completes independently of xterm.

For example, this translation would invoke a new xterm process to view a file
whose name is selected while holding the shift key down. The new process is
started when the mouse button is released:

*VT100*translations: #override Shift \
<Btn1Up>: exec-formatted("xterm -e view '%t'", SELECT)

exec-selectable(format, onClicks)
Execute an external command, using data copied from the screen for part of the
command's parameters. The first parameter, format gives the basic command as in
exec-formatted. The second parameter specifies the method for copying the data as
in the onClicks resource.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the fullscreen resource.

Iconifies the window.

This action resets the scrolling region, tabs, window size, and cursor keys and
clears the screen. It is also invoked from the hardreset entry in vtMenu.

This action ignores the event but checks for special pointer position escape

This action inserts the character or string associated with the key that was

This action inserts an eight-bit (Meta) version of the character or string
associated with the key that was pressed. Only single-byte values are treated
specially. The exact action depends on the value of the altSendsEscape and the
metaSendsEscape and the eightBitInput resources. The metaSendsEscape resource is
tested first. See the eightBitInput resource for a full discussion.

The term “eight-bit” is misleading: xterm checks if the key is in the range 128 to
255 (the eighth bit is set). If the value is in that range, depending on the
resource values, xterm may then do one of the following:

· add 128 to the value, setting its eighth bit,

· send an ESC byte before the key, or

· send the key unaltered.

insert-formatted(format, sourcename [, ...])
Insert the current selection or data related to it, formatted. The first
parameter, format gives the template for the data as in exec-formatted.
Succeeding parameters specify the selection source as in insert-selection.

insert-selectable(format, onClicks)
Insert data copied from the screen, formatted. The first parameter, format gives
the template for the data as in exec-formatted. The second parameter specifies
the method for copying the data as in the onClicks resource.

insert-selection(sourcename [, ...])
This action inserts the string found in the selection or cutbuffer indicated by
sourcename. Sources are checked in the order given (case is significant) until
one is found. Commonly-used selections include: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and
CLIPBOARD. Cut buffers are typically named CUT_BUFFER0 through CUT_BUFFER7.

This action is a synonym for insert(). The term “seven-bit” is misleading: it
only implies that xterm does not try to add 128 to the key's value as in insert-

Interpret the given control sequence locally, i.e., without passing it to the
host. This works by inserting the control sequence at the front of the input
buffer. Use “\” to escape octal digits in the string. Xt does not allow you to
put a null character (i.e., “\000”) in the string.

This action dynamically defines a new translation table whose resource name is
name with the suffix Keymap (case is significant). The name None restores the
original translation table.

Set the font to the next larger one, based on the font dimensions. See also set-

Load fontnames from the given subresource name and class. That is, load the
“*VT100.name.font”, resource as “*VT100.font” etc. If no name is given, the
original set of fontnames is restored.

Unlike set-vt-font(), this does not affect the escape- and select-fonts, since
those are not based on resource values. It does affect the fonts loosely
organized under the “Default” menu entry, including font, boldFont, wideFont and

Resizes the window to fill the screen.

This action toggles the state of the metaSendsEscape resource.

This action displays the specified popup menu. Valid names (case is significant)
include: mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu, and tekMenu.

This action prints the window. It is also invoked by the print entry in mainMenu.

The action accepts optional parameters, which temporarily override resource
settings. The parameter values are matched ignoring case:

no form feed will be sent at the end of the last line printed (i.e.,
printerFormFeed is ``false'').

a form feed will be sent at the end of the last line printed (i.e.,
printerFormFeed is ``true'').

no newline will be sent at the end of the last line printed, and wrapped
lines will be combined into long lines (i.e., printerNewLine is ``false'').

a newline will be sent at the end of the last line printed, and each line
will be limited (by adding a newline) to the screen width (i.e.,
printerNewLine is ``true'').

the page is printed without attributes (i.e., printAttributes is ``0'').

the page is printed with monochrome (vt220) attributes (i.e., printAttributes
is ``1'').

the page is printed with ANSI color attributes (i.e., printAttributes is

This action sends the entire text history, in addition to the text currently
visible, to the program given in the printerCommand resource. It allows the same
optional parameters as the print action. With a suitable printer command, the
action can be used to load the text history in an editor.

