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pfsoutrgbe - Online in the Cloud

Run pfsoutrgbe in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command pfsoutrgbe that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pfsoutrgbe - Write images or frames in Radiance RGBE format


pfsoutrgbe [--verbose] [--radiance] [--quiet] (<file> [--frames <range>]) [<file>...]


Use this command to the incoming pfs frames (piped to standard input) to Radiance RGBE
files (with .hdr extension).

Each file name can contain a %d pattern, which is substituted with frame numbers. The
pattern has the same syntax as C printf command. For example, you can use %04d to make the
frame number four digit with proceedings zeros. You can select the frames using --frames
option (see below).


--frames <range>
The range of frames is given in a format similar to matlab or octave:


Frame numbers start with startframe (default 0), are increased by step (default 1)
and stop at endframe You can skip one of those values, for example 1:100 for frames
1,2,...,100 and 0:2: for frame 0,2,4,... up to the last file that exists. Note that
--frames option must be specified after the file name containing %d string. higher
bit depths.

--radiance, -r
Correct stored values so that the luminance is reported the same in pfsview and
radiance tools (xview or Photospheare). See IMPORTANT NOTE below.

--quiet, -q
Disable warning message about the change in handling absolute values in RGBE files.


pfsin memorial.tiff | pfsoutrgbe memorial.hdr
Converts from one HDR format to another

pfsin test.jpg | pfsout test.png
Convert from one image format to another.

Use pfsoutrgbe online using onworks.net services

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