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jmtpfs - Online in the Cloud

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jmptfs - FUSE based filesystem for accessing MTP devices


jmtpfs [options] MOUNTPOINT


jmtpfs is a FUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)
devices. It was specifically designed for exchaning files between Linux (and Mac OS X)
systems and newer Android devices that support MTP but not USB Mass Storage.

The goal is to create a well-behaved filesystem, allowing tools like find(1) and rsync(1)
to work as expected. MTP file types are set automatically based on file type detection
using libmagic(3). Setting the file type is necessary for some Android applications, like
Gallery, to be able to find and use the files uploaded to the device.


For regular use, simply specifying a MOUNTPOINT will have the first available MTP device
mounted under it. Mounted devices should be unmounted using

fusermount -u MOUNTPOINT

(see fusermount(1) for more details).

Note: most (if not all) Android phones have to be unlocked when first accessed over MTP;
if you get an input/output error on the mountpoint, unlock the phone and retry.


jmtpfs accepts the following options:

-h Show summary of options.

-V, --version
Show the program version.

-l, --listDevices
List all available MTP devices.

Specify the device to mount. If unspecified, the first device found is used.

In addition to these options, all options supported by fuse(8) are available. See jmtpfs
-h for more information.

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