Sends the text of the current window directly to a file, as specified by the
printFileImmediate, printModeImmediate and printOptsImmediate resources.

Toggles a flag telling xterm that if it exits with an X error, to send the text of
the current window directly to a file, as specified by the printFileXError,
printModeXError and printOptsXError resources.

This action toggles the printerControlMode between 0 and 2. The corresponding
popup menu entry is useful for switching the printer off if you happen to change
your mind after deciding to print random binary files on the terminal.

quit() This action sends a SIGHUP to the subprogram and exits. It is also invoked by the
quit entry in mainMenu.

Supports the optional readline feature by echoing repeated cursor forward or
backward control sequences on button release event, to request that the host
application update its notion of the cursor's position to match the button event.

This action redraws the window. It is also invoked by the redraw entry in

Restores the window to the size before it was last maximized.

scroll-back(count [,units [,mouse] ])
This action scrolls the text window backward so that text that had previously
scrolled off the top of the screen is now visible.

The count argument indicates the number of units (which may be page, halfpage,
pixel, or line) by which to scroll.

An adjustment can be specified for these values by appending a “+” or “-” sign
followed by a number, e.g., page-2 to specify 2 lines less than a page.

If the third parameter mouse is given, the action is ignored when mouse reporting
is enabled.

scroll-forw(count [,units [,mouse] ])
This action is similar to scroll-back except that it scrolls in the other

This action toggles the Secure Keyboard mode described in the section named
SECURITY, and is invoked from the securekbd entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles internal state which tells xterm whether
Scroll Lock is active, subject to the allowScrollLock resource.

select-cursor-end(destname [, ...])
This action is similar to select-end except that it should be used with select-

This action is similar to select-extend except that it should be used with select-

This action is similar to select-start except that it begins the selection at the
current text cursor position.

select-end(destname [, ...])
This action puts the currently selected text into all of the selections or
cutbuffers specified by destname. It also sends a mouse position and updates the
internal selection state to reflect the end of the selection process.

This action tracks the pointer and extends the selection. It should only be bound
to Motion events.

This action stores text that corresponds to the current selection, without
affecting the selection mode.

This action begins text selection at the current pointer location. See the
section on POINTER USAGE for information on making selections.

This action sends the signal named by signame to the xterm subprocess (the shell
or program specified with the -e command line option). It is also invoked by the
suspend, continue, interrupt, hangup, terminate, and kill entries in mainMenu.
Allowable signal names are (case is not significant): tstp (if supported by the
operating system), suspend (same as tstp), cont (if supported by the operating
system), int, hup, term, quit, alrm, alarm (same as alrm) and kill.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the eightBitControl resource. It is also
invoked from the 8-bit-control entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the c132 resource. It is also invoked from
the allow132 entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles between the alternate and current screens.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the handling Application Cursor Key mode and
is also invoked by the appcursor entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the handling of Application Keypad mode and is
also invoked by the appkeypad entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles automatic insertion of linefeeds. It is also
invoked by the autolinefeed entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles automatic wrapping of long lines. It is also
invoked by the autowrap entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the backarrowKey resource. It is also invoked
from the backarrow key entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the bellIsUrgent resource. It is also invoked
by the bellIsUrgent entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the cursorBlink resource. It is also invoked
from the cursorblink entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the curses resource. It is also invoked from
the cursesemul entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the fontDoublesize resource. It is also
invoked by the font-doublesize entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the hpFunctionKeys resource. It is also
invoked by the hpFunctionKeys entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the jumpscroll resource. It is also invoked
by the jumpscroll entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the xterm's state regarding whether the
current font has line-drawing characters and whether it should draw them directly.
It is also invoked by the font-linedrawing entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the forcePackedFont's resource which controls
use of the font's minimum or maximum glyph width. It is also invoked by the font-
packed entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the keepClipboard resource.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the keepSelection resource. It is also
invoked by the keepSelection entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the state of the logging option.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the state of legacy function keys. It is also
invoked by the oldFunctionKeys entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the marginBell resource.

