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ocamlcp, ocamloptp - The OCaml profiling compilers


ocamlcp [ ocamlc options ] [ -P flags ] filename ...

ocamloptp [ ocamlopt options ] [ -P flags ] filename ...


The ocamlcp and ocamloptp commands are front-ends to ocamlc(1) and ocamlopt(1) that
instrument the source code, adding code to record how many times functions are called,
branches of conditionals are taken, etc. Execution of instrumented code produces an
execution profile in the file ocamlprof.dump, which can be read using ocamlprof(1).

ocamlcp accepts the same arguments and options as ocamlc(1) and ocamloptp accepts the same
arguments and options as ocamlopt(1). There is only one exception: in both cases, the -pp
option is not supported. If you need to preprocess your source files, you will have to do
it separately before calling ocamlcp or ocamloptp.


In addition to the ocamlc(1) or ocamlopt(1) options, ocamlcp and ocamloptp accept one
option to control the kind of profiling information, the -P letters option. The letters
indicate which parts of the program should be profiled:

a all options

f function calls : a count point is set at the beginning of each function body

i if ... then ... else: count points are set in both then and else branches

l while, for loops: a count point is set at the beginning of the loop body

m match branches: a count point is set at the beginning of the body of each branch of
a pattern-matching

t try ... with branches: a count point is set at the beginning of the body of each
branch of an exception catcher

For instance, compiling with ocamlcp -P film profiles function calls,
if ... then ... else ..., loops, and pattern matching.

Calling ocamlcp(1) or ocamloptp(1) without the -P option defaults to -P fm, meaning that
only function calls and pattern matching are profiled.

Note: for compatibility with previous versions, ocamlcp(1) also accepts the option -p with
the same argument and meaning as -P.

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