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pdf2svg - Online in the Cloud

Run pdf2svg in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command pdf2svg that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pdf2svg - PDF to SVG convertor


pdf2svg pdffile svgfile [page number]


pdf2svg is a tiny command-line utility using Cairo and Poppler to convert PDF documents
into SVG files. Multi-page PDF can be split up to one SVG per page by passing a file
naming specification.

The program does not follow the usual GNU command line syntax.

The first argument is the source PDF file, the second argument is the filename of the
output SVG file (or a specification, see below for details).


The third parameter is optional and serves as a page selector. If omitted it defaults to
the first page of the passed PDF. If passed it must be a valid page label (typically it
is a value such as "iii" or "3").

This special selector causes the program to iterate over all pages in the PDF. Because it
cannot save multiple pages into one single SVG the second parameter is expected to contain
a sensible file specification:

pdf2svg document.pdf output-page%d.svg all

The usual format modificators work as well: output-page%02d.svg will give you
output-page00.svg, output-page01.svg, etc.

Use pdf2svg online using onworks.net services

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