This action toggles the state of the numLock resource.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the popOnBell resource. It is also invoked by
the poponbell entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the privateColorRegisters resource.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the renderFont resource. It is also invoked
by the render-font entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the reverseVideo resource. It is also invoked
by the reversevideo entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the reverseWrap resource. It is also invoked
by the reversewrap entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the scrollKey resource. It is also invoked
from the scrollkey entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the scrollTtyOutput resource. It is also
invoked from the scrollttyoutput entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the scrollbar resource. It is also invoked by
the scrollbar entry in vtMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the scoFunctionKeys resource. It is also
invoked by the scoFunctionKeys entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the selectToClipboard resource. It is also
invoked by the selectToClipboard entry in vtMenu.

This action toggles between inline (sixel scrolling) and absolute positioning. It
can also be controlled via DEC private mode 80 (DECSDM) or from the sixelScrolling
entry in the btMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the sunFunctionKeys resource. It is also
invoked by the sunFunctionKeys entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the sunKeyboard resource. It is also invoked
by the sunKeyboard entry in mainMenu.

This action sets the font used in the Tektronix window to the value of the
selected resource according to the argument. The argument can be either a keyword
or single-letter alias, as shown in parentheses:

large (l)
Use resource fontLarge, same as menu entry tektextlarge.

two (2)
Use resource font2, same as menu entry tektext2.

three (3)
Use resource font3, same as menu entry tektext3.

small (s)
Use resource fontSmall, same as menu entry tektextsmall.

This action directs output to either the vt or tek windows, according to the type
string. It is also invoked by the tekmode entry in vtMenu and the vtmode entry in

This action sets, unsets or toggles the titeInhibit resource, which controls
switching between the alternate and current screens.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the toolbar feature. It is also invoked by
the toolbar entry in mainMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the utf8 resource. It is also invoked by the
utf8-mode entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the utf8Title resource. It is also invoked by
the utf8-title entry in fontMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles whether or not the vt or tek windows are
visible. It is also invoked from the tekshow and vthide entries in vtMenu and the
vtshow and tekhide entries in tekMenu.

This action sets, unsets or toggles the visualBell resource. It is also invoked
by the visualbell entry in vtMenu.

set-vt-font(d/1/2/3/4/5/6/e/s [,normalfont [, boldfont]])
This action sets the font or fonts currently being used in the VT102 window. The
first argument is a single character that specifies the font to be used:

d or D indicate the default font (the font initially used when xterm was started),

1 through 6 indicate the fonts specified by the font1 through font6 resources,

e or E indicate the normal and bold fonts that have been set through escape codes
(or specified as the second and third action arguments, respectively), and

s or S indicate the font selection (as made by programs such as xfontsel(1))
indicated by the second action argument.

If xterm is configured to support wide characters, an additional two optional
parameters are recognized for the e argument: wide font and wide bold font.

Set the font to the next smaller one, based on the font dimensions. See also set-

This action resets the scrolling region. It is also invoked from the softreset
entry in vtMenu. The effect is identical to a soft reset (DECSTR) control

Spawn a new xterm process. This is available on systems which have a modern
version of the process filesystem, e.g., “/proc”, which xterm can read.

Use the “cwd” process entry, e.g., /proc/12345/cwd to obtain the working directory
of the process which is running in the current xterm.

On systems which have the “exe” process entry, e.g., /proc/12345/exe, use this to
obtain the actual executable. Otherwise, use the $PATH variable to find xterm.

If parameters are given in the action, pass them to the new xterm process.

This action is similar to select-start except that the selection is extended to
the current pointer location.

This action is similar to select-extend except that the selection is extended to
the current text cursor position.

This action inserts the specified text string as if it had been typed. Quotation
is necessary if the string contains whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters. If
the string argument begins with the characters “0x”, it is interpreted as a hex
character constant.

This action copies the escape codes used to generate the current window contents
to a file in the current directory beginning with the name COPY. It is also
invoked from the tekcopy entry in tekMenu.

This action clears the Tektronix window. It is also invoked by the tekpage entry
in tekMenu.

This action resets the Tektronix window. It is also invoked by the tekreset entry
in tekMenu.

Handles a button event (other than press and release) by echoing a control
sequence computed from the event's line number in the screen relative to the
current line:


according to whether the event is before, or after the current line, respectively.
The ^N (or ^P) is repeated once for each line that the event differs from the
current line. The control sequence is omitted altogether if the button event is
on the current line.

