LMMS is a free cross-platform software
which allows you to produce music with
your computer. If you like this project
consider getting involved in the project
FreeRTOS is a market-leading real-time
operating system (RTOS) for
microcontrollers and small
microprocessors. Distributed freely
under the MIT open source lice...
Avogadro is an advanced molecular
editor designed for cross-platform use
in computational chemistry, molecular
modeling, bioinformatics, materials
science and ...
XMLTV is a set of programs to process
TV (tvguide) listings and help manage
your TV viewing, storing listings in an
XML-based format. There are utilities to
Strikr Free Software project. Artifacts
released under a 'intent based'
dual license: AGPLv3 (community) and
CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 international
MSYS2 is a collection of tools and
libraries providing you with an
easy-to-use environment for building,
installing and running native Windows
software. It con...
DOSBox emulates a full x86 pc with
sound and DOS. Its main use is to run
old DOS games on platforms which
don't have DOS (Windows 7, 8, 8.1
and 10 / Linux ...
The project is being actively developed
on GitHub
https://github.com/subhra74/xdm Xtreme
Download Manager is a powerful tool to
increase download speed up-to 50...
Project has moved to
Features:Boot macOS, Windows, and Linux
in UEFI or legacy mode on Mac or PC with
Weka is a collection of machine
learning algorithms for solving
real-world data mining problems. It is
written in Java and runs on almost any
platform. The alg...
A free Japanese text editor for Windows
Audience: End Users/Desktop. User
interface: Win32 (MS Windows).
Programming Language: C++. This is an
application that ...