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ecattominc - Online in the Cloud

Run ecattominc in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ecattominc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ecattominc - convert an ecat format file (version 6.x or 7.x) to a minc format file


ecattominc [<options>] <infile> <outfile.mnc>

ecattominc [-help]


ecattominc will convert an ecat data file (version 6.x or 7.x) to a minc file format
Unless the -small_header option is specified, ecattominc will conserve the maximum
informations from the ecat header and subheader fields which will be respectively stored
as attributes of the ecat-main and ecat-subhdr minc variables. By default the whole 3D or
4D volume is converted, however, ecattominc allows for the selection of slice and frame
ranges to be copied. The voxel values of the generated minc file are decay corrected,
unless the nodecay_correct flag is specified. Finally, blood data file can be inserted
within the minc file with the -bloodfile option.


Note that options can be specified in abbreviated form (as long as they are unique) and
can be given anywhere on the command line.

General options

-byte: Write out data as bytes (default).

-short: Write out data as short integers.

-clobber: Overwrite existing file.

-noclobber: Don't overwrite existing file (default).

-verbose: List files as they are converted (default)

-quiet: Do not list files as they are converted.

Command specific options

-decay_correct: Do decay correction on images (default).

-nodecay_correct: Don't do decay correction.

-slices:Range of slices to copy (counting from 0).
Default value: -2147483648 -2147483648

-frames: Range of frames to copy (counting from 0).
Default value: -2147483648 -2147483648

-frame: Single frame to copy (counting from 0).
Default value: -2147483648

-small_header: Copy only basic header information.

-all_header: Copy all header information (default).

-bloodfile: Insert blood data from this file.

Generic options for all commands

-help: Print summary of command-line options and abort


No bug listed so far :=)

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