This action flashes the window quickly.

The Tektronix window also has the following action:

This action sends the indicated graphics input code.

Default Key Bindings
The default bindings in the VT102 window use the SELECT token, which is set by the
selectToClipboard resource. These are for the vt100 widget:

Shift <KeyPress> Prior:scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Next:scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Select:select-cursor-start() \
select-cursor-end(SELECT, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Insert:insert-selection(SELECT, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Alt <Key>Return:fullscreen() \n\
<KeyRelease> Scroll_Lock:scroll-lock() \n\
Shift~Ctrl <KeyPress> KP_Add:larger-vt-font() \n\
Shift Ctrl <KeyPress> KP_Add:smaller-vt-font() \n\
Shift <KeyPress> KP_Subtract:smaller-vt-font() \n\
~Meta <KeyPress>:insert-seven-bit() \n\
Meta <KeyPress>:insert-eight-bit() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
! @Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>:popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
~Meta <Btn1Down>:select-start() \n\
~Meta <Btn1Motion>:select-extend() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
! @Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>:popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Down>:ignore() \n\
Meta <Btn2Down>:clear-saved-lines() \n\
~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>:insert-selection(SELECT, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
!Ctrl <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
! @Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn3Down>:popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\
~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn3Down>:start-extend() \n\
~Meta <Btn3Motion>:select-extend() \n\
Ctrl <Btn4Down>:scroll-back(1,halfpage,m) \n\
Lock Ctrl <Btn4Down>:scroll-back(1,halfpage,m) \n\
Lock @Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn4Down>:scroll-back(1,halfpage,m) \n\
@Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn4Down>:scroll-back(1,halfpage,m) \n\
<Btn4Down>:scroll-back(5,line,m) \n\
Ctrl <Btn5Down>:scroll-forw(1,halfpage,m) \n\
Lock Ctrl <Btn5Down>:scroll-forw(1,halfpage,m) \n\
Lock @Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn5Down>:scroll-forw(1,halfpage,m) \n\
@Num_Lock Ctrl <Btn5Down>:scroll-forw(1,halfpage,m) \n\
<Btn5Down>:scroll-forw(5,line,m) \n\
<BtnUp>:select-end(SELECT, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\

The default bindings in the Tektronix window are analogous but less extensive. These are
for the tek4014 widget:

~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit() \n\
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Ctrl @Num_Lock <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
Shift ~Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(L) \n\
~Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(l) \n\
Shift ~Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(M) \n\
~Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(m) \n\
Shift ~Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(R) \n\
~Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(r)

Here is an example which uses shifted select/paste to copy to the clipboard, and unshifted
select/paste for the primary selection. In each case, a (different) cut buffer is also a
target or source of the select/paste operation. It is important to remember however, that
cut buffers store data in ISO-8859-1 encoding, while selections can store data in a
variety of formats and encodings. While xterm owns the selection, it highlights it. When
it loses the selection, it removes the corresponding highlight. But you can still paste
from the corresponding cut buffer.

*VT100*translations: #override \n\
~Shift~Ctrl<Btn2Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Shift~Ctrl<Btn2Up>: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1) \n\
~Shift<BtnUp>: select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Shift<BtnUp>: select-end(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1)

In the example, the class name VT100 is used rather than the widget name. These are
different; the class name provides a more-specific match than the widget name. A leading
“*” is used because the widget hierarchy above the vt100 widget depends on whether the
toolbar support is compiled into xterm.

Below is shown a sample of how the keymap() action may be used to add special keys for
entering commonly-typed words:

*VT100.Translations: #override <Key>F13: keymap(dbx)
*VT100.dbxKeymap.translations: \
<Key>F14: keymap(None) \n\
<Key>F17: string("next") string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F18: string("step") string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F19: string("continue") string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F20: string("print ") insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)

Default Scrollbar Bindings
Key bindings are normally associated with the vt100 or tek4014 widgets which act as
terminal emulators. Xterm's scrollbar (and toolbar if it is configured) are separate
widgets. Because all of these use the X Toolkit, they have corresponding translations
resources. Those resources are distinct, and match different patterns, e.g., the
differences in widget-name and number of levels of widgets which they may contain.

The scrollbar widget is a child of the vt100 widget. It is positioned on top of the vt100
widget. Toggling the scrollbar on and off causes the vt100 widget to resize.

