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Web extension Ubuntu

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Free Linux hosting based on Ubuntu online version 19



This web extension is an integration between Chrome and Ubuntu online provided by OnWorks. OnWorks Ubuntu GNOME online, version 19, is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit. "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.






The list of new features in Ubuntu online, version 19, are the following:

1. The default Yaru theme supports more applications

One of the main features of Ubuntu 18.10 was the shiny new default theme called Yaru. However, the theme didn’t support icons for a number of third-party applications. The regular icons of these applications didn’t blend with the rest of the theme.

Thankfully, Yaru is now extended and supports more third-party applications. As you can see in the image below, things look a lot prettier now:

2. GNOME 3.32

GNOME 3.32 is the default desktop environment in Ubuntu 19.04. While GNOME 3.32 has plenty of new features, you won’t get all of them in the customized version of GNOME provided by Ubuntu.

For example, fractional scaling for HiDPI feature of GNOME 3.32 is still hidden in Ubuntu 19.04. The improvement in GNOME Software will also be not present in Ubuntu Software Center. The icons and themes are clearly replaced by Ubuntu’s own custom Yaru theme. The good thing is that Ubuntu 19.04 has retained some of the features of earlier version of GNOME such as the global app menu.

3. Application permission control

If you use an Android/iOS smartphone, you probably are aware of the per-application based permission control. GNOME 3.32 brings the same app level permission control to Ubuntu desktop. You can see which application has access to what resource on your system. You can allow or deny the access to certain resources.

4. Minor improvements in the Terminal app

There are some minor changes in the appearance of the default terminal in Ubuntu 19.04. The new tab option is more prominent al0ng with the search button.

5. Live patching gets the highlight

Ubuntu recently extended the live patching option to desktop users. With live patching, you don’t have to restart your system after a kernel upgrade. The live patching option is highlighted in Ubuntu 19.04. You can search for it in the menu and it gets a dedicated tab in the Software & Updates application.

6. Granular control on the Night Light

Night Light is not a new feature in GNOME desktop. However, now you can adjust the ‘warmness’ or intensity of the night light to your liking.

7. Revamped audio settings

The audio settings has been refreshed.

8. Linux Kernel 5.0

Ubuntu 19.04 uses Linux Kernel 5.0 so you can expect better hardware support and performance improvement specially if you have additional graphics card.

9. Mesa 19.0

In a good news to AMD users, Open Source graphics library Mesa has been bumped up to version 19 in Ubuntu 19.04.

10. Under the hood performance improvement

Ubuntu 19.04 also brings some under the hood performance improvement that you cannot see but surely can feel it. Scrolling and window snapping animations are smoother. Files are indexed so now the file search in the GNOME search is faster now.

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