The default bindings for the scrollbar widget use only mouse-button events:

<Btn5Down>: StartScroll(Forward) \n\
<Btn1Down>: StartScroll(Forward) \n\
<Btn2Down>: StartScroll(Continuous) MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<Btn3Down>: StartScroll(Backward) \n\
<Btn4Down>: StartScroll(Backward) \n\
<Btn2Motion>: MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<BtnUp>: NotifyScroll(Proportional) EndScroll()

Events which the scrollbar widget does not recognize at all are lost.

However, at startup, xterm augments these translations with the default translations used
for the vt100 widget, together with the resource “actions” which those translations use.
Because the scrollbar (or menubar) widgets do not recognize these actions (but because it
has a corresponding translation), they are passed on to the vt100 widget.

This augmenting of the scrollbar's translations has a few limitations:

· Xterm knows what the default translations are, but there is no suitable library
interface for determining what customizations a user may have added to the vt100
widget. All that xterm can do is augment the scrollbar widget to give it the same
starting point for further customization by the user.

· Events in the gap between the widgets may be lost.

· Compose sequences begun in one widget cannot be completed in the other, because the
input methods for each widget do not share context information.

Most customizations of the scrollbar translations do not concern key bindings. Rather,
users are generally more interested in changing the bindings of the mouse buttons. For
example, some people prefer using the left pointer button for dragging the scrollbar
thumb. That can be set up by altering the translations resource, e.g.,

*VT100.scrollbar.translations: #override \n\
<Btn5Down>: StartScroll(Forward) \n\
<Btn1Down>: StartScroll(Continuous) MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<Btn4Down>: StartScroll(Backward) \n\
<Btn1Motion>: MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<BtnUp>: NotifyScroll(Proportional) EndScroll()


Applications can send sequences of characters to the terminal to change its behavior.
Often they are referred to as “ANSI escape sequences” or just plain “escape sequences” but
both terms are misleading:

· ANSI x3.64 (obsolete) which was replaced by ISO 6429 (ECMA-48) gave rules for the
format of these sequences of characters.

· While the original VT100 was claimed to be ANSI-compatible (against x3.64), there is
no freely available version of the ANSI standard to show where the VT100 differs.
Most of the documents which mention the ANSI standard have additions not found in the
original (such as those based on ansi.sys). So this discussion focuses on the ISO

· The standard describes only sequences sent from the host to the terminal. There is no
standard for sequences sent by special keys from the terminal to the host. By
convention (and referring to existing terminals), the format of those sequences
usually conforms to the host-to-terminal standard.

· Some of xterm's sequences do not fit into the standard scheme. Technically those are
“unspecified”. As an example, DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN) is this three-
character sequence:

ESC # 8

· Some sequences fit into the standard format, but are not listed in the standard.
These include the sequences used for setting up scrolling margins and doing
forward/reverse scrolling.

· Some of the sequences (in particular, the single-character functions such as tab and
backspace) do not include the escape character.

With all of that in mind, the standard refers to these sequences of characters as “control

The Xterm Control Sequences document lists the control sequences which an application can
send xterm to make it perform various operations. Most of these operations are
standardized, from either the DEC or Tektronix terminals, or from more widely used
standards such as ISO-6429.

A few examples of usage are given in this section.

Window Titles
Some scripts use echo with options -e and -n to tell the shell to interpret the string
“\e” as the escape character and to suppress a trailing newline on output. Those are not
portable, not recommended. Instead, use printf (POSIX).

For example, to set the window title to “Hello world!”, you could use one of these
commands in a script:

printf '\033]2;Hello world!\033\'
printf '\033]2;Hello world!\007'
printf '\033]2;%s\033\' "Hello world!"
printf '\033]2;%s\007' "Hello world!"

The printf command interprets the octal value “\033” for escape, and (since it was not
given in the format) omits a trailing newline from the output.

Some programs (such as screen(1)) set both window- and icon-titles at the same time, using
a slightly different control sequence.

Special Keys
Xterm, like any VT100-compatible terminal emulator, has two modes for the special keys
(cursor-keys, numeric keypad, and certain function-keys):

· normal mode, which makes the special keys transmit “useful” sequences such as the
control sequence for cursor-up when pressing the up-arrow, and

· application mode, which uses a different control sequence that cannot be mistaken for
the “useful” sequences.

The main difference between the two modes is that normal mode sequences start with CSI
(escape [) and application mode sequences start with SS3 (escape O).

The terminal is initialized into one of these two modes (usually the normal mode), based
on the terminal description (termcap or terminfo). The terminal description also has
capabilities (strings) defined for the keypad mode used in curses applications.

There is a problem in using the terminal description for applications that are not
intended to be full-screen curses applications: the definitions of special keys are only
correct for this keypad mode. For example, some shells (unlike ksh(1), which appears to
be hard-coded, not even using termcap) allow their users to customize key-bindings,
assigning shell actions to special keys.

· bash(1) allows constant strings to be assigned to functions. This is only successful
if the terminal is initialized to application mode by default, because bash lacks
flexibility in this area. It uses a (less expressive than bash's) readline scripting
language for setting up key bindings, which relies upon the user to statically
enumerate the possible bindings for given values of $TERM.

· zsh(1) provides an analogous feature, but it accepts runtime expressions, as well as
providing a $terminfo array for scripts. In particular, one can use the terminal
database, transforming when defining a key-binding. By transforming the output so
that CSI and SS3 are equated, zsh can use the terminal database to obtain useful
definitions for its command-line use regardless of whether the terminal uses normal or
application mode initially. Here is an example:

[[ "$terminfo[kcuu1]" == "^[O"* ]] && \
bindkey -M viins "${terminfo[kcuu1]/O/[}" \

Changing Colors
A few shell programs provide the ability for users to add color and other video attributes
to the shell prompt strings. Users can do this by setting $PS1 (the primary prompt
string). Again, bash and zsh have provided features not found in ksh. There is a
problem, however: the prompt's width on the screen will not necessarily be the same as the
number of characters. Because there is no guidance in the POSIX standard, each shell
addresses the problem in a different way:

· bash treats characters within “\[” and “\]” as nonprinting (using no width on the

· zsh treats characters within “%{” and “%}” as nonprinting.

In addition to the difference in syntax, the shells provide different methods for
obtaining useful escape sequences:

· As noted in Special Keys, zsh initializes the $terminfo array with the terminal

It also provides a function echoti which works like tput(1) to convert a terminal
capability with its parameters into a string that can be written to the terminal.

· Shells lacking a comparable feature (such as bash) can always use the program tput to
do this transformation.

Hard-coded escape sequences are supported by each shell, but are not recommended because
those rely upon particular configurations and cannot be easily moved between different
user environments.


Xterm sets several environment variables:

is the display name, pointing to the X server (see DISPLAY NAMES in X(7)).

TERM is set according to the terminfo (or termcap) entry which it is using as a reference.

On some systems, you may encounter situations where the shell which you use and xterm
are built using libraries with different terminal databases. In that situation,
xterm may choose a terminal description not known to the shell.

is set to the X window id number of the xterm window.

is set if a locale-filter is used. The value is the pathname of the filter.

shows the locale which was used by xterm on startup. Some shell initialization
scripts may set a different locale.

is set to the pathname of the program which is invoked. Usually that is a shell
program, e.g., /bin/sh. Since it is not necessarily a shell program however, it is
distinct from “SHELL”.

is set to the string displayed by the -version option. That is normally an
identifier for the X Window libraries used to build xterm, followed by xterm's patch
number in parenthesis. The patch number is also part of the response to a Secondary
Device Attributes (DA) control sequence (see Xterm Control Sequences).

Depending on your system configuration, xterm may also set the following:

the width of the xterm in characters (cf: “stty columns”).

HOME when xterm is configured to update utmp.

the height of the xterm in characters (cf: “stty rows”).

when xterm is configured to update utmp.

when xterm is configured to update utmp. It is also set if you provide a valid shell
name as the optional parameter.

Xterm sets this to an absolute pathname. If you have set the variable to a relative
pathname, xterm may set it to a different shell pathname.

If you have set this to an pathname which does not correspond to a valid shell, xterm
may unset it, to avoid confusion.

the contents of the termcap entry corresponding to $TERM, with lines and columns
values substituted for the actual size window you have created.

may be defined to a nonstandard location in the configure